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Please Help !!!?

What is going on with my husband ? We have been married for going on 6 yrs. and we have a 5 yr. old son togather he has nothing to do with either one of us we had made plans to go away next month for vacation he took it the week of our annivarsary but now he is telling me he is not going with us we can go alone just me and our son I am so confussed I have no idea what is wrong with him he is just not his self anymore and he wont talk to me to tell me whats wrong he just says nothing he is always tired Why is he doing us this way why is he so mean to us ? He just keeps pushing us futher and futher away he calls me a ***** all the time he does not help with our son he wont even play with him he has never had much to do with him and things just keep getting worse he treats me like I am his dog or something I mean I love him but I just don't know how much more of this I can take can someone please help me !!!!!!!!!!!!!

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It sounds to me that he does not want to be in the marriage anymore. You ought to get to counceling pronto.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If he's fallen out of love with you or marriage that's an option to think about, other things to look at:

    He's overloaded with finances and work,

    Another person has turned his head,

    He has a secret life of some sort going on that does not include you or his son,

    He's got an addiction to something that's altered his normal lifestyle and way of thinking,

    Your marriage is dead and might be over.

    Believe me-just say less and notice, observe, do not question or start an argument. Maybe check up on him when he's out with a legit reason to be where YOU are should he know you're watching his schedule.

    If you've got the $$ call "cheaters", they'll tell you what's going on with video to prove it.

    Best of luck to you and your family to stay together

  • 1 decade ago

    I can tell you now I am going through the same thing and it does not end. He informed me that he wanted someone prettier and better than me and he and I have three kids plus he has 1 from his first marriage...

    You do not deserve this... You may as well get out.. Personally he probably has intentions on leaveing at some point...

    I will pray for you... I know what you are feeling...

  • 1 decade ago

    Get some counselling for yourself. You need to figure out your own feelings and confusion about this, and then bring your husband into the counselling. But you go first.

    He may be trying to tell you that he wants out of the marriage, and if that's the case, then you definitely need a counsellor standing by. But go first to one that you like and start the process of sorting out your own thoughts and feelings. Esp as you need to be strong for your son's sake.

    And have you told your husband how you feel about all of this? show him what you just posted... it could open up discussion. Tell him you want honesty and you be honest as well.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    He is doing this so you will leave him, and not him leaving you. This makes you the bad guy for leaving and not him. Has he shown signs of cheating? If it is in the back of your mind look for the clues, they will probably be there. Is he willing to go to counseling? This might also be signs of deep depression. Get help or get away if he has a bad temper.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I hate to say this but it sounds like he may have someone else. If he does he may view 'your' vacation as a week he can 'play'. If he has lost interest in sex with you then I would bet my bottom dollar he has someone is is seeing or considering seeing. Sorry... =(

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    He's seeing someone else. Be strong, stop being naive, take your kid and walk away. And if you want to put icing on the cake take your stuff while he's on his vacation.

  • 1 decade ago

    depression? or a affair

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    maybe you should seperate

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