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Hysterectomy can someone please help !!!?

Can someone please tell me what to do or help me some how ? I had a hysterectomy Feb. of 03 5 yrs. ago sence then I have not been the same person and it is hard on me I am only 29 and I am not the same person I use to be I have thses bad mood swings and I have no sex drive at all ! It has caused big problems in my marriage I have been to doctors but they all keep saying there is nothing wrong ! But I know there is when you have no sex drive my sex life use to be great untill I had that surgery does anyone have any suggestions that could please help me before I loose my husband because I have no sex drive !!!

3 Answers

  • 2D
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Are you taking antidepressants? Sometimes antidepressants affect your libido. Just because you have no sex drive doesn't mean you can't have sex. You may just have to put forth the effort to have sex. Try getting some books, movies, or sex toys to put you in the mood for sex. That may help you some. I understand what you're going through. I had my hysterectomy about 5 years ago. 2D

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That all could be playing a factor in why your sex drive is low. I have been in your situation and it's not fun having no sex drive. I tried everything to boost it but nothing worked. Until I tried this natural herbal enhancer called Hersolution which was meant to increase the sex drive and other things. Read up about it at where I saved on it at the time. Nothing worked better to make me horny and in the mood when needed. Along with that my orgasms are way better. Great considering it's herbs. Well good luck and I hope this helps.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    A hysterectomy is once they dispose of the uterus. Since a fetus grows within the uterus, there's no hazard you would be pregnant. The purpose you're no longer getting your durations is considering that you haven't any uterus. Periods are while the liner if the uterus (blood and tissue) are expelled from the frame.

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