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I'm a simple Cajun country girl. What you see is, what you get. I'm outspoken and open-minded. I have three absolutely beautiful girls. One is 20, one is 6, and my step-daughter is 16. My husband and I are singers in our spare-time, as well as, our girls. Watch out for my 20 y/o because she will be famous very soon. She's a genius, she's talented, and she's gorgeous. 2D

  • Some years back Loreal made a hair refresher spray.....?

    It was to freshen your hair without washing, like the morning after you went out to a smoky club & wanted to rid the smoke smell. I m not talking about a dry shampoo. I m looking for that product again or one similar. Any ideas?

    1 AnswerHair5 years ago
  • The premise of the exposure-based therapies is that anxiety is reduced through:?

    a. extinction of a maladaptive response to a feared stimulus

    b. habituation

    c. pairing a feared stimulus w/ a competing, calming response

    d. progressive muscle relaxation

    e. negative reinforcement

    1 AnswerPsychology10 years ago
  • A teenage girl is angry with her parents & cuts her arm.?

    In Gestalt terms, she is most likely engaging in:

    a. introjection

    b. projection

    c. retroflection

    d. confluence

    1 AnswerPsychology10 years ago
  • The main goal of behavior therapy is?

    a. fostering self-actualization

    b. expanding self-understanding & insight

    c. assisting clients in making value judgments concerning their behavior

    d. eliminating maladaptive learning & providing for more effective learning

    3 AnswersPsychology10 years ago
  • Which of the following REBT techniques?

    involves having clients imagine themselves in situations where they feel inappropriate feelings:

    a.cognitive homework

    b. disputing irrational beliefs

    c. role playing

    d. shame-attacking exercises

    e. rational-emotive imagery

    1 AnswerPsychology10 years ago
  • Statistics help for final in a little while?

    The average per capita spending on health care in the US is $5274. If the standard deviation is $600 and the distribution of health care spending is approximately normal, what is the probability that a randomly selected person spends more than $6000? Find the limits of the middle 50% of individual health care expenditures.

    Please show formula how you solved. This is a problem similar to one that will be on the final.

    1 AnswerMathematics1 decade ago
  • Roughly 1 in 6 students enrolled in higher education took at least one oneline course last fall.?

    Choose 5 enrolled students at random. Find the probability that

    A: All 5 took online courses

    B: None of the 5 took a course online

    C: At least 1 took an online course

    How did you arrive at the answer. I have a final tomorrow and this type problem will be on the final. Thanks for the help.

    7 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • Would anyone who isn't a White American please answer the following questions for me?

    This is for my Cultural Diversity class. We must interview someone of a different cultural background. My assignment is due tomorrow and I would greatly appreciate the help. You may answer the questions you feel comfortable answering. There's no need to answer all. Thanks.


    What is your name, gender, current residence?

    What is your cultural and/or ethnic origin?

    What is the size of your primary and secondary family?

    What is your family structure? (Example Matriarchal, Patriarchal, etc.)

    What is the primary language spoken in your family? Any foreign language speakers?

    What is the primary difference between American culture and their culture?

    What kind of food do you eat? Any ethnic foods?

    What are your holidays and traditions?

    9. What kind of government system do they have in your home country? 

    10. What kind of health care system do you have in your country?

    11. What kind of fashions, such as clothes, etc. do people wear?

    12. What kind of economic system does your country have?

    13 What are the primary industries? How do people make a living?

    14. What kind of housing does your country have?                                               

    15. How do people spend their leisure time? Sports? Movies, etc.?

    16. What are some of your cultural customs?

    17. What are some of your dating habits? Chaperoned? Unchaperoned? Age?

    18 Have you noticed any differences between personal hygiene habits here as opposed to your own country?                          

    19 What is a woman’s role in society? How do you see it as compared to here?

    20 How much importance is placed on education?

    21 Tell us about the laws, criminal acts and punishment? Gun violence?

    22 Is military service mandatory?

    23 How Americanized are you?

    24. Have you been discriminated against since coming to the United States?

    25. Who are some of the important people within your culture?

    26. Why did you come to the United States? Or, why do you live here?

    27. What is the primary religion of your culture? How important is it?

    3 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • My husband & I recently started cleaning public bathrooms at our local recreation areas.?

    Before I begin the cleaning process, I spray the toilets inside & out; as well as, the sinks & faucets with a strong mixture of bleach and water. I allow this mixture to sit a while to kill all the germs before I wash them away. The problem I have is the inside of the toilet bowl is stained with what appears to be rust. Is there anything I can use to get these toilets sparkling clean. I want a product that works rather quickly as I don't have the time to wait. Any information would be helpful. Thanks, 2D

    3 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago
  • Help with unemployment appeal argument?

    I was receiving my UI benefits when I returned the university to increase my chances of gainful employment. After I reported my return to school, it was determined that I was ineligible to continue to receive benefits. This determination was based on the premise that one can't receive UI benefits while working on a bachelor's or master's degree. When I enrolled (after being out of school 10+ years) I wanted to pursue nursing, which is an Associates program and very competitive. My adviser said that I could take courses in my first two terms back that satisfy both the nursing degree and psychology degree and since I'm a senior I was advised to declare psychology as a major because it's mandatory to declare a major. I was advised that I could change when the nursing program accepts me. I do also have an Associates of Arts degree. How do I articulate the argument to the Administrative Law Judge so that the ALJ would render a determination in my favor. Please I need creative and solid arguments. Thanks everyone.

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • How physically demanding is it to be an RN?

    I'm considering going back to school to get my degree in nursing. The only problem I have is, I've been diagnosed with

    Fibromyalgia and I've had surgery for de Quervain's on my hands already; I am in pain but I do feel I can work as long as it's not too physically demanding, like when I was constantly lifting at my last job. Please RN's advise me how much physical labor is involved in nursing. Thanks. 2D

    3 AnswersHealth Care1 decade ago
  • My step-daughter is repeatedly getting staph infections.....?

    she's been to the several doctors over the past year or so and taken several antibiotics and nothing has worked. I remember my mother giving us sulpher & cream of tartar tablets or cream of tartar. Do any of you remember taking any of those to "clean your blood" to purify it to rid your body of the staph toxins? I'm at my wits end with her constant infections. Any ideas or comments would greatly be appreciated. 2D

    12 AnswersSenior Citizens1 decade ago
  • Is AutoCad Map simple or is it difficult?

    What training do I need to work with it or is it pretty self-explanatory? I need to create maps for work and I've never worked with the program. If so what books or training do I need? 2D

    1 AnswerSoftware1 decade ago
  • How to care for African American Hair?

    My husband & I are getting foster children. Some of those children could be black children. I've heard that black hair care is different than white hair care. We typically wash our hair daily with shampoo & conditioner. How often should I wash and what products should I use for the black children? I don't know anything about relaxers or perms or if those are necessary. I want to keep most things the same as in their previous homes, but if they're small children they won't be able to communicate those needs or special products to me. We're excited about expanding our family but we want to educate ourselves so we can plan for easy transitions for the children and us first. Good luck. 2D

    9 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • Large breast tumor, any similar stories or advice?

    I have a lipoma (fatty tumor), at least that's what the doc thinks, on my breast. It's rather large & he may not be able to remove, it if that happens he'll have to do a masectomy. It's on my good breast, I've had breast reduction and lost sensitivity in my other breast. I know my breasts don't define who I am as a person, but yet I'm feeling depressed about how my breasts will look & feel. In fact, I'm saddened by it. Luckily I don't have a history of breast cancer in my family & the doc thinks it isn't cancer. I was wandering if anyone else has had a similar experience or if anyone can give some encouragement. I know I'll be fine b/c my father's church & my friends are praying for me. I'm just hoping for some positive feedback. Men feel free to advise as well. My husband & some of my male friends are really loving & supportive and I really feel blessed, but I can't shake this depression. Thanks. 2D

    4 AnswersCancer1 decade ago
  • Need a Good Country & Pop Songs?

    I've entered into a singing contest. I've already won on the local level and I will be progressing to regionals and hopefully state, then nationals. I have an alto voice and I sound somewhere between Reba McEntire and Wynonna Judd. At least that's what everyone tells me. I have a decent voice although I'm not a professional. I need good songs to sing both country & pop. I sang Fancy but I want other songs just in case there's a tie. I have to have at least 3 songs prepared. I want awesome songs. Ones that stand the tests of time and define and artist or era. I'm also thinking of Hit Me With Your Best Shot. Please give me ideas. I don't want anything that's too high. I like Reba, Wynonna, Tanya Tucker, Loretta Lynn etc. And for pop, I like 70's & 80's music. I was also thinking of Like A Virgin too. Any ideas are welcome, they just have to be "Great Songs".

    3 AnswersPerforming Arts1 decade ago
  • My new Dell Laptop is always freezing up?

    I've just purchased my new Dell not quite a month ago and it's been freezing up when I try it perform funcions on the web? What could be the problem. I hate to have to call tech support b/c I'll probably talk to someone in India and be on the phone for hours. If someone could help? I should have plenty memory, because I bought on set up for a music business. Thanks

    6 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • Topamax for migraines & weight loss side effect.?

    The doc prescribed me 50mgs of Topamax twice a day to prevent my horrible incapcitating migranes. My question is if you're taking Topamax or know someone who is, for migraines have you lost a signifigant amout of weight? If so how much weight in what time period and how much and how often are you taking it? Please serious answers, no sarcastic answers. I can't live with these headaches anymore.

    30 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • How can I back-up my karaoke cd+g's legally?

    I have karaoke dics I'd like to make copies of. I play a lot of shows & I want to make copies of the cds, b/c they get scratched and I think it'd be cheaper to copy them rather than having to buy a new cd for 1 scratched song. I don' t want to sell them and I want it to be legal. I'd also like to burn the songs in a certian order and burn the ones I use the most so I don't have to pack as many cd+g's. I used to use the software alcohol 120%, but since I have a new computer, I'm wondering if there is another brand of software I could use. Thanks

    1 AnswerSoftware1 decade ago