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Do you like this outfit? easy 2 pts! woohoo!?

im 13 and in 8th grade. ok, this is a poll, i dont really care wat ppl say about the outfit, cas im ganna wear it anyways, but its fun seeing wat ppl think!


top(tucked into highwasted skinny jeans-above):

hat(but in black):



i'll post the shoes and accesories in a sec...hold on...

Update 3:

or these glasses in red or black(just listen somethings lol)

Update 4:

wtf? who cares if the bag doesnt match!!! lol

Update 5:

kk ppl, nowadays, unique is a good thing! (for all of you saying its bad )*pointing at some of you...*

Update 6:

wow, im pretty ashamed, not in my outfit, but to the many of ppl who accually think the latest highfashion trends are buttt ugly(but ya! for the rest of you!!), what has become of this world?? lol

44 Answers

  • ellen
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    interesting...i like the hat

  • 1 decade ago

    The jeans, shirt and bag are very cute. You should be the envy of all your friends. Love those Risky Business Sunglasses. -- And the ankle strap wedges. I wish they were mine. Don't wear stilletos. Your feet will thank you at the end of the day. I think the jeans are a little high waisted, but with the shirt over them, who cares? Bags don't need to match. We can't be changing our bag every day. It is cute and will hold a lot -- that is all that matters.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    its okay in a very 'intersting' sort of way ... .lol

    but i dont like the pants , their to old lady like and the shoes too! im going into 8th grade also

    but i would wear that shirt with a white tee underneath . a dark wash kinda jean instead of those pants , w/ flats! then its cute!

  • 1 decade ago

    I dont like the shirt and jeans. I would like the jeans if they werent high waisted... And the shoes would be cuter in yellow or red patent leather. And I hate the suglasses and the bag... sorry.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i dont like nething but the hat. the jeans are a little to high wasted and the shirt, come never wear that. the shoes well im not much of a big fan and they really dont match your outfit. the bad doesnt match. thats just me tho.= ]

  • joleen
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    i think of the best and black tights are in basic terms superb. yet in case you're realy into metalic fabric. i could propose a jacket that doesn't unavoidably button. the form that in basic terms is going over the bust line. And the of direction in case you pick the shoes to tournament, get ballet slippers. have faith me this could look lovable.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I like the bag and the hat, the skinny pants are not for me but if you can pull them off, power to you!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    this is a gorgeous outfit, im in love with it. Its totally out there, idk if it was just from the picture but the pants looked like they were high rise which is the only thing that i dont like, I would go with the red glasses because they will stick out, but yeah it completely Kicks @$$!!!

  • Mari
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    OMG! with Red Pumps and a leather jacket NO BAG! You would be all set to go and some funky red necklaces.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Not really digging this skinny jeans phase everyone is going through

  • 1 decade ago

    Personally I dont really like it but if youre a rocker chic its cool

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