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OK, time to think: Does the military industrial complex really exist?

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Is the quote from President Eisenhower warning of the rise of the Military Industrial (Congressional) Complex a prophetic statement foreshadowing the last 40 years of combat or was it really a shot in the dark by an old man?

If what Eisenhower was warning about is correct then that means that none of our elected officials is without blood on their hands, even if they lobbied for the removal of Congressional in the speech they still represented the contractors in their respective districts and states. Knowing that your elected officials have a hand in the mix, how does that make you feel?

Again, if he were correct in his assumption, how does the American public ever get that control back from the powers that be? Or, is it best to let them keep running the country? Your thoughts?

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The best way to strengthen the industrial base is to take a free-market approach to manufacturing and procurement with regard to weapon systems.

    That will prove especially challenging in this age of globalization, when critical products are more likely to be made in other countries. The military industrial base is complex and constantly changing, therefore it can only be influenced and is almost impossible to control. For instance, the replacement for the Sea Stallion Helicopter used by the US president will be a base unit built in Europe and modified to accomodate the president's special needs in California.

    Doing so will sometimes mean that critical components are manufactured overseas, but it will also ensure the government has access to the best tools available at the best prices possible. Regardless of the product, each industry is responsible for maintaining its global competitiveness. Consumers will continue to measure the value of products including defense products in terms of price, quality and availability. It's the patriotic thing to do. All providers including domestic get better at what they do.

    What the government ought to do,is encourage competition. For example, it could offer cash prizes that universities, industries and public contractors could compete for. This approach could generate useful new ideas on everything from energy efficiency to information systems. It would not require any change in antitrust laws because each entity wuold participate in a single project.

    At the same time, the government should encourage flexibility.

    There will be changes in the military industrial base, the challenges and concerns raised by those changes, are important for for Congress to follow and, most importantly, recommendations for lawmakers to follow because the military industrial base needs to be protected and preserved .

    Source(s): T. Christian Miller, "Where Guarding a Life Hinders Doing the Job," The Los Angeles Times, March 25, 2005, p. A1. James Jay Carafano and Paul Rosenzweig, Winning the Long War: Lessons from the Cold War for Defeating Terrorism and Preserving Freedom Fareed Zakaria, The Future of Freedom: Illiberal Democracy at Home and Abroad (New York: Norton, 2003), p. 76.
  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Everything Eisenhower predicted in that speech has not only come to pass,it is much worse than he envisioned.Our nation is governed for the convenience of a relative few corporate elites.

    There are only two ways left to take back our country;1.) vote every incumbent in office,on the federal and state level out of office,or 2.)Revolution.

  • 1 decade ago

    Eisenhower was exactly right and every elected official has blood on their hands!

    The only way we can get the power back is to get involved and keep asking them to answer to these claims.

  • MIE
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Yes and it also influence other sectors.

    Read what US Marine Corps Major General Smedley Butler

    He earned TWO Medals of Honor!

    THE SMEDLEY BUTLER SOCIETYThe Smedley Butler Society is dedicated to eliminating US military imperialism.

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  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    You reported which you purchased the "Negitive" which might propose you're going against it: I stay in Korea now. right here militia provider for adult men is mandatory for 2 years. maximum adult men hate it and it is truly complicated. i do no longer think of it is sensible in any respect. Many adult men are purely no longer decrease out for the militia. I additionally do no longer think of it is easy to be compelled to combat for any united states -- they won't experience a connection with or another reason. in addition they don't get any appreciate/gratitude while in uniform because of the fact human beings think of "nicely it is expected! no longer something specific in that!" -- and in case you attempt to get out of the provider you pass to reformatory and in case you have a scientific situation you're purely required to artwork in an place of work activity or another such nonsense for no pay. It additionally places their lives on carry for 2 years and you do no longer gets a commission ------ no it is easy to be compelled into the army, it is against loose will. some Ignorant despatched me a negitive digital mail and that's my respond to him: No, truly i'm a college student right here[Korea]- yet i would be an English instructor right here quickly adequate [i'm close to to recieving my BA in English Literature -- Do you particularly have a college degree?]------- i've got been deeply in touch with Korean subculture around 7-8 years now and characteristic very almost exclusivly Korean pals and my boyfriend is Korean besides-- I supply 1st hand money owed on Koreans view of the militia in Korea --- i ought to supply 2 shits in case you spent a decade in Korea[He spent purely 2 years] interior the US military ------ Koreans additionally hate the US military because of the fact of their unprofessional additudes and permiscuity with interior of reach women individuals; so who's giving the US a foul call now?-- I doubt you particularly have any contacts with any Koreans in any respect -- So have a great day.

  • Dragon
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    It is much bigger and worse now, but to slam all equally is to fall into your own trap, because you would not be separating those who have helped the most from those who have openly been the worst.

    The only way to take it back is to make those distinctions, because the Gang Of Pirates have been making those distinctions all along, and that is why there is a problem.

    The Media and nearly every big corporation has joined the feeding frenzy, so at the moment the Internet is the only source of real facts, and even that is under heavy pressure.

    The first step is to arm yourself with the powers of critical thinking, to even have an idea of what might be true and what is propaganda. There are several sites that do this:

    Logical Fallacies

    Recognizing Propaganda--A Guide to Critical Thinking--

    Twenty-Five Ways To Suppress Truth: The Rules of Disinformation (Includes The 8 Traits of A Disinformationalist) by H. Michael Sweeney

    Reframing the Republican lie about wealth in America


    The 14 points of Fascism- the Classic definition of what it is

    And then you need to understand what Liberal and Conservative is really about:

    George Lakoff on Moral Politics: How Liberals and Conservatives Think

    Right Wing Myths Exposed: The Red-Blue Myth, The Liberal Media Myth, etc.

    Daily Kos: The Generation of Monsters

    Learn about the Real conspiracies , with real people rather than the fake ones that are so perfect that they never make mistakes, have turncoats, insider fights, etc.

    Mass Murder for Jesus - the Dominionist ideology

    The Power of Nightmares - the origins and ideology of the Islamists, and Neocons and how they gave each other power.

    The Mayfair Set - Episode One (Adam Curtis, BBC) How a small group made Billions destroying British and American industry.

    Of course there is indeed the group outed by Smedley Butler

    BBC 1933 coup, that was not prosecuted and allowed to go underground.

    Talked about here by Bill Moyers in 1988

    The Secret Government: The Constitution in Crisis, by Bill Moyers

    and outed again by a turncoat, John Perkins

    global empire

    Mike Ruppert - CIA and Drug Running (1997)- another glimpse of the monster

    And it would be good to have a running awareness of specifics of various scams, scandals, and fiascoes.

    20 Amazing Facts About Voting in the USA

    Scoop Features: USA Coup

    Katrina, 9/11 and Iraq -- An Almost Incomprehensible Truth

    The details of a push to Dictatorship

    Vulture Fund Threat to Third World Greg Palast

    Big Easy to Big Empty

    The Iraq fiasco needs its own library to document

    Iraqs Missing Billions

    The Great Iraq Swindle: : Rolling Stone

    What Every American Should Know About Iraq -

    Tender Mercenaries: DynCorp and Me

    The Soldier's story

    To actually read/listen to all this is a lot of work, but you should find it rewarding and enabling you to see the World in new and better ways to improve your own life and possibly save the future.

  • 1 decade ago

    It has evolved in a sneaky way to become the Government-Media complex.

  • LeAnne
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    "OK, time to think........"

    Obviously, there will always be manufacturing firms that supply the military with the tools of their trade - even in peace time our military has to be equipped and prepared. This is just a cold, realistic fact in a dangerous world.

    As I see it, the problem isn't so much one of a military industry as such, but just how much influence this industry has on America's foreign policy. It might be naive, but I never really thought of this industry as an organized and well oiled entity that would put their bottom line ahead of human life and use their alleged influence to promote wars.

    I could be wrong, and if I am, I would be deeply saddened and disgusted by what we have become.

    I can be sure of one thing, anyone who would trade the success of their company for American or anyones lives would not be invited to my next cook out.

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