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Who here likes and supports Ron Paul?

personally, I think he would make a terrific president, everything he says is from the heart, he's right on with the issues and its clear, he knows what he is talking about and if you havent heard him in any debates or speeches then you should, everything I think .. that man has said and America would take a turn again for the better if someone who was running the country actually cared about America instead of acting like they care about America.

Ron Paul (Cares)

Bush (Pretends)

Its not about what I think, but want to know what you all think. Thanks!


I would appreciate it if anyone who decides to answer this question, answers it open and honestly and without being disrespectful. Not to much to ask, thank you

21 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'm also on the Ron Paul bandwagon. He is the LAST HOPE to get America back to its principles of being a constitutional republic. If we continue with the status quo and elect one of these other puppet actors, we are pretty much finished at the core. The trend of internationalism and making a buck at all costs will continue and the country will be looted to the point of no return. It's really sad. I grew up in a communist system and I would hate to see the mighty USA fall to a third world status because of corrupt politicians and a populace who is not educated or doesn't care about electing people with substance. Therefore, I will support Ron Paul in 2008. It's time we elect an American President who will actually execute policies in the interest of America and Americans.

  • 1 decade ago

    Totally agree, Ron Paul is the candidate of thinking people with common sense and an idea of how this country is actually being run into the ground behind our backs (or in front in some cases). Not everyone will agree with all of his stances but hes the ONLY honest candidate out there and honesty has been lacking in the White House for a long time. It amazes me when people crack jokes about lying and slimy politicians then turn around and vote for more of them. Get a grip people! This country is being destroyed little by little.

  • 1 decade ago

    I like Ron Paul. I agree with him on many things. I hope he wins The Republican Party's nomination.

    Who do want to be President?... my first choice is Dennis Kucinich. I think both Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich have many things in common, they both are: highly intelligent, honest, sincere men who care about this country and the people of this country. I would like to see Dennis Kucinich and Ron Paul work together as allies for the good of the country. I would like to have an administration in which Dennis Kucinich is the president and Ron Paul is the secretary of state.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yo Darlin'

    I think you might know that I am for Ron Paul --- totally and against all odds !! When he doesn't get the Republican nomination (which he most certainly will not) -- he should immediately opt in as an independent -- at that point I DO believe that this is a man that can make a difference in bringing this country back from the edge of oblivion !!

    He is possibly the most unique and truly independent voice in American politics in easily fifty years !! He has actual outlines and plans for the projects he speaks of -- not just "pipe dreams" and words !! If a person is familiar with the words from history of our founding fathers -- when you hear this man -- or read his writings -- you can actually FEEL the spirit of the founding fathers in his words !! It is the most inspired that I have been over ANY candidate in a long long time !!!!!

    Ron Paul ---- as an independent ---- 2008 !!!!!!!!

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  • 1 decade ago

    Ron Paul is favored to win the Presidential elections because of his terrific views on many issues that is good for the country and the world.

    VOTE for your choice as US President on my 360 degrees blog and know who will likely win.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    I help President Obama's enjoyed ones coverage, yet no longer his distant places coverage. I help Ron Paul's distant places coverage, yet no longer enjoyed ones coverage. If i'd desire to, i could fuse the two, throw in a splash of Dennis Kuncinich and a pinch of George Galloway.

  • 1 decade ago

    I love Ron Paul. He's the best example for an honest and sincere politician who cares for his country and respects her constitution and ethics. I'll preach for him till the last moment. I'll cast my vote for him and shall pray for his victory even after the election results. He deserves everything good.

  • Nate
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Ron Paul has the most consistent voting record of any presidential candidate. Honesty and Integrity that is what I am looking for. No more of hiding behind the lies and deception of our current leaders. He has my vote and he should have yours too. RON PAUL 08

    Source(s): free thinking american that is sitting at home praying for a better future for america
  • 1 decade ago

    Ron Paul would be a great president. We need someone with his reasoning and intelligence. I can't fathom the idea that people aren't hooked after hearing him speak, just can't!

  • Jan
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I love Ron Paul. He speaks the truth,whether it is popular or not. Most other candidates tell you what they think you want to hear,but not him. He sees the big picture,not just a quick fix for a problem. He definitely has my vote.

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