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Born and Raised in So. California!! Live in Hermosa Beach, CA now near LA.

  • Troubled Relationship with Mother? What Should I do? HELP?

    To make a very long story as short as possible.... My mother and father have been divorced since I was a infant. They both remarried much better parters years later but my mom has always held resentment against my father for being a bad husband Towards me my whole life. My father finally past away in 2004 accidentally at 50 yrs old. Me and My father were close and I knew he would always be there for me when I was making mistakes basically no matter what I did HOWEVER my mother was always real quick to get angry frusturated and bitter whenever I would make mistakes that she was ashamed of as, or that angered her or embarrassed her that she would diss associate herself with me.

    Four Years ago my mom caught me using drugs. As much of a bad thing that it was I was also going to college in the Masters Program and working at a restaurant everyday as a waitress paying for my Masters degree myself. BUT I was living in my mom and stepfathers home when my mom went through my room while i was at work and found my stash I had . When I got hm from work that night everything I owned was on the curb of the street and I was thrown out of my parents. 27 years old I began a life of endless moving from friends house to friends house to couch to couch. Basically Homeless!!! During this time I met a man who is now my fiance, we dated for 1 year and I accidentally got pregnant and decided to keep the baby. He is now 8 months old and my mother still hasnt met him because of the stash she found I had when I was 27. I am almost31 now. We dont talk, email , write or anything. She basically has written me off. What should I do? Should I just forget about it and move on or should I try to make contact with her?? I want to have my son know his grandmother but he doesnt now I dont know when he will if ever?? Whats wrong with my mom? Is it my perception thats wrong for thinking shes wrong for doing that?

    2 AnswersFamily1 decade ago

    Im 18 weeks Pregnant myself... having a boy..... and Due on August 17, 2010!!

    How far along are you? When you due? You know what the sex is? Is this your first child or ?

    13 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • The decade of the 1980's????? and now in 00's? Musically compared...which you think is better?

    Except for fashion, how great was the 80's for music, movies, everything... ?

    I grew up in the 80's and I remember when MTV was in the beginning stages of being MTV, (mtv now sucks in my opinion, aint nothing like what it really was) Music Artists from Pop, to Rock, to Hip Hop/Rap when it was breaking ground ...were abundant, you couldnt stop the flow of talent pouring in from every different direction, the REAL talented music artists when you actually had to have talent to be in the music business, movies that became pop culture staples like Breakfeast Club,Top Gun, Ghostbusters etc... , computers were just in its infancy, Toys for kids in the 80's were so cool your making movies about em ( TRANSFORMERS ring a bell ) just to name one

    and now I can only think of a couple artisits on one hand that I think will last at least almost to 20 years if they are lucky.... all rap sounds the same, there is less originality to it, theres no good rock bands mainstream wise, and pop, and bubble gum crap has taken over where image is important more so than talent

    Very sad!!!

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • This is a question for all Republicans.....?

    For all those Republicans who may answer this, I am curious to know what you think about where your party is at currently and if you think it has lost its way..why or why not? If you do think it has lost its way, would you blame Bush/Cheney for a big part of that? and How do you think your party got to be where it is at now? I am asking honestly as a Independent who grew up with Ronald Regan idea of what is a Republican and I dont see that anymore in your party and why is that?

    16 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Question for those young guys out there.... who are in their early 20's preferably would like to answer this?

    do you like or find that you are attracted to slightly older women, when i say older Im talking like by a few years older then you. Im 28 and Ive been meeting loads of younger guys 21, 22 ish who want to hook up, date, hang out..any and all the above..whats the fasination with older girls if there is? Is it because we can teach you young one's a thing or two? :-)

    14 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What should I do about my cat? Need honest, sincere suggestions from animal lovers?

    I am leaving overseas for 5 months on a once in a lifetime job oppurtunity next Sunday. I have a cat who's 3 years old, and my parents are going to take him in and take care of him while I am gone. I love my cat dearly and I don't want to put stress on him by taking him with me, flying around, when hes never been outside really since hes an indoor cat. Whats the best way to make this little transition in his life easier and less stressfull to him?? He knows my parents and likes them a lot so he is all ready acquainted with them.

    11 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • What do you think our U.S. founding Fathers would think of America today? Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, etc..?

    Do you think they would be proud of the America we know today? Or do you think they would be sadend by what is going on presently? i.e. The Iraq war etc ...

    11 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • I have a Male friend who's 27 years old, same age as me and he sucks his thumb. What R your opinions on that??

    I found him sucking his thumb for the first time a few weeks ago on accident and was surprised to see a grown man sucking his thumb to be honest but I didn't give him a hard time about it too much, just laughed it off more or less. He always does it when hes around me, or when hes driving and I'm with him etc etc... I find it a little strange, what do you guys think? What does it say about a grown man who sucks his thumb?

    16 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • Are Leo's and Virgo's compatible in a romantic relationship??

    I'm a Leo and been dating a new guy for about 1 month now, and hes a Virgo......If your a Leo have you ever dated a Virgo? Virgos....have you ever dated a Leo? Good match or Not so good match?

    8 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • For UK Citizens ONLY please!! Do you like American accents? What/If do you like or dislike? One more thing...?

    Im an American born and raised in California - have you heard the American West Coast accent? would you like it better than The East Coast American accent (New York, Boston)?? What about the Southern American accent? just curious but dont hold back want to know what you think about it ... thanks!

    2 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • Question for anyone who is not from the U.S. and lives in another Country....?

    What are your views of America, and Americans today? Has the Iraq War changed your view about America? If so, in a positive or negative way? What was your view of America before Bush took office? What is it now??

    Im Curious to know what people around the world think of Americans (as I am an American) and what their perception is of Americans, good or bad, please be as brutally honest as you can be, I want to know your opinions cause they matter. Thanks!

    4 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Who here likes and supports Ron Paul?

    personally, I think he would make a terrific president, everything he says is from the heart, he's right on with the issues and its clear, he knows what he is talking about and if you havent heard him in any debates or speeches then you should, everything I think .. that man has said and America would take a turn again for the better if someone who was running the country actually cared about America instead of acting like they care about America.

    Ron Paul (Cares)

    Bush (Pretends)

    Its not about what I think, but want to know what you all think. Thanks!

    21 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • To all my fellow Americans ..... How many of you would like to see Bush/Cheney Impeached??

    I would! * Based upon the US Constitution ..... any President of the United States elected to office can be impeached by making these offenses .... 1) The President nor VP can not deliberately make any false / treason-ist address to the nation, make any false comments or statements at a news conference or false sayings inn such another public forum or make false announcements publicly & officially regarding any issue at home, abroad with other nations, US laws, US policy etc ...anything to American people - or that is deemed as an offense of TREASON and you can not betray the American people for it is the American people who trust and elect the President and VP to do the best job they can for all Americans.**** 2) You can not deliberately take our Country the US of A to War unless diplomacy by every and all means necessary tried and tried again was attempted and repeatedley failed OR that there is an imposing, immenent threat that has been brought on by another nation, leader

    13 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Is this true? or false?

    I want to live and work in Ireland, preferably Dublin. I am American but my father and grandparents are from and were born in Ireland .... I heard that if your parents and or grandparents were irish citizens and it can be traced so that you can be an irish citizen as well if you want to live there. Is this true ? If not then how can I work and live in Ireland legitimately and legally? where should i start?? thanks

    3 AnswersOther - Ireland1 decade ago
  • For all Irish Men (from or living in Ireland) ... Is this true or not? What do you think?

    I've heard that Irish Guys in Ireland think American Girls are easy?? Is there any truth to that? Or not? ......... Would you say the overall sense or perception from Irish Men in general about American girls being easy would be true? or not?

    10 AnswersDublin1 decade ago
  • My Father Died a little over 1 year ago & I am still struggling w/ it. Any suggestions on how to get over it?

    My dad died the morning after his 50th birthday. Just a little over 1 year ago. Before he died, I hadn't spoken to him in 3 months prior to his death. I had been angry at him over a disagreement we had w/ each other. He lived in another State than me, but was very much a part of my life, and a positive influence in my life & a great father. I feel so guilty and sometimes sad, that I feel like it's affecting me overall. His death was unexpected, and I find myself wishing I had not been so stubborn and gotten a chance to speak to him, at least, before he died. I did send him a B-day card, and he had called me to " thank " me for it but I wasn't their to answer my phone. Is there any suggestions on how to overcome my feelings of grief, guilt and regret with this???

    I am normally a very positive, happy person...but find myself from time to time, not every day, feeling down and sad about this..even sometimes feel less motivated.

    Suggestions on what I can do to get over these feelings

    39 AnswersFamily2 decades ago
  • Would the World Have A Lot Less "Hate" For Others If Religion Didn't Exist?? Or Was Abolished?

    We see so much disregard for other's now days, especially when it comes to religon. There are even some extreme hardcore Religous people, who may be even borderline fanatical to the point that they actually "HATE" someone or a particular group of People for not practicing or believeing in the same faith as them. In some circumstances there are people who would even kill others in the name of their religon/ or God. So do you think the world might be better off without Religon? Would people feel liberated from it's strict beliefs & rules?? Or do you feel that the world & people would be worse off if they didn't have Religon taught to them??? What's your opinion??

    27 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 decades ago
  • A GAO Report,& report by David Gergen today said USA facing drift. Want to know your opinion?

    A Report today by GAO & also David Gergen as reported in the Washington Times stated that USA is facing a Drift. A Drift in what?? Major Key structures that are falling behind, so much now that other Countries will be catching up to us in no time if further ignored. These Key Structures of our Country reportedly drifting are : 1. Education 2. Health Costs/Services/programs 3. Fiscal Spending/Policy 4.Energy & Enviorment 5. Social Security, & Immigration. How do you feel about this?? ( Your Opinion?? ) Would like to know how everyone feels, I am not asking a Literal Question.

    4 AnswersGovernment2 decades ago
  • Are you mad that Bush took America to War for false reasons?? If so or If not, why???

    We all know that the reason Bush gave to going to War in Iraq was the " WMD " reason he gave so many times. Are you mad at our Government for using a illegitimate reason to go to War?? Why aren't Americans making a bigger deal that we are in a mess of a war for a reason that had no truth? I feel that Bush has lied about many other things to you agree or disagree with that?

    21 AnswersOther - Politics & Government2 decades ago