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Would the World Have A Lot Less "Hate" For Others If Religion Didn't Exist?? Or Was Abolished?

We see so much disregard for other's now days, especially when it comes to religon. There are even some extreme hardcore Religous people, who may be even borderline fanatical to the point that they actually "HATE" someone or a particular group of People for not practicing or believeing in the same faith as them. In some circumstances there are people who would even kill others in the name of their religon/ or God. So do you think the world might be better off without Religon? Would people feel liberated from it's strict beliefs & rules?? Or do you feel that the world & people would be worse off if they didn't have Religon taught to them??? What's your opinion??

27 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    No, because we would still be all different colors and have different cultures.

    Source(s): Common Sense.
  • 2 decades ago

    Today all the religions have brought this world to a state of irreligiousness. If all the religions were correct the world might not have been, in the state which it is now. Atleast people following the correct religion would have been embodiment of virtues and values, which we can't find.

    Real religion actually shows people How to live and how to

    let others Live. Today people instead of having faith, they have blind faith, which is the main reason for all the chaos.

    Once every one come to know who God is? There will be end to all this fight and each and every problem of the world will be solved. The perfect solution to this problem is, God must come destroy all this religions and establish one true religion. till then we will be complaining without much happening to change the situation.

  • 2 decades ago

    Sounds like you've justified an answer within your question. Yes, people in general would be a lot more tolerant of others' race/ lifestyles, etc. if it weren't for their religions' teachings, but consider the alternative: If religion didn't exist for anyone, they would eventually build their own guidelines for what society should and should not be, rather it be based on race, financial status or anything else a person chooses to disagree with. You also have to take into account that many people who stand on pillars of hate only have these ideas because of what they're taught by their parents and leaders.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    Absolutely. Among the worst offenders are the Semitic religions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam). Any philosophy that labels one group as "bad" and the other as "good" automatically sows the seeds for hate and intolerance.

    Religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism teach equality, and that God favors no one religion or group. Ask yourself this: when was the last time Hindus or Buddhists declared a "Holy War" and slaughtered thousands of people in the name of God?

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  • Frat
    Lv 4
    2 decades ago

    If there were no religions, hate would continue for political reasons. If there were no religions or politics, hate would continue for philosophical reasons. If there were no religions, politics, or philosophy, hate would continue for cultural reasons. If there were no religions, politics, philosophy, or culture, hate would continue for ... Fill in the blank. You can add almost anything you want to. IF there was NOTHING BUT PEOPLE WHO AGREED ON EVERYTHING AND WERE EXACTLY THE SAME ... Hate would continue, for the only REAL reason that it exists. Ego. Its safer to hate some one. As long as a person hates some one else their not looking at themselves, not dealing with their own "self", and that ego is all safe and secure. Hate WILL continue ... Until people take a good, long, honest look at self and start to work on (change) that. Until "that" changes, nothing else ever will. ~ Peace & Blessings ~

    Source(s): Been there, done that.
  • John
    Lv 6
    2 decades ago

    I think the origin of Hate is human sinfulness rather than religion.

    If we were to eliminate all religions, humans would find some other reasons to hate one another.

    In this context, it is relevant to note that Atheist Governments have killed more people in the 20th century than all religions or religious wars of the past or present. It is estimated that 70 million - 100 million people were killed by Atheist governments (i.e., governments which held Atheism as their metaphysical ideology) in the 20th century.

    I would venture to state that Religions will never be elimiated (as long as there are human beings on earth). Religions exist because there is something within each of us which draws us to the supernatural, and to God.

    I have felt this draw... and the draw was powerful enough to influence me away from Atheism and ultimately to the Christian God. E.g., see



  • 2 decades ago

    all the problems in the world do not revolve around religion. i actually believe things would get worse if religion didn't exist. religion gives some people something to believe in. i myself am not a very religious person but i don't look at religious people any different. people have all kinds of different beliefs that's what makes the world great if everyone was the same the world would crumble.

  • Lv 4
    2 decades ago

    I don't believe in religion but it does serve a purpose. I am strong enough to deal with the fact that I don't know all the answers. I am a curious person who finds this stuff fascinating. But not everyone is like me, and I believe that the majority of people in society need "answers" to sleep at night, and need faith to give them strength.

    Quite simply, if we were born into a world without religion, we would create it (again).

  • 2 decades ago

    My thought is most religion give each individual nothing but a sense of law and order in their lives. Those who you refer to as fanatics and extremist are merely reacting to other people opposing their religion.

    I guess if everyone keeps to their own belief and have an understanding and respect for others belief then it wouldn't be a problem, would it?

    No religion teaches its followers to fight and oppose other religion, not even Islam. Its how they interpret it, and like I said, everyone's reaction NOW, is just a reaction to what others have to say about them.

  • 2 decades ago

    The most hateful forces in the world that killed the most people were non-religious and even anti-religious: Attilla the Hun, Ghengis Khan, Tamarlane, Nazi Germany, communism under Stalin, under Mao, and under the Khmer Rouge (Cambodia), Saddam Hussein, the Hutus in Rwanda.

    Hateful people will find whatever they can to justify their hate. Religion becomes a dandy justification for hate, but rarely the actual cause.

  • 2 decades ago

    I don't agree that religion is the problem. Sin is the problem. If you get right down to it people and their beliefs are the problem, people have their own beliefs and feelings about other people which cause the problem. Me as a person who may be called religious, I was taught in my religion that I shouldn't hate anyone. Your statement is blanketed.

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