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Blondie* asked in PetsCats · 1 decade ago

What should I do about my cat? Need honest, sincere suggestions from animal lovers?

I am leaving overseas for 5 months on a once in a lifetime job oppurtunity next Sunday. I have a cat who's 3 years old, and my parents are going to take him in and take care of him while I am gone. I love my cat dearly and I don't want to put stress on him by taking him with me, flying around, when hes never been outside really since hes an indoor cat. Whats the best way to make this little transition in his life easier and less stressfull to him?? He knows my parents and likes them a lot so he is all ready acquainted with them.

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Take you cat over a few days before you leave. Spend time with him at his new home.

    Leave an item of clothing with him - something you've worn but not washed - that he can cuddle up and sleep on. An old t-shirt or something like that would be good.

    If he's got a cat bed, blanket or anything else he usually sleeps on, if you can, take that to his new home too. Don't wash it first - you want the familiar smells to stay on whatever it is!

    See if your parents can keep to the same schedule you've used for feeding him. Cats are less stressed when their routine doesn't get too mixed up.

    Good luck with the new job. I'm sure your parents will take good care of your boy and he'll settle in. It's great they're willing to take him in!

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm gonna have to say that it is a good idea to leave your cat with your parents. I've had cats all my life, and some cats that I've had, or my friends and family have had, have run away at the first chance they got when they were in a new place. Being with your parents will give your cat a comfortable enviroment where he will feel safe. Taking him somewhere new is always hard on cats. . I wouldn't recommend taking him with you if you're going to be traveling alot. Not unless you plan moving permanently to where you are going. Just make sure that whenever you get back, you give your cat lots of love. And let him now that you weren't abandoning him. Cats are very forgiving, especialy in a long term relationship that you've had with your cat. I would leav him with your parents. He'd be more comfortable in a stable enviroment where he wouldn't be getting moved around so much.

    I'm a cat lover, and have always been around them my whole life. But still, you may really wanna think about this decision, and relate your decision with how well you know your cat.

    Good luck to you.


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Cats are usually pretty easy in this area. I'm sure that the cat will be freaked out for a few days and will hide and cry about being in unfamiliar surroundings but he will adjust pretty quickly. Don't worry too much. Enjoy your travels and your new job and the cat will make an easy transition back to you when you return.

  • Tinker
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Cats will just adjust to their new surroundings over time. There will obviously be some stress but within a week he will be fine so I wouldn't worry. He already knows your parents so most of the work is already done! My little girl comes back from a month in a cattery very happy, so 5 months in a loving home will be fine.

    Make sure he has his things from home so he can still smell himself. Just don't worry, you will be sat wondering if he is ok but he isn't wondering where you are. He will just be pleased when you are home. You won't be part of his thinking when you are not there.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I just had almost the same problem. I recently just moved about 1,000 miles from home to go back to college for my second year and I had had a cat who lived with me my whole first year in an apartment but when I went back the apartment complex said they no longer except pets. In a spur of the moment type thing my parents said they would take care of him until summer when i move home again and my cat seemed to adjust just fine because he already was aquainted with my family as well. Hope that helps.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    He'll be fine most likely. Maybe stay with your parents for a week at their house. My cat was fine transitioning. Boys are much more easy going when it comes to changes. Just bring all his familiar things and maybe leave a shirt or two of yours with him.


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The cat will be fine. Make sure you leave something that has your scent on it to keep with the cat so the cat can smell you from time to time. eg. (a blanket of yours)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If you love your cat you'll do whats bedt for him which is let him stay with your parents.

    He would be safer with them and wont have to freak out if you take him away.

    Best of Luck,


  • 1 decade ago

    What Smee said. Also,wear a collar with your parents phone number on it in case he would get out,or have him microchipped.Have a nice trip!

    Source(s): Have had cats for over 40 years.
  • 1 decade ago

    he will be perfectly fine and will remembr u wen u get back dont worry

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