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Dances With Woofs!
I have had animals all my life,and base many of my answers on common sense and hands-on experience with my own animals.I also do a lot of reading on animals health and care in general,and I will research an answer and supply a link if I am not sure. I have two dogs and 15 cats,all rescued and all spayed or neutered and I am a huge advocate of spaying/neutering to prevent the births of more unwanted cats and dogs and for the general health of the animals. If you are going to ask a question about breeding your mutt, or your cat and her 5th litter of kittens,you will likely get a harsh answer from me. The same thing goes for people who ask questions like " My dog cannot walk and does not eat,what should I do?," or "My cat's leg is broken,what should I do?" Obviously,you take it to a vet!! I also own birds and reptiles and I love birdwatching as well.
What mix is this cute guy?
His name is Fred,he was about 8 months old in this pic. He belongs to a neighbor who "inherited" him. Fred is about18 months old now,he is about 50-60 lbs,quite thick and muscular. I see Shar-Pei and probably pit, cattle dog, some hound and German Shorthaired Pointer,but it is hard to tell. He is so cute,though,he looks like a cartoon dog!
What do you think he has in him?
6 AnswersDogs7 years agoWhat kind of bird is this?
We are going crazy over on FB trying to figure out what kind of chick this is. It was posted as a raven,which it is most definitely NOT. It is also not a crow, starling, grackle, Guam rail, Guillemot tern,duck,swan,goose,etc. Some of us think it is a chicken. What do you bird experts think? Oh,and if you Google it is says it is a raven but it's NOT! It is a precocial bird,as you can tell by the downy feathers,and the bill is WAY different than a raven or crow. So what is it??
3 AnswersZoology7 years agoWhat kind of bird is this?
We are going crazy over on FB trying to figure out what kind of chick this is. It was posted as a raven,which it is most definitely NOT. It is also not a crow, starling, grackle, Guam rail, Guillemot tern,duck,swan,goose,etc. Some of us think it is a chicken. What do you bird experts think? Oh,and if you Google it is says it is a raven but it's NOT! It is a precocial bird,as you can tell by the downy feathers,and the bill is WAY different than a raven or crow. So what is it??
3 AnswersBirds7 years agoDog groomers: What is the best product for tear stains?
My little Chihuahua,Dori,gets them and it drives me crazy. Before I go and buy 3 or 4 different products,which ones are the best? Or does nothing work? She isn't a show dog or anything,and she's a blue fawn,so they don't show as badly as they would on a lighter-colored dog,but still,if I could make them less noticeable it would help. So which ones work in your opinion?
3 AnswersDogs7 years agoWhen did they stop vaccinating dogs for hepatitis?
I get my dogs vaccinated every 3 years or less. I just took my Chihuahua, Dori,to the vet last week for her shots,HW test,etc. She got a rabies shot and a Duramune adult 3-year vaccine for parvo,distemper and adenovirus ( kennel cough). It was only later that I realized she was not vaccinated for hepatitis. So I looked online at some of the sites that I order pet supplies from - Revival, Foster and Smith,etc. I didn't see any vaccines that included hepatitis. When did this start? I'm not worried and I will ask my vet later when I take my other dog, but just wondered. I don't vaccinate for leptospirosis because it is a more dangerous vaccine and I do not live where there is a lot of wildlife and my dogs don't run loose or anything. So does anyone know? Thanks.
4 AnswersDogs7 years agoWhat dog is your favorite movie dog?
Of all the dogs in all the movies,which is your favorite? Mine has to be "Sam" in "I Am Legend." First,she is a GSD,my favorite breed,and then she loses her life when she is bitten while saving Will Smith from the zombie dogs. SO SAD!!! Also love Lassie, Hooch and Jerry Lee.
10 AnswersDogs7 years agoIs there such a thing as a tiny St. Bernard puppy? So I can travel? I don't want it to grow?
Tell me, is there some way I can suspend the growth of a St. Bernard puppy until I travel all over the world with it, and then make it grow big when I get home?? Does anyone have a potion or a magical spell that can stop it from growing so I can fit it it my purse? What if I only feed it Special K and coffee?
I need help!!
Thanks in advance!
10 AnswersDogs7 years agoDog Section: Good Ohio German Shepherd Breeders?
Does anyone here know of a GOOD breeder of GSDs in Ohio or Eastern PA? What about this kennel,Willow Valley,in Mineral City,OH? There is a pup from this kennel on my town and she is beautiful,but I have a problem with them calling black GSDs "rare." My good friend who breeds,trains and rescues GSDs and is well-known in the working GSD circle, has never heard of this kennel,either. But the dogs are beautiful and they do have health guarantees. I lost my GSD,Lulu in Sept to bladder cancer. I miss having a GSD so much. I want to get a puppy because it will have to get used to my Chihuahua and my cats.I won't get one until my 17-year-old dog Maggie is gone,because a puppy would be too much for her. I also want to train the puppy to be a therapy dog. So it won't be for at least a year or two. Can anyone here recommend a good breeder in Ohio or PA?
Here is Willow Valley's website:
3 AnswersDogs7 years agoWhat makes my cursor blink?
My cursor started blinking a while ago and it is driving me nuts.I went to my control panel and slid the cursor blink speed bar to none,but it is still blinking. How do I stop it other than taking a hammer to the keyboard and mouse?
5 AnswersMonitors7 years agoWhat are they feeding Judith on WD?
Just wondered,what are they feeding baby Judith on "Walking Dead?"
2 AnswersDrama7 years agoJust curious,how much does your vet charge for these things?
I know prices are different all over, so am just curious. I took my almost 5-year-old Chihuahua to the vet yesterday. She got a general check-up, her rabies and 5 -way booster, a test for heartworm, Lyme disease, erlichiosis and another tick disease that I cannot think of, had her nails dremeled, her ears cleaned and her teeth scaled and got 2 free samples of Iverheart Max. It cost me $104.00. Cheap or not? Also, how much do you pay for a dog license and do you get a discount if your dog is fixed? I paid $42.50 for two dog licenses and there is no discount for spayed or neutered dogs. Cheap or not?
9 AnswersDogs7 years agoHow often to feed mice to a garter snake?
I've had the snake for 4 years, I saved her from a cat. But she would never eat mice before. She only wanted earthworms or fish ( live feeders or T/F strips of haddock).I tried T/F mice and she would always reject them. Despite this,she is very healthy -looking and fat, and is feisty as well;she bites! But I have not been able to find nightcrawlers at any of the store lately,and the snake was very hungry. So I bought 2 frozen mice today and brought them home and thawed one in warm water. She wanted nothing to do with it at first, but after about 3 hours, I dipped it in her water dish and dragged it around where I usually put her worms. She ate it! I was quite pleased as I know mice are nutritionally complete. Now, how often do I give her a mouse? I will continue to feed the worms and fish,but will rotate them with mice. Is once or twice a month enough? Thanks.
2 AnswersReptiles7 years agoPopular song right now where a girl goes "na na na na na na ....?
But it's not an actual girl,it is a guy playing a keyboard which makes the sound. What's the song?
2 AnswersLyrics7 years agoWhat happened to Tony the DJ on the Ellen DeGeneres show?
I had not watched it for a long time and now I am watching again and there is a different DJ. What happened to Tony Okungbowa? I know he left once to pursue an acting career but then he came back.
4 AnswersTalk Shows7 years agoI need the name of a movie?
I need the name of a movie!! It's driving me crazy!! It is Australian,maybe late 80s or 90s,about a guy who goes to this weird secluded community in the outback ( desert area) where this other guy who runs the town won't let anyone leave.They watch "South Pacific" all the time and drink a lot. There is a dog in it,too. This is all I remember. Does anyone know the name of this movie?
1 AnswerMovies7 years agoMy dog has bladder cancer,has anyone here had a dog with this type of cancer?
My 12-year-old German Shepherd,Lulu,has transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder. Has anyone had experience with this and did you treat your dog or what? What was the outcome?? I am using Piroxicam and herbal remedies. Lulu is still eating and fairly active but strains to urinate. I cannot afford surgery at this time. Any feedback is appreciated.
1 AnswerDogs8 years agoCapstar question - what does the pill look like?
Can anyone tell me what is inscribed on a 57 mg Capstar? I need to know NOW!! Thanks.
3 AnswersDogs8 years agoWho else has a one-eyed cat or dog? To suture or not?
I have a cat named Dewey,he is almost 2 years old. He was born missing an eye. My vet said it was not necessary to have the socket sutured shut unless it caused problems. Well,other than getting a little runny now and then,it does not bother him. But my own cousin called me cruel because I have not had it sewn shut. I told her what the vet said and I even joined a group on FB and most of the people on it left their cats' eye sockets open. Dewey is normal is every way, loves to play and watch TV with his good eye.I don't want to put him through unnecessary surgery. He has already been neutered and is happy.
So if you own a one-eyed pet,did you have the socket sutured or is it open? Would you recommend surgery or not? Thanks in advance.
4 AnswersCats8 years agoWhat is the best joint supplement for a 16-year-old dog with weakness in rear legs?
Maggie is 16,a Golden/Rott/??? mix, about 70 lbs,and she is in great health except for arthritis. She is getting weaker in her rear legs lately. I am giving her Cosequin and fish oil and she takes Tramadol and buffered aspirin for pain. She eats well and enjoys going outside. Are there any other supplements/treatments you can suggest?
4 AnswersDogs8 years agoBest way to treat ringworm in cats/dogs/humans?
My brother called me a few weeks ago from work and asked me to go and rescue a kitten that he had seen in an alley,so I did. It had sparse-looking hair,but I figured it was because of fleas and malnutrition. Anyway,it ended up at MY house ( darn brother.) I took it to the vet and she diagnosed ringworm and put it on ketoconanzole. She said to use athlete's foot or yeast infection cream if any of my other animals would get it. Well,I have it, my Chihuahua has it and another of my cats has it and I suppose more will get it.I have spent 4150.00 on athlete's foot meds plus the vet bill. I have heard that Listerine works. Does it? Any other treatments that will work fast? I am also wiping stuff down with bleach.
I have never had an animal with ringworm,or I would have kept the kitty completely isolated.
Any help would be appreciated.
1 AnswerCats9 years ago