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Just curious,how much does your vet charge for these things?

I know prices are different all over, so am just curious. I took my almost 5-year-old Chihuahua to the vet yesterday. She got a general check-up, her rabies and 5 -way booster, a test for heartworm, Lyme disease, erlichiosis and another tick disease that I cannot think of, had her nails dremeled, her ears cleaned and her teeth scaled and got 2 free samples of Iverheart Max. It cost me $104.00. Cheap or not? Also, how much do you pay for a dog license and do you get a discount if your dog is fixed? I paid $42.50 for two dog licenses and there is no discount for spayed or neutered dogs. Cheap or not?


Wow,Mary,your licenses are really cheap.

Update 2:

BYBs And Crazies Rule - My vet happens to be the best vet in the county. She has diagnosed animals when other vets could not. She has saved several of my pets' lives.. She even treats my box turtles and she has treated wolves,bears,bobcats,llamas,etc. She is extremely intelligent and gives only the finest care to her patients. She is very thorough. One of my cats had what appeared to be an ulcer on one of her eyes.I took her to a vet who was closer.That vet said she had scar tissue from the ulcer and it was healing. Well,it got worse and spread to her other eye.I took her to my vet and she diagnosed her in 2 minutes with eosinophilic keratitis. The treatment was steroid eye drops and my cat's eyes were better in a few weeks. My vet has twin daughters who are geniuses.One is a pediatric oncologist and the other is a teacher. So don't say she does not give quality care just because she does not charge an arm and a leg! I wouldn't take an animal to a vet who did not give

Update 3:

quality care.You don't know what teeth scaling is? She used a dental scaler to get some of the tartar off of her teeth. It was only a tiny amount as the dog is just 5 years old.She does it to any animals that come in for their vaccinations. As long as the animals cooperates,it does not require anesthesia as it is not a regular cleaning.

Wellness visit - 25.00

Duramune adult- 32.00

Rabies canine, 3 year - 8.00

Snap HW/Lyme/Ehr/Ana -39.00

2 Heartworm puppy pack Iverheat Max - 0.00

She does not charge for nails,ears or teeth scaling.

Update 4:


Update 5:

BYBS - Sorry,but I LOVE my vet and after having tried two others and not being satisfied, I will never go to anyone else. She is also cheaper than anyone in the area except for one vet - the one who misdiagnosed my cat. She's been practicing for 30 years. Another vet who was very cheap in this area was a wonderful old man,he would often not even charge people who couldn't afford it,or he would let you pay what you could afford. My vet gives me a little discount because I have multiple pets and lets me make payments for large bills,which is a Godsend.

But didn't mean to personally attack you, just defending my vet. :)

Update 6:

Also,was not begging for anyone's approval. Don't know where you got that idea.

9 Answers

  • CDog
    Lv 7
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Cheap and cheap. Dog licenses where I live are $20 for 1 year for an altered animal and $100 for an unaltered animal. $50 for a 3 year for an altered pet and $150 for an unaltered pet. Huge difference.

  • 7 years ago

    Wow - don't move to Australia.

    You will be paying a lot more than that, I would have thought.

    For just a yearly vaccination and check up... around the same, probably a bit more.

    But the other things would all jack up the price.

    I have never had my dogs teeth done as I have been feeding raw meaty bones for some 30-40 years.

    But I too would have thought this needed doing under anaesthetic to be done properly.

    Either way - it sounds like you vet does loads of little extras that make quite a difference - Lucky you!!

  • Super cheap. Like I suspect the level if care cheap. A visit alone is $40 at my suburban vet. The HW test is another $40. The vaccinations are usually around $20. Nails are $10-$25.

    I'm not sure about "teeth scaled". We only ever do real dentals (the non anesthesia stuff doesn't work). This starts at $200.

    Edit: calm down. I didn't say your vet sucked and does not give quality care. I said that this is very cheap, so where I am, it would make me suspect quality if care. You can't ask our opinions and then get pisssed when we tell them. And no, I've never had a dog, nor cat, get their teeth scaled. We do dentals. Again, my experience. Again, why ask the question if you are going to get so upset at people who have different experiences?? Why even ask this?

    Glad you trust your vet.

    My in laws trusted their cheap vet and the vet missed thyroid disease, gave improper advice on treating it, and then missed cancer. The dog died because of it. So don't get all holier than thou and paranoid about me attacking your vet, which I did not. If you don't want our experiences, don't beg for our approval.

  • justme
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Wow! very cheap! If she is as good as you say, I want to switch. I pay an arm and a leg for all that. I cant walk out without having a $200. plus bill. I have yet to hear of a vet in my area that is cheap though so Im stuck.

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  • 7 years ago

    $104 is low-average. The generally check-up is usually $30-50, each shot/test is $15-25 and she got 2 shots and two blood tests.

    Where I live the license is $8.45 for an unaltered and $6.45 for an altered dog.

  • Mary
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    Very cheap at the Vet's.. I do sometimes get a break.. Brought dog in for a look, see. Yes he had a hematoma. Did not get charged. License is 15$ for intact dog…Spayed, neutered 7;50.

    These are prices here..NY

  • 7 years ago

    We do not have to license dogs in my date but your vet bill was about $100 lower than what vets around here charge for all that.

  • 7 years ago

    The vet bill sounds very cheap to me, and I pay $4.50 per license yearly.

  • Tee
    Lv 7
    7 years ago


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