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What have you done TODAY to lessen your CO2 Footprint??

We all talk about the ways to reduce carbon emissions and that's great....but what did you do today that is going to make a difference??

For example:


I weeded my garden and turned over the compost pile.

I bundled the newspapers for recycling.

I made fresh soup from my garden veggies.

I hung my laundry on the clothes line to dry.

I cut up some old tee shirts and bath towels and placed them with the paper towels so I am reminded to use the rags instead of paper.

I picked all the ripe figs off my tree and juiced them for a batch of homemade wine.

I put the stopper in the sink when I did dishes and afterwards, I put that water on my garden.

I took a shower this morning with the tub plug in and then scooped the water out for the garden.

I left the TV and lights off all day.

And, That was just what I DID today.

Tangible actions speak much louder than hypothetical ideals...SO WHAT DID YOU DO??


I am in Seattle and I kinda like the weather changes I have seen in the last 10-15 years.

As an avid gardener, I have kept a diary of my gardening for over 10 years and it has been warmer. 10 years ago I could put out the tomato plants on the first of May. This year I put mine out the first of April and could have done it even earlier. I have tomato plants in my yard that are 7 FEET TALL.

Warmer in-land temperatures have lead to a constant on-shore flow of cool wet air all summer so I have been able to plant peas, radishes, and cabbages all summer long. No real hot days all summer means I had crisp lettuce in August!

I am still PLANTING my garden and I expect to be able to keep doing so till November or later this year.

While I am sorry that global warming is such an issue for others, I cannot say I am personally against the whole idea....

20 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I have just freecycled old furniture and carpets from my house, so others can benefit from them as opposed to taking them to the tip/landfill. Google 'freecycle' to find your local network...

    I walked the kids to school

    I recycled jars, paper, plastics and tin

  • 1 decade ago

    Today, I started a new practice in my life. I brought my own hand towel from home in my back pack. Thus ending the debate of paper towels vs. electric hand driers.

    I also turned down a bag when I purchased my used textbooks,carried my own mug with me to get water from water fountains, didn't eat any meat, bought some food from a local small market, I'm drinking home brewed iced tea instead of soda.

    I'm going to wash clothes in a bit, and I'm going to use cold water like always.

    I stayed at school extra long, enjoying the sunshine and visiting with friends, in order to skip the massive traffic snarl that happens every day at rush hour.

    I'm still looking for a used bike.

  • 1 decade ago

    Reading this made me realize that most of the things I do to lower my impact have just become a part of my life and I don't even think about them anymore. I compost, recycle, hang my clothes to dry, keep canvas bags in my car for when I go to the store, bring my lunch to work... These things are just a part of my life they save me money, keep me healthy and reduce clutter too.

    Today however I did ride my bike to work, didn't drive at all and didn't spend any money. These things require a little more effort for me. No money days are good for your wallet and the environment too! Recently I have realized that improving your finances and lower you impact both revolve around redefining your "needs".

  • 5 years ago

    precisely Ethanol is stable to supply the US production of gas to buffer against foreign places oil. sometimes it is likewise environmentally friendly . while we attain a small production base it starts costing us greater. The technological information at the back of bio fuels Bio fuels ought to burn approximately 60-70% of gas to get a hundred% of gas. It takes 3 gallons of ethanal to get 5 gallons. because of the fact the source is greater durable to get that variety starts going up. Their is a team of scientists that say the 60-70 variety is to low. which ability you burn 8 gallons of gas for 5 gallons. some will say you do no longer ought to count variety the carbon of the 5 gallons because of the fact it took the carbon while the corn grew. they're neglecting the sink of the soil. they're aslo neglecting the burning of organic vegitation, and the carbon sequestored from the floor, as we don't have a large surplus of corn, which will come from cultivating new floor. The 8 gallons will additionally positioned out greater hydrocarbons, CO NOx, h2o etc than gas Bye the way, the clarification ethanol is seen cleanser burning is because of the fact it places out greater CO2 and H2O much less via products. i like the belongings you study right here. LOL power for all varieties of gas is from breaking carbon and hydrogen in a cumbustion technique. power per power comes out with regard to the comparable.

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  • C = JD
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    While I applaud your efforts and sincerity, I think you are mixing two concepts: (1) not being wasteful and (2) emissions of CO2 into the air and the assumed negative consequences from it.

    Yes, "actions speak much louder than hypothetical ideals" but don't assume that action is always beneficial.

    While I agree that not being wasteful is proper for many reasons, it's your apparent fear of CO2 emissions which disturbs me. Have you accepted Mr. Gore's (rather unscientific) hype fully without any independent research or thought? On what do you base this fear of CO2? Be very cautious about enviro-charlatans who often have a big-government and anti-capitalist (and anti-America) agenda. Newspapers were hyping global COOLING in the 1970s.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Biked 8 miles to work.

    Recycled Everything. We have curbside, so that's easy.

    Read the newspaper I found at the office. (No subscription at home).

    Made my own lunch rather than going out to a restaurant.

    Wrote a news release for an environmental agency.

    Only smoked one cigarette with my coffee this morning.

    Fixed a friends bicycle so they could participate in the Bike Commute Challenge this month.

    Again, for the 97th consecutive day... refused to water my lawn.

  • Walking and taking the city bus (Yes buses can be a pain at times) to where I want to go.

    I have lots of info that I think you will find quite helpful and enlightening: for excellent inspirational info within my blog to help not only our world and its creatures, but to also open peoples hearts and minds to many amazing wonders that life has to offer. I also have lots of info in my blog to help fuel peoples imaginations to many possibilities that can be found only in the minds eye.

    Along with lots of environmental info, amazing environmental pictures and videos (These videos show the beauty of this world and what life can be like if people take the time to appreciate life’s true beauty).

    Let us all strive for a greener/brighter future by helping to create a solid foundation for future generations to build upon, so we can hand them a beautiful world, filled with never ending awe and wonders!!

    Where peoples differences and uniqueness are accepted, where we all live as one, helping one another so that we can all play our own mysteriously beautiful melodies in the never ending, awe inspiring, song of life :-)

    I truly have faith in humanity and believe that someday our lives and the world in which we live will truly be transformed for the better.

  • 1 decade ago

    the main thing i do is, i walked to schoo all the time!!!!!... that's up and down to school 4 times a day.. a 15 minute walk each time...

    -one, going to school in the morning

    -two, going home for lunch

    -three, going back to school from lunch

    -four, home for good

    we do recycle in our house and use as little electricity.. also planning on getting solar pannels in. :) i love nature!!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    Drove my hummer to work. Ran my a/c full blast all day long. Left on the lights and tv. Burned some tires. Cut down a few trees.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I hope that shower that you took was with cold water.

    If you used hot water, that wastes fossil fuels such as natural gas or electricity which is generated by the use of fossil fuels.

    If you use hot water for washing you are guilty of causing Global Warming.

    Didn't you know that?

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