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  • What amount of the Earth's Air, Seas, and Land is Currently Polluted?

    How much of the Earth is polluted all totaled?

    Water Pollution+ Air Pollution+Land & soil Pollution.

    Sources appreciated.

    2 AnswersEarth Sciences & Geology1 decade ago
  • Sci-Fi Fans....what are the names of these 2 short stories??

    These 2 stories have haunted me for years...I read them more than 20 years ago and I have mentioned them many times in my life as possibilities for the future(or possibilities for the present)

    The first story centered on 3 people(2 girls and a guy) that wake up on an endless staircase. No food. No water. Gradually, they are "taught" to abuse each other to receive rewards of food and water. What is the name of this story?

    The second involves the colonization of a distant planet. The colonists board rockets and head for the stars with full fan-fair but there is a dark secret: the rockets are poorly constructed and all of the "colonists" die. The whole plan of the "colonization" is to kill off anyone who is dumb enough to get on the rockets. What is the name of this story???

    5 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Difference Between Recycling and Manufacturing.?

    Other than the obvious that we are fed everyday as the "Right thing to do" --No Short Answers, Please!

    Some manufacturing processes are very clean and some recycling processes are very, very dirty. For example, I can manufacture a rug from fabric, very clean process with little waste. Or, I can recycle plastic bottles and make a rug, a dirty and energy expensive process with a high amount of waste.

    When someone makes a Christmas ball out of volcanic ash, is that manufacturing or recycling?

    If I pick up glass bottles, crush them up real fine and use them to make a border around my yard, is that recycling(glass), or manufacturing (pebble mulch) or littering (adding junk to the edge of my yard)???

    If I put an old tire in my yard and fill it with flowers--recycling, manufacturing, or littering?

    One line answers will earn a thumbs down...sorry, but this is a serious question.

    5 AnswersGreen Living1 decade ago
  • How many members of Yahoo Answers are Sick of it?

    I have been here for a couple of years. I have spent hours researching some questions. I have seen the same questions come up time after time (I can't even count the number of times I have see how many times I have seen "Could I(she) be preg?") I am just getting sick of it. I am sick of how many times "IDK" is picked as the Best Answer. What is the point of this site? Does anyone actually monitor the questions at all?? Or, the Answers?

    Is it even legal for an adult to post an answer to "Should I have sex with my bf?? He is 22 and I am 13??"

    Anyhow, what do you think about the quality of Questions and Answers here?

    4 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Where will you recycle your Compact Fluorescent Bulbs?

    When was the last time you actually went there?

    Do they charge a fee for disposing of the bulb? (Costs $1.50 per bulb here.)

    How far is it from your home?

    Have you skipped the trip and dumped a CFL in the trash instead?

    8 AnswersGreen Living1 decade ago
  • Where will you recycle your CFL's?

    When was the last time you actually went there?

    How far is it from your home?

    Have you skipped the trip and dumped a CFL in the trash instead?

    6 AnswersGreen Living1 decade ago
  • What are you willing to give up to slow global warming?

    All of these things lead to a lot more global warming than can be fixed by switching to CFL's so which of these should we start outlawing?

    1) NasCar and other motorsports?

    2) Corn based food products such as High-fructose corn syrup and corn oil?

    3) Strawberries in January?

    4) SUV's, and pickup trucks?

    5) Single-Use Plastic?

    6) Recreational Travel?

    7) Concerts and professional sports?

    8) Big screen TV's, Bigger houses?

    9) Made in China?

    So which can you do without?

    Read more about this subject: Read about it here:

    17 AnswersGlobal Warming1 decade ago
  • How much do you know about going Green?

    How much of your knowledge of what is "Green" is factual and how much is the result of Media exposure?

    Test your knowledge of "Green Technology"

    Solar panels are good for the environment-True or False?

    Toyota Prius batteries are collected back by Toyota and recycled-True or False?

    Cloth grocery bags are better for the environment than plastic bags-True or False?

    Everyone should install CFL bulbs to help stop global warming-True or False?

    America collects 2 million pounds of rechargeable batteries for recycling every year-True or False?

    If we don't switch to Solar panels and wind power, America will run out of energy in my lifetime-True or False?

    For the Answers go to:

    4 AnswersGreen Living1 decade ago
  • Toy prices may rise 10%...are you concerned??

    For now, toy makers and retailers are sharing the burden, but that's only expected to last until the holiday season. Next year, American consumers will be facing price increases of up to 10 percent to pay for the industry's increased vigilance after more than 3 million lead-tainted toys from China were recalled worldwide since June.

    How much are you willing to pay to insure safer toys??

    120 years ago, Laura Ingalls Wilder grew up with 1 toy her whole childhood(a doll). how many toys do kids need?

    90% of all plastic items ever made are still around much plastic crap is enough??

    6 AnswersToys1 decade ago
  • What energy saving do you get (if any) from using a CFL in a space that you have to heat anyhow?

    CFL's require a much larger investment over standard bulbs, so how do we choose where to use them? If 75% of the energy in a standard light bulb produces heat then should we keep those bulbs in the places that are heated and save CFL's for places that will not be heated?

    6 AnswersGreen Living1 decade ago
  • What have you done TODAY to lessen your CO2 Footprint??

    We all talk about the ways to reduce carbon emissions and that's great....but what did you do today that is going to make a difference??

    For example:


    I weeded my garden and turned over the compost pile.

    I bundled the newspapers for recycling.

    I made fresh soup from my garden veggies.

    I hung my laundry on the clothes line to dry.

    I cut up some old tee shirts and bath towels and placed them with the paper towels so I am reminded to use the rags instead of paper.

    I picked all the ripe figs off my tree and juiced them for a batch of homemade wine.

    I put the stopper in the sink when I did dishes and afterwards, I put that water on my garden.

    I took a shower this morning with the tub plug in and then scooped the water out for the garden.

    I left the TV and lights off all day.

    And, That was just what I DID today.

    Tangible actions speak much louder than hypothetical ideals...SO WHAT DID YOU DO??

    20 AnswersOther - Environment1 decade ago
  • Do you understand your Sprint PCS Bill?

    Every month there are charges on my Sprint PCS bill for services that I have repeatedly canceled such as $15 for PCS Vision pack, $5 for PCS picture Mail, $5 for Video mail, text messaging fees and 50 cents for messages(?). This has been going on for a full year now and has cost me $730 plus tax in bogus fees.

    How much attention do you pay to the actual bill and do you find bogus charges on your Sprint or other cell phone bill??

    4 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • Captive bees pollinate 80% of our food....Is that food still considered Vegan?

    I have a question concerning Captive Bees. In light of the recent problems with Colony Collapse Disorder that seems to be killing off captive bees at an alarming rate, I came across an interesting bit of information: Fully 80% of all fruits and vegetables appearing in grocery stores and markets are pollinated by CAPTIVE BEES. The philosophy of Veganism prohibits the ingestion or use of ANY product that is made from animal (including insects) flesh or is the result of animals being held captive in order to gather products at their expense.

    If a Vegan can't eat honey, then should that person also reject the other products made possible by the captive bee's efforts?

    Should Vegan's be looking for farmers who can certify that they only use wild bees for pollination?

    3 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan1 decade ago
  • Does the preception of God change???

    Does the cultural perception of God change with the times or are we expected to keep the same idea of God no matter what??

    For example....Biblical sites have been unearthed....should we take that into consideration in our belief or not???

    Now, the coffin of Christ is being do True Christians deal with that?

    How do we deal with "the other books" (gospels written in the first century but did not make the Canon according to the Catholic church)

    Is knowledge a curse? Did Jesus want us to follow our leaders or to study and interpret for ourselves?

    All but 6 books of the New Testament were written by Paul while he was in solitary confinement over a period of 40 that something true Christians need to examine or be concerned with??

    I am at a crossroads in my life...someone who really KNOWS please help me understand this.

    PS....for anyone who didn't know the crossroads is the place to bury if you do not have an answer....please do not post.

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Where is the nutritional info?

    The new Quiznos commercial shows a Subway Sub next to a Quiznos Sub....and everyone agrees the Quiznos Sub is much better. What the commercial fails to mention is that the Quiznos Sub contains 5 times as many calories! Subway's 6 inch Sub is about 250 calories and the small Quiznos Sub is about 1250 calories. OK, it is better....but is it 1000 calories better?

    I am seeing quite a few restaurants that fail to disclose their calorie counts: TGI Fridays, Olive Garden, etc. Seems like these places are actually hiding the nutritional information on most of their foods. At least McDonalds has the balls to be honest about 600 calorie burgers! TGIF has a Jack Daniels Cheese Burger that serves up 1750 calories!!! Super-Size Fries are lightweights (570) compared to Cheesy-Fries (3015). Love pasta? Olive Garden keeps most of their menu secret...why? Because Pasta Alfredo and 3 breadsticks is 2250 calories and their chicken salad in over 1000.

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • When was the last time you ate at Denny's??

    It has been at least 20 years since I ate at Denny's, but for some reason I noticed their new Breakfast Commercial. The meal looked huge so I checked it out:

    Item / Calories / Fat / Salt

    Meat Lover's Scramble / 1210* / 73 gm / 4350mg

    Country Sausage Bowl / 1680* / 108gm /3750mg

    Fab French Toast Platter / 1261* / 45 gm / 2495mg

    * Doesn't Include Calories from butter or fruit toppings

    108 gram of fat is 1/2 cup of pure oil....4350mg of salt is nearly a TABLESPOON of pure salt.

    Does anyone really eat this stuff? After seeing these numbers I am glad I haven't been there in 20 years and I wouldn't trust them to serve me a cup of coffee that didn't contain a salt mine and a whole cow.

    How about you? If you do eat at Denny's regularly, then what is your BMI? Your choleserol? I am very curious about this!

    (These nutritional counts come directly from I do have to say at least they have the guts to show the numbers. TGIF doesn't disclose their info at all.

    24 AnswersOther - US Dining Out1 decade ago
  • Does Breast Cancer get more press than it should?

    The question from Hillery Clinton concerning Breast Cancer has got more responses (5100) than the number of women who will die from Breast Cancer this year (approx. 4100 expected for 2006). America is currently spending about $10 in research money for each person who will face this disease this year.

    10 times as many women(41,000) will die this year from Heart Disease every year but we spend only dedicate about $3.00 per occurance in research money.

    This seems a little out-of whack to me. Shouldn't we be spending the most to cure the diseases that kill the most?

    8 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Should there be a system to limit all the fake questions and answers?

    Most of the answers here are totally unhelpful. I think everone answering should lose 1 point for each thumbs-down they get for their answer as a punishment for being useless.

    What do you think would be a deterrant to lame answers?

    7 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Has anyone noticed that there is a problem with the rating system here?

    There is a huge gap between level 2 and level 3. What Yahoo retard set up this page?;_ylt=...

    So smart and yet so dumb and no proof-reader....nice job Yahoo, as usual!

    13 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago