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Lv 5

Christians and Creationists - do you believe in erosion and/or plate tectonics?

Both of these are visible on a comparably micro- scale (such as disappearing beach cliffs and earthquakes), but aren't proven on a macro- scale - we've never seen mountains completely disappear, or something like grand canyon get carved, or the continents be rearranged.

However, most scientists believe these things can occur.

99.85% of Earth and Life scientists think the theory of evolution is valid.

Answer me this - do you "believe" in (a) massive-scale erosion, (b) plate tectonics on the Pangaea-scale, and (c) the theroy of (macro) evolution?

Update 2:

I didn't say this proves evolution, I was using analogy. Sorry if you missed that. I was saying I agree with 99.85% of modern scientists, who should no what they're talking about it.

Update 3:

theroy = theory

no = know

Sorry for the typos

Update 4:

dmd - that's quite an elaborate response, but that wasn't what I was asking.

Update 5:

CAN ANYONE HERE READ? I neither attacked the existence of God nor tried to get you to convert. I was simply stating my views on evolution, and inquiring on yours. This was not meant to inflame tempers!

Update 6:

Eukanuba - your logic gives Christianity a bad name.

21 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    "we're saying we didnt come from a rock! "

    Maybe not, but some ARE rock.


    "The bottom line is that evolution will never be scientific law. It will never surpass theory. That is because in order to be proven law it must be capable of being observed and duplicated. Neither of these is possible."

    Thank you for proving my point.

    Why is it cretinists think theories get promoted to laws? Will they ever understand that theories are of a higher order than laws?

    Finally, thanks to dmd, Theresa B, Eukanuba, et al for demonstrating, once again, the mineral premise, in typical long-winded cretinist non-sequitors.

  • 1 decade ago

    I do believe that there is massive-scale erosion and plate tectonics, and I do believe that people evolve. However, I am a Christian. Things change over long periods of time, nobody can deny that. Even within our own species, over the last fifty years, you can see evidence of evolution. Our mouths have gotten smaller (why most everyone needs their wisdom teeth pulled now, compared to not that long ago when it wasn't completely necessary) and people have been getting taller. That can't be denied, and we are evolving. The earth is changing too. Mountains are growing. Everest is getting taller and taller because of plate tectonics. Earthquakes are caused by plate tectonics. And if you're going to ask how I can be a Christian at the same time, it's because I believe that something had to put these things into motion, and nothing like this could happen by chance.

  • 1 decade ago

    Darwin's Theory of Evolution is the widely held notion that all life is related and has descended from a common ancestor: the birds and the bananas, the fishes and the flowers -- all related. Darwin's general theory presumes the development of life from non-life and stresses a purely naturalistic (undirected) "descent with modification". That is, complex creatures evolve from more simplistic ancestors naturally over time. In a nutshell, as random genetic mutations occur within an organism's genetic code, the beneficial mutations are preserved because they aid survival -- a process known as "natural selection." These beneficial mutations are passed on to the next generation. Over time, beneficial mutations accumulate and the result is an entirely different organism (not just a variation of the original, but an entirely different creature).

    Ok. On many levels, Darwin's theory is correct. It all connects back to the Big Bang Theory. All life, organic and not, comes from the original explosion that occured millions of years ago. Four existing forces exploded into what would later become our solar system. Gravity, the strong force, the weak force, and electromagnetism. When the explosion happened, the universe expanded, cooled, and created energy. As the temperature dropped, electrons and nuclei began to combine to form atoms, the basic building blocks of life and the cosmos as we know it, in a process known as recombination.

    Now, with that being said, let's examine the Bible. In Genesis, we learn that God created the heavens and the earth. It never ONCE states HOW these things we were made. The reason is because it is not important. What we are to remember is that God Almighty, the One True God, made the heavens and the earth.

    This all connects to your question about evolution.

  • 1 decade ago


    Plate Tectonics is the work of the devil!!


    a. Massive-scale erosion

    b. I do NOT believe in plate tectonics (well I do, but its fun to pretend...)

    c. I believe in macro evolution as you call it; but I do believe that GOD created the universe and it didn't randomly explode into being. You can see macro evolution; way back fifty years ago, humans were on average about nine inches shorter than we are now... Just look at those spitfire cockpits, its like they're built for children...

    Back to plate tectonics.

    That theory... They said Satan would be tempting...


    Oh, and by the way, 99.999% of scientists once said "The Earth is the centre of the universe". Then 0.001% of the scientists said "No, moron, its not".

    Who was right?


    We need a book to tell us so...

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  • 5 years ago

    The tectonics plates have nothing to do with evolution as they are simple part of the earth structure. We have no clear idea how old the earth really is and as far as the Genesis account of creation if people would read it correctly it is not the creation of the earth it the recreation of it. The first verse simple says that God created the heaven, the universe, and the earth and the second verse makes it clear that the earth was already here when God began to recreate it. Notice there is no account of God creating the earth only the account of Him having separating the waters so that the dry land could appear. The land was already there it was just under the water. So when did God create the Heaven and the earth the first time only God knows, but we do know what happened so that He had to recreate life on it, but that is another story for another time.

  • 1 decade ago

    It may be because I'm Catholic and we tend to have more relaxed views of evolution than some other religions, but I have no trouble accepting scientific evidence in favor of it. I've always been fascinated by science, especially geology, and I don't consider it a threat to my belief in God.

    How God chose to create the universe and set events into motion that led to life as we know it is something that no one will ever completely understand. I see no contradiction in the idea that perhaps evolution is the way that He chose for this planet's species to develop.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes and No. I'm a Conserative, meat eating Christian. I believe the earth is about 6000 years old, we had a global flood about 4000 years ago.

    The Grand Canyon was formed in about 2 weeks as a result of receding global flood waters on their way to the Pacific. The speed of the rushing water was slowed down by cutting through the rock, and a lot of the sand and silt settled down when the water slowed and deposited the Painted Desert to the east of the Grand Canyon.

    I do not know 99.85% of Earth and Life scientists, but I sincerely doubt that 99.85% of ANY GROUP OF EDUCATED PROFESSIONALS agree on an unprovable theory which many, such as myself, classify as a religious cult. Remember, there was a time when most "scientists" believed the earth was flat, and doctors thought you "cured" people by getting the "bad" blood out of them.

    I DO KNOW of scientists who DISAGREE WITH evolution:

    To provide you with direct answers to your 3 part question:

    a) massive-scale erosion: I didn't think this was a theory any longer. When Mt. St. Helens erupted in May of 1980 It carried a lot of debris (rocks the size of greyhound busses) and rushing water and carved a canyon out of bedrock about 40 feet deep and 100 feet long in 45 MINUTES. This action was videotaped by geologists from a helicopter. I heard about this many years ago, do not doubt it, but I don't know where to view it. If I did, I would post it.

    b) plate tectonics: There is NO disputing the geologic reality of these. Where I probably differ in opinion from you is their age and origin. Gen 1:31 And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.

    God DID NOT ORIGINALLY intend for there to be friction between these plates, however: Gen 7:11 In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the FOUNTAINS OF THE GREAT DEEP broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.

    The tectonic plates lost their lubrication when the fountains of the great deep were opened up, and there has since been friction, causing earthquakes. This is part of all creation groaning as a result of sin.

    c) The theroy of (macro) evolution: Here I presume you are discussing vertibrates, NOT some bacteria or virus in a petri dish in a lab. This theory is not even a scientific theory. Of all the fossil evidence for every creature on earth, there is NOT ONE SHRED of physical evidence for ANY SPECIES becoming another. There have been numerous hoaxes, but don't insult my intelligence by mentioning them. Macroevolution is the Original Lie from Satan whispered to Eve in the Garden of Eden by that Old Serpent, The Father of Lies. "Ye shall be as god" or "gods".

    You see, if evolution were true, then God doesn't exist, and if God didn't exist, then His laws wouldn't matter, and everyone could do whatever seems right to himself, since there is no one we have to be accountable to.

    This means the Ten Commandments are irrelevant, gay marriage is ok, abortion is ok, he who dies with the most toys wins...sin itself doesn't exist.

    Sorry, charlie. The Bible is completely true, God's laws matter, and every man will give an account of himself to a Holy God.

    In His Service,

    John the Baptist

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There is no such thing as science because it is not mentioned in the bible. The earth is flat. The sun is a disk that revolves around it. Don't travel too far or you will fall off the edge.

  • 1 decade ago

    some young earth creationists believe that the continents moved into their current positions during noah's flood, by a process somewhat like plate tectonics. unfortunately much like their ideas for the generation of biological diversity after the flood, it requires processes to occur many times faster than they do today. tectonic plates would probably melt if they were moving as fast as the creationists need them to.

  • 1 decade ago

    Ever seen the grand canyon? Or the Sandreas Fault? No I SEE! Go back to YA's RB-------09-07-07, read itthen come back, and tell me just where LIFE! came from! It's high time you guys did some answering! SEE! YA SAID "CAN OCCUR! NOT DID OCCUR! then ya said THINK! Do you know anything about TIME?according to the special relativaty theory by Einstien? anytiing ya KNOW?

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