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Suggestion for a thank you gift?

I have a friend who is paying for a trip (plane ticket and hotel) for me to travel to Hawai'i (Oahu). It began as her way of persuading me to show her around (it's her first time to the island), and ended with her telling me that it would be my birthday gift. It's still a pretty big gift! I was wondering if anyone had any ideas as to how I could thank her--other than just saying the words. I was thinking that maybe it could be something that is incorporated into the trip?

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Wow, what a nice friend.

    Take her to the Polynesian Cultural Center while you are there, and pay for the luau, or the photo they will take of the two of you there.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Take her out to a nice dinner or pay for an adventure for the two of you like a boat cruise or a tour - something you'd both enjoy. Also maybe take some pictures of the two of you, find a cool Hawaiian frame and give it to her as a parting gift.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Germains Luau was great. and it starts at Sunset and is on the beach.Go on activity or adventure they are plentiful. Go to Maui Divers the International market place and pick the Oysters and make matching neacklaces with the pearls you get. My husband and I got 2 black pearls and we are making necklaces as that was our 1st Anniversary when we were there and it is a GREAT Momento. Good luck and have FUN !!!

  • 1 decade ago

    Wow! Can she be my friend too? I would love for someone to take me somewhere to be their tour guide!

    Let's 'bout you pay for a really nice dinner while you're here and pay for some of the adventures you both have. I would definately look into getting a nice frame (I would suggest Koa which you can find at most stores here in Hawaii) so that you can slip a picture of you and your friend on your trip for a momento for her when you get back.

    When you get back, frame up your picture and write a nice thank you note (on real stationary, email doesn't count!).

    Regardless of what you do while on your trip, make sure to send a thank you note when you get home. It'll be a nice touch to let her know how much you appreciated her bringing you along to Hawaii!

    Good luck and have a great trip!

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  • 1 decade ago

    Horseback riding & ATV rides out in the country on Oahu: nice sunday brunch on the beach at Waikiki: - Sunday Brunch

    Sunset Dinner at John Dominis on the oceanfront:

    This is the site for the Award winning "Perry & Price" show on Sat. mornings Brunch Buffet, very fun & funny.

    ttp:// John Dominis

    Source(s): These are in the Hawaii Top 10 list. Any person in Hawaii would love any of these. Perry & Price Show/ Brunch is awesome!
  • 1 decade ago

    take her out to a Luau or out to dinner in a nice restaurant.

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