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What is the scary thing about Universal Healthcare?

OK, I've seen the railing against Senator Clinton's plan. Romney also has a plan which he started in Massechusetts. Several candidates have all pointed to National health plans either through the creation of a new system or the encouragement of market expansion, seemingly because the American public wants it to happen.

With that said, what I would like to see is why there is such vigorous opposition to the notion of expanding coverage for all citizens.

18 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    For starters, everything the government gets involved with goes down the tubes. Secondly, without competition, your healthcare will go down the lowest denominator. Right now, if you don't like your coverage, your Dr. etc. you can switch. Much like your car insurance carrier. I have been warned by friends that used to live in countries with socialized medicine and that said "Don't vote for it!" You'll have to wait eons for surgery, MRI's etc. There are terrible stories of people dying needlessly, all because they had to wait so long.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The scary thing is that the insurance companies can still deny you coverage just to keep their profit margin high. Its a good idea, but it still has flaws.

    It is apparent from reading the other answers posted that most people haven't got clue one what universal heath care is really about.

  • 1 decade ago

    raising taxes, expanded government and no choice in the system.

    ask yourself, will hillary and kerry and the rest all be in line with you for this choice?

    no..they will continue to have their own private doctors and health care.

    i dont understand why hillary and bill didnt do this when they were governors of arkansas if it is such a great idea.

  • Phil M
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Well for starters, nobody should be forced to have health insurance. Secondly, the public sector (govt) has never done anything more efficient than the private sector...except for lose money mysteriously.

    My main argument against universal healthcare is multi-faceted. I don't understand why its a national concern. Its a very regional one and can be handled on the state levels. There is no way to control cost of coverage unless you control cost of service. By limiting the cost a surgeon or doctor can charge we are effectively removing incentive for many surgeons and doctors to perform quality service and we instead incent quantity service. Not good.

    Lastly, when they can figure out how to properly balance a budget consistently, I might come around to trusting them with MORE of my money. Until then, no thanks.

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  • 1 decade ago

    M O N E Y. The rich won't part with it and they are making too much right now with all their stock dividends from the insurance companies. And the poor are afraid it will cost them something out of the pittance they are paid for their hard work; when in reality, they have nothing to fear because their premiums will be subsidized by the government taking it from the rich.

  • 1 decade ago

    A great deal of the opposition stems from the fact that most people don't understand yet how it will work. They are afraid of change, but mostly, they are afraid, albeit wrongly, that it's going to cost them more money than what they are paying now. They do not seem to realize that the same insurance companies & the same doctors will be providing for their care. However, on a national basis, it will be possible to negociate better rates & make it possible for everyone to have access to good health care without the BS of being refused insurance due to pre-existing conditions.

    P.S...Jon...You are already paying for medical care for those that are destitute. With a national health plan you would actually be paying much less.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am vigorously opposed to anything that steals my hard earned money to make insurance companies richer. If they didn't pump so much cash into lobbying, then the politicians would go after them to force them to provide affordable health care, rather than going after the tax payers to help pay for coverage for poor people.

  • 1 decade ago

    People especially children, seniors, and the poor will actually get the coverage they need.

    HMOs and insurance companies may not be able to continue reaping obscene profits by denying care.

  • 1 decade ago

    The only economic system that upholds man's right to his own property, to his own life is capitalism. The government giving itself a monopoly on a service is bypassing the free market system. The government can not offer any service better than the free market.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The scary thing is that poor people might actually get to have preventative care. How dare they elevate the poor to the same level as the rich! It's madness.

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