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Would a true basketball fan/ player show any hate towards His Airness, Michael Jordan?

As you may have noticed Michael Jordan is a hot topic on the basketball section of Yahoo! Answers. There are a lot of fans of MJ, but there are also a ton of Jordan haters. These "Jordan haters" attempt to do the unheard of- prove that MJ was nothing special. From where I stand a true player or fan of the NBA would die before doing that. But it got me thinking... what if there are true NBA fans or basketball players out there that hate Michael Jordan? What's your opinion?

P.S. As you may of noticed Kobe Bryant is not included in my question... so don't talk about him.

10 points goes to the user who best explains why or why not a true basketball player/fan would hate on MJ.

26 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Even MJ's most bitter critic or those who disliked him based on strong rival ties can't deny how good MJ was in terms of highlight reel plays, clutch shotmaking, and overall good tact and team play. If you are a true fan, you have to, at a bare minimum, respect MJ as a player.

    I bet you even Craig Ehlo doesn't hate MJ even though that play is constantly shown where he is going into a humiliating fetal position after a game winning shot.

    I can see why someone may dislike him as a GM or owner, as I can't recall him ever assembling a winning team.

    Also, the Wizards stint sort of tarnished his legacy, but not enough so to erase how great of a player he was in the 90s (and 80s too).

    Someone may say that they hate MJ, but any true basketball fan knows (regardless of rivalry ties) that MJ is someone who made the game of basketball great.

  • 1 decade ago

    I believe that Jordan got no love (from haters) for the following reasons.

    They may hate the fact that the NBA gave MJ a longest leach in league history. (You just had to breath on Michael and the refs would blow the whistle) you know it's true.

    Some haters may hate the fact that his a role model for kids but yet he's recognized as an addicted gambler.

    Haters may hate him because he gets so much recognition as the games greatest winner, but yet he couldnt win a ring during the toughest era in basketball, the 80s.

    Haters dont like the fact that kids today just want to dunk the ball and do all the acrobatic moves in the air with their tongue hanging out and forget about the fundamentals of basketball because they grew up watching MJ.

    That's mainly how many haters remember MJ.

    For the record I'm not a Jordan hater, I just see what everyone else sees. I'm not a Jordan fan either, but I will always pay my respect. He was without question one of the greatest to ever play. To he who much is given, much is required, people forget that Jordan was actually human.

  • DMAN
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Not talking about Kobe, but there was a feud with the Bulls vs Pistons, Celtics, and Lakers. The Pistons fans generally show more class about it and admit that Jordan is the greatest. But the Celtics and Lakers fans think that Jordan couldn't do it if Larry Bird or Magic Johnson hadn't gotten old.

    But in Larry's prime, he called Jordan, "God in disguise." And Magic said Jordan is above all. Not only that, the committee filled with legends and legendary coach unanimously named Jordan as the greatest player of all time.

    So basically, people hate Jordan because of rivalry and absolute no knowledge of basketball. I'm noticing people on Yahoo Answers Basketball section is under 15 year old, because they have no idea what an analogy is...

    See here:;_ylt=Ahrpu...

    I can't believe it myself... can people be this dumb?


    Hoopfan, I've never said people who don't worship Jordan has no class. I, myself, am a fan of Magic Johnson.

    This question is about who hates Jordan. And did you answer the question? Who hates Jordan?

    Jordan-haters have no class.


    Hoopfan, you just proved what I said. Some people don't that Jordan is the best because they don't believe he is better than Bird or Magic. I think Magic is the most skilled player because he could even play center, Jordan probably couldn't. But there's no need for Jordan to play center. Because of having no need to play center, Jordan is the greatest.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    a true basketball fan will never bad talk Michael Jordan however, he may not be his favorite player... me for example yes michael Jordan is the greatest of all time but my favorite player was Juilius Erving because he inspired the great one... MJ is the greatest not only because of his numbers but because whatever it was critics said he couldn't do he did it whether it was passing, scoring, defense, or winning a championship...

    the problem is most Jordan fans are either true fans that blow -up MJ or idiots that are band wagons... alot of people made it seem like Jordan won a championship by himself... im not taking it away from his talent but jordan was not by himself during the championship era....

    mainly its just that MJ had just a big impact on everything he did and some people are irritated by it

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  • 1 decade ago

    Iam a piston fan never liked jordan wouldn't let my mother by me a pair of air jordans . Love basketball 34 yeras old still play up to 4 times a week very big fan even play fanstay bball but never likeed jordan always enjoyed the team game not over blown as sheed would say stuper star . Thats why the revf sutation comes up becausce of superstars like him that may get treatments beyond the norm at curnch time. Beside if the nba back then allowed a zone defence Jordan probably doen't win 6 rings but the pistons would 4 peated 88-91 thankyou all very much.

  • 1 decade ago

    If you are a true basketball fan or a player, you wouldn't show any hate to basketball legends. As the saying goes... "love the game, love the player." The player is the one who makes the game better. MJ is a legend that deserves respect. He has proven his critics wrong by winning and coming back to the game he loves most.

  • 1 decade ago

    I assume that this question is directed at myself, Alpha Wolf, Tweety, Stonewall Jackson, etc....

    First of all, I don't "hate" Michael Jordan (not that it matters to him, lol). I just don't believe that he was the greatest player of all time. And when I bring up proof that he isn't, the "Jordan fanatics" get all it's against the law to say someone was better than him.

    I would never say he was "nothing special". He was "one of" the greatest players ever. As a basketball purist, I never liked his style of play though, or the cheap imitations that he helped create (Kobe, Carter, McGrady). That's why I can't watch the NBA today. Everyone wants to be like Mike, but they can't.

    Nobody in the history of the game was a coddled as Jordan was. Can you imagine what Wilt would have done, had he received the preferential treatment like Jordan did? The league did everything they could to try and STOP Wilt's dominance, unlike Jordan.

    If you ask most people on here who the greatest player was, they'll say Jordan was, and give no reasons, or reasons that don't justify the question (see GABRIEL, above). It's amazing how popular this guy was/is, and that's what is so irritating. Give a good, valid reason why you think that!

    Alpha Wolf just does it to get a rise out of people on here, and they fall for it EVERYTIME!

    Everybody is entitled to their opinion. Mine is that Jordan is NOT the greatest of all time, just the most hyped and promoted player ever. That's not a knock against him, its a knock against the hype!


    DMAN...are you insinuating that anybody who doesn't worship Jordan, has "no class"?

    Bird made that quote in reference to ONE GAME!! Jeeeshhhh!! Jordan almost singlehandedly beat his team in a playoff game, making almost everything he threw up, and Larry was just commenting on THAT GAME! Bird has ALWAYS said that Magic was the best player he's ever seen.

    And yes, its been proven that Jordan didn't win anything until Bird and Magic got older. There was no rivalry in the 1980's with the Celtics. Chicago was nothing more than a small bump in the road to the finals.


    I was just kidding about the "no class" comment, and the question was WHY/WHY NOT would a true b-ball fan "hate" Jordan.

    My answer, as a true fan of basketball, was that I never liked his style of play (flashy, selfish), but I wouldn't deny he was a great player, just not the greatest. He wasn't as good as Bird or Magic.

    If Pete Maravich played the same time as Jordan did ( 24 hr. sports cable TV, huge salaries, endorsements), and had good players around him,a shortened 3-point line, and a watered-down league, would HE be considered the greatest player in history? Something to think about.....


    Jordan is the greatest because "he didn't have to play center"? ..........that's a good one

  • 1 decade ago

    No, a real basketball fan/player would not hate on Michael Jordan. The reason is simple if you are a real basketball fan/player you would know Michael Jordan is the BEST PLAYER TO EVER PLAY THE GAME!!!!!!!!! If you have love for the game you have to have love for the BEST player that ever play the game. IT'S JUST THAT SIMPLE!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE MICHAEL JORDAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    I wouldn't be surprised if alot of these Jordan "Haters" are devoted fans to other greats like Magic Johnson. But regardless of their negativity towards him, they should still respect Jordan for what he's done for the game of basketball. I figure alot of those "haters" were fans of the teams which Michael torched over the years. heh.

  • 1 decade ago

    A good argument. If there were basketball Player(s) or basketball fan(s) that do hate Jordan, its basically personal reasons. So, I think.

    Fans and/or players can hate Jordan, on court, when he's doing his damage to teams. But I still don't see why they should hate him off-court. People just got to respect a persons game. Just think about it, what has Jordan done to you, that could of possibly change your life? Sure, he dominated your team and harassed your teams best defender. You just got to stop and say, "God he's good." You can't deny a persons ability and skills.

    Its a competitive sport, sometimes competitiveness gets on people. I don't blame them.

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