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Married: What should I do?

My husband and I have been together for nearly 9 years, married for 3 of those. We have been together since 13 and 15 years old. We now have 2 babies (1 and 3 yr). For a while, we were having regular disagreements like me wanting him to help around the house and him wanting more sex (every night instead of 2-3 times a week). We have been through so much and love eachother. Two months ago, he started a new job and not a week after, I found out that he had been talking to a girl he met there. They were talking mostly by text. A couple weeks later, he actually went out with her all night. He spent money on her and everything. They did not have sex though but only because she played him saying it was "that time of the month". He felt horrible afterward and said he hated himself for doing it and that he was done with it and just wanted to be with me. Then, all of a sudden, the minute she called him, he gave in again and started talking to her. Than, again, he said it was over and done with.


It had been days that he spoke 2 her & when she decided 2 call him, he gave in again. He told her that we are together & arent getting seperated. But she wont stop & now he keeps saying "he does not know how to let it go". He said he loves me dearly & wants 2 only be with me & does not want to hurt me but also does not want to hurt her. Than he says "shes just a friend" & that I should just be patient. I have been, for 2 months. Just trying to work on us. And when she is not calling, our marriage is better than ever. Than she calls & he doesnt know how to ignore her (deep down doesnt really want to). Then he says how mad he is at himself & wants to make it right but he is just so weak. What do I do? Hes my husband & I love him. Hes not this kind of guy. He dispices men who cheat. He says he doesnt even like her but he just cant let her go. Should I follow through & suggest a seperation or do I try 2 be there a little longer since I see his guilt. I believe in one marriage and luv him.

Update 2:

He has been with other women sexually. He started at 11 years old. I have only been with him. We are also Christians so it kills me to see him tempted and failing to satan.

32 Answers

  • Mel W
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think he needs to find another new job... away from this woman, change the phone numbers, and the two of you should seek some marriage counseling ASAP.

    It sound like there is still a good foundation to your relationship, but this may not last long if he keeps himself in the way of temptation. Please, for the sake of your family get some outside help.

    You will be in my prayers,

    God bless!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    He is afraid to be honest with you I think. And you two have been together from a young age. SO you have changed over the years in maturity. And he has probably never been with another person other then you! It is sad I know, especially because you have the 2 children. But you may try and seek marraige counseling. And I would be sure that he understands that he cannot have a relationship with the woman you had mentioned earlier!

    Good luck to you and your family!

  • CHos3n
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Have him change his phone number now. If it's "over and done with" he doesn't ever need to contact her and vice versa. If he doesn't change the number, he's still holding out for the possibility that when he's next upset at home, he can run out on you and the kids and get his fix with her again.

    That said, numbers are not the only thing that needs changing. Get into counseling now. If he won't go, go by yourself. It will strengthen your marriage. It will help you to understand why you're staying in the marriage, if you choose to. And what you'll do if you decide to leave the cheatin scoundrel.

    I'm so sorry for your pain.

  • 1 decade ago

    You two got together when you were so young, you're probably just changing as you get older and growing apart. You can't make someone change, and his starting to stray is not your fault. But if he's staying out all night, it's only a matter of time until there's sex involved (in fact, I'd be surprised if they're weren't already). He needs to shape up or you need to leave him, period. You cannot allow this to continue, or to allow yourself to be trapped and abused because of your history. It's not good for you or the children.

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  • Married and parents at ages 19 and 21... (did you get pregnant right away?) and now having relationship troubles.

    And people wonder why some of us say "Don't get married so young!"

    He "just can't let her go"? What kind of lame excuse is that? If he wants to be married to you, he MUST let her go. No ifs, ands, or buts. There is no room in your marriage for her.

    If he doesn't understand this, then there's not a lot of hope for your marriage.

  • 1 decade ago

    It sounds to me like he really likes this person. Sometimes a guy wants to have a female friend to talk to other than his wife. Be happy that they didn't have sex that says a lot about your man, he loves you. I doubt that it was that time of the month. If he wanted to have sex with her he would have. Be supportive of your man. Tell him that you really love him and want to be with him. And by the way what is wrong with having sex every night instead of 2 times a week? You are both very young enjoy a long and happy sex life.

  • specky
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    this marriage does not have to be over. there are things you can do even without him making an effort. but you need to decide whether you are able to forgive what your husband has done so far. if the answer is no, then it is time to move on. if yes, then do what you can to bring the love and happiness back to your relationship. families are so important.

    good luck

    go lay the smackdown on that woman!

    Source(s): fascinating womanhood - Helen Anderlin
  • 1 decade ago

    This is my life!! Ive been with him for 14 years since i was 16. we have 3 little kids. Hes cheated on me numorous times hes always so sorry because he only loves and wants me he says. Guess what now he has a child with someone else he doesnt see and hes never gonna quit cheating. dont let him lie to you sugar!! ive had the lies for 14 years i filed for divorce today and mine is in jail today also. Ive had my share of pain like you wouldnt believe. Please dont believe his lies. they only get worse im telling you

  • 1 decade ago

    sorry .....your husband is just not going through a phase....I believe in for better or worse and in this time he wants his cake and eat it too...meaning he still is in like with you but is more interested in this girl...and if he loved you he would not be in this to begin means only your wife...he is not thinking of you when he is with her so stop believing he is sorry...and this won't be the last and you will probably still hang on to the hope it'll end....please be stronger than this...please....just ask yourself if you want to spend the rest of your life with him???? you will never forget this AND...will it happen again??? do you really want to spend your life looking over your shoulder??? having sleepless nights then stay with the could be missing out on a wonderful guy who you can bet is you'll stay in this relationship until he tells you it's over...

  • LAL
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Sounds like you have a problem.

    He lies, he's deceptive and he's more then alittle attracted to another woman. I don't know what words you will use, but you need to tell him to knock it off...period. You're not going to put up with his bs.

    Contact an attorney to see exactly what you can get, so you know exactly where you stand if he insists on playing games with another woman. Don't wait to be dumped on. Know your rights and be mentally prepared in case he decides to play. That way YOU"RE in control.

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