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If it's true, as the movie Zeitgeist claims, that the religious institutions?

of our day are at the bottom of the pile of crap that we are being fed as a whole, then where in the pile is the belief that is held by those who preach love and peace out of one side of their mouth while all the time planning amongst themselves out of the other side of their mouths to reduce the world's population to 1/6th its present number, and to enslave the remaining sheeple who have been processed to accept what the Sun worshippers, called Luciferians, Baal-worshipping, Babylon, Mystery religion, international banker antichrist elite members of secret societies have ordained?


to Foxtrot,

It's not what I believe Foxtrot. What those who are considered goyim, less than human by the makers of the movie, don't know is the reason for the question.

4 Answers

  • Tim 47
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes, the movie industry should be our trusted source of information!

    Oh wait, they are only interested in making money!

    How do you know that this is not inflammatory information devised to create divisions among us?

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, sad to say it is true. Ever hear of the bilderbergers, or the illuminati. Check these things out at the library. or on the internet. We have been force fed much of their stuff from the beginning of time and in the last days, is getting worse. Why do you think so much came into schools and churches that is against what Gods Bible says????? That we can believe in God and be Christian and yet not believe in JEsus, that all we have to do is believe, we dont have to obey GOd... That we cant pray in schools any longer, thay say abortion is ok, not murder, that tell us that being homosexual is not an issue with GOd of the Bible. So many things... its all around us. Christian voices are being silenced, while other religions are allowed to say as they please. Today if you speak against adultry or homosexuality in a church even, it can be a hate crime. YEt there are schools today that open talk about the homosexual lifestyle as an ok alternative. PPl can do as they please, but when they say we cant give our opinion, this is wrong. Rights are being taken away from us right and left. yet so few notice and even fewer speak up. Listen to Texe Marrs, you can find him on the internet. HE will blow your soxs off, has a ministry in Texas. WOWOWOW.

    They even know that NLP which is neuro linguistics programming, begun by a devil worshipper, is now teaching things like this to seminaries, etc. ITs a form of MIND CONTROL TO CONTROL THE MASSES.

    Check these things out, dont take my word for it.

    You are waking up.... come on america. lets join in. I never heard of the movie you mentioned, but the things you asked about are true, these things do exist and are becoming more magnified daily. open your eyes and you will see, clearly.

    Source(s): God, The HOly Bible and the HOly Spirit
  • Rob
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    that zerigeist reptilian 2012 stuff only goes so far with me, then it all starts to sound ridiculous.

    "Religious institutions"?? Like, for an example, the tiny, non-denominational church in a farming community that reaches out to and encourages a small group of elderly people?

    Or another example, the inner-city ministry that gives food and shelter to homeless people? These "institutions" are part of the "conspiracy" as well?

    Doubt it.

  • 1 decade ago

    same pile of crap

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