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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureReligion & Spirituality · 1 decade ago

I wrote a poem. It's called "God, why did you make me an Atheist?" I haven't come up with any words yet.Ideas?


It has to be more in depth than the poem I also wrote called " God, I wish I lived in Detroit". That poem also , as of yet, has no words.

Update 2:

mello yello, I love life. no, i don't believe in god, but most folks on r/s know this. but, i like you whether you are a christian or not. the story about rain was true, this question is merely something to make some folks smile. i like you, can you smile with me for a minute?

23 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    A young Christian man recently wrote a brilliant poem here. I hope it will be of help to you.;_ylt=Algst...

    The man deserves more answers and more praise. His gift is a joy. You sound like a good fundie, too. I'm sure he would love to hear your "God, why don't I live in Motor City" poem. Well, you call it Detroit, but that is SOOO unpoetic.

    EDIT: *Looks up innocently* Oh my... oh my G.. ROTFL!! Priceless! They're out in droves tonight!

    "God,why you make me an Antheist..

    and why i am so stupid..

    why i never try to find you.."

    *Falls on the floor laughing* Oh my. Oh my goodness. I love these people. How CAN you tell such a wonderful rain story and still be an atheist? How is that, 8-Track? Because ya can't just enjoy nature for nature, y'know. You MUST worship a fairy tale creator or else, well, or else it seems you're going down that little rabbit hole and into the fire. Christian love at its finest tonight! Is it a full moon?

    God, why did you make me an atheist?

    If you have created all, then you have created me

    Yet I am but a stupid

    Why I never even gave God a chance

    To see what God made me?

    He should have some idea being omniscient and all

    But even God slip up now and again

    My question would have to be

    How can I not believe in you? It just doesn't make sense!

    Only you can inspire the rain and its stories

    Yet I be a stupid and make it up myself

    Oh, I am dump. *Shrieks with delight*

    God, if free will means choice A or choice B

    And choice B means eternal torture by fire

    I could become one of ur chosen and do as u say.

    But 4get u creator,i wanna do what i want

    And ur promises of Ur covenant ill miss.

    So ill put the blame on u anyway by sayin,

    "God,why did u make me an Atheist?"

    See the pattern here, how the first line mirrors the last but heightens in intensity just before the climax? Clever, eh? The repetition is key, as are the grammatical errors. Syntax is all in the mind of the poet. Set it free, 8-Track. Set your fundie voice free.

    Aww. (((Praire Crone))) Praire Crone is sweet.

    Why do I feel like I'm filming "Sling Blade"?

    Source(s): I just had to. Hopefully you'll get a few more answers, too.;_ylt=Asg7J...
  • 1 decade ago

    Hon....I can't help you with this because I am not an atheist or a Christan.

    I don't know why you have chosen the path you are on but as I read your questions and answers, I hear a gentle heart, a worried spirit and a quest for answers to life and all the whys despite the mask of sarcasm or harshness that you like to wear. People here like to label others. You rip at the labels and the masks even though you hang on to your own with a death grip. I can't wait until you take the step to become a pure free thinker and let the mask slide.........the energy that you will release will be blinding. Blessed Be ......Crone

  • DrEvol
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Because God, and the Toothfairy

    exist only in the minds of non-thinkers

    I thank Reason for being an Atheist.

    Because I once was a child

    and I was told

    that if I questioned

    I was posessed by an evil spirit

    I now thank Reason for being an Atheist

    Because I now know

    that to face reality

    one can only be an Atheist

    I also know that those who say

    they believe in a God

    are also Atheists.


    since they have exchanged

    Reason with Faith

    they are Atheists

    but they don't know it.

  • 1 decade ago

    God didn't make you an Atheist. You chose for yourself. I am not asking you to convert, but I am asking you to see both sides of the coin before you make a eternal decision. By opening the New Testament and start reading the book of John. Have you ever even read just the small new testament of the Bible then see if God makes you an Atheist. Are you up the the challenge? Can you at least read Matthew, Mark , Luke and John? That is a fair amount. That is about the easiest reading in the whole Bible. You can't beat that in your decision making, then see if God has really wanted to make you an Atheist. If you don't take the challenge and read it, then it shows that you have made your own decision and never even gave God a chance to see what God made you. But in the end you make the final choice. God gives everyone freedom of choice. God usually does not force people to do things they do not want to do. You are the chooser.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    God, why did you make me an atheist?

    Is it so when I speak to the Christians, they all get pissed?

    God, what will you do next?

    Will you make me a FUNDIE?

    I hope not; I'd feel hexed.

    God, why didn't you make me a Christian?

    Did you know I'd never listen,

    so what the f*ck is the point to that, anyway?

    God, someday, will you make me PAY,

    for my disbelief in you?

    God, why did you make me an atheist?

    I wish I could believe in you.

    Believing in you would be like I just got kissed.

    This is a matter on which I'll definitely chew...


    Religion is like cheese,

    oh dear God.

    Over time, they both get old,

    and they're both so full of holes.

    So, God, why did you make me an atheist?

    Don't you see that it makes me so sad?

    The feeling of not having an imaginary friend in the sky,

    is just oh so bad.

    God, why did you make me an atheist?

    Oh, I get it.

    You love my atheistic poetry, is that the gist?

  • 1 decade ago

    G-d, why did you make me an Atheist?

    I can't believe You did this to a funny guy who lisps

    When all the time you worked on me,

    You knew I would be pi$$ed.

    I've thought of many ways to right this with my fists,

    But the cruelest joke of all,

    You made me a pacifist.

    You will have to forgive my lack of imagination. I find I can write poetically, but only when inspired. I only wanted to welcome you back, and hope you will find it in your poets heart to be a little more understanding of those who bruise easy. Me, I am tough as nails. I'm just a cowgirl who loves Jesus.

  • 1 decade ago

    I tried to write a poem about atheist

    but nothing whymes wit ist.

    I thought to make a rhyme with God

    and only could thought of plod, cod and rod

    then my imaginations focussed to my shorts.

    Woooo Hoooo! Allahuakbar!

    So how and I doing so far?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Okay, that's it. I've seen enough.

    God, why did you make me an Atheist?

    God, why in your infinite wisdom did you make me the athiest atheist?

    If we all came from monkeys, why are there still minkeys?

    If we all came from elephants, why do we have pinkies?

    If we all came from orangutans, why Jesus monkeys no thinky?

    Why am I here on R&S? I asks with a winky.

    Is it because misery loves company

    Or just because we're all stinky?

    Did Pascal bet wrong like Tinky Winkie?

    Is Jerry Falwell in R&S heaven having a drinky?

  • Lol, you causing religious controversy again eh?

    Check out my profile where I have Devo's " Jocko Homo" lyrics which is a song about evolution, god and apes in a parody sense.

    That might give you some inspiration since their lyrics have actually inspired me with poetry alot.

    Hope that helps.

  • 1 decade ago

    sounds like you haven't written a poem at all. Just a Title. What's interesting to me is the Fact that God didn't make you any thing. You chose your path and he would never force ideas on you or any one else! My question would have to be, how could you not believe in God? It just doesn't make sense!

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