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Anonymous asked in PetsRodents · 1 decade ago

dwarf hamster?

i read on a website that you can't give them fluff because they get tangled in it, is this true? and if so, whats an alternative?

also ive looked at cages but none seem to work for me, can you recomend a cage for me?

and finally, ive had three previous syrain hamsters that i have loved, and im thinking about getting a dwarf, i know all about the differences and their special needs, but are they really a lot harder to take care of? if you have a dwarf, can you give me some tips from experience?


ok so my friend had a dwarf and she gave it toliet paper, and it died because of that! so how is this better then the fluff?

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    No! Do not give them fluff!

    The best thing to give them is white, unscented, untreated toilet paper. They'll shred it and build their nests out of it.

    You can also give them the rolls to your toilet paper and paper towels. They enjoy hiding in them very much. The little wooden houses and tunnels for mice and such are great for keeping their teeth trimmed. Hamster teeth never stop growing, so they need to have something to gnaw on.

    We used to hang the toilet paper from the top of the cage, so they get a little exercise, tearing off what they need.

    As for cages, there are small aquariums that are perfect because there are no bars. If you prefer bars, you can get a cage marketed for mice.

    The dwarf hamsters are not all that harder to take care of, but I recommend the Roborvoski Dwarf Hamsters, and the Campbell or Russian Dwarf. The Chinese dwarf can be a little more trouble. They live about a year longer, but they are not able to get along with others. They are territorial and will kill any cage mates.

    The Chinese are also as fast as lightning. You can catch an escaped Russian or Campbell, but the Chinese jump higher than any other dwarf, and are so fast that you won't even see them move.

    Our experience was with both Cambell's Russian Dwarf and with Chinese Dwarf types.

    Our Chinese experience: We bought a Chinese Dwarf a few months after the death of our Campbell, who was very friendly and sweet. We did not know the difference at the time. When the pet store sold me our hamster, "Frodo", we learned three weeks later that Frodo was really a girl and had 6 babies. Chinese Dwarfs are very aggressive when pregnant, so it wasn't a good experience form the start. I studied all I could, and when the babies were three weeks old, I separated them according to sex because otherwise we'd be stuck with another litter.

    We found out the hard way that Chinese could not be kept together at all, when two hamsters turned up dead *(and eaten by their brother) one morning.

    The last advice I can give you is that you should study how to tell the sexes apart on your own. Pet store employees can be quite ignorant of how to sex the animals.

  • 5 years ago

    I say you should go with the syrian because they are bigger, easier to handle and aren't as fast. If you have your heart set on a dwarf, then go with the dwarf but if this is your first hamster, i would strongly advise you to get a syrian. My syrian hamster would sometimes just sit my hand for up to like 1min and a half and just have me pet her. but if your getting a hamster then you have to be ready for the responsibility. Even thought hamster are small, they are still a lot of work. There's are disease that;s common for hamsters calld Wet Tail which is usually deadly for hamsters <3R.I.P Macy <3

  • Peggy
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Yes, it is true. Read what might happen:

    For nesting are fine unscentened paper tissues, toilet paper or soft hay.

    I would recommend a tank or bin for dwarf hamsters as dwarfs don't climb as well and can squeeze through cage bars (they couldn't have more than 0.4" bar spacing or 1/2x1/2" wire mesh). You can get a 15-20 gallon glass tank with wire mesh lid or made a plastic bin:

    Well, I have had Winter whites and now I keep a Russian Campbell dwarf. They need the same amount of care as Syrian hamsters, maybe a little less - they stink a bit less so they don't need to clean the cage as often.

  • 1 decade ago

    fluff is no good, i have a dwarf hamster and use carefresh bedding. it seems to work excellently, so i would highly recommend it. its only about $4 at the Petco.

    As for cages, it depends if your talking about syrian hamsters or dwarf hamsters. if your wanting a new cage for the dwarf , i would recommend the Pink Princess Castle habitat at Petco. I purchased one for my dwarf, and although it was a bit pricey at almost $40, it is soo cute, easy to clean and the perfect size for my baby. If you dont want to pay full price for it, go to the and you can get it at wholesale price.

    I actually happen to think that dwarfs are easier to take care of than syrians. my friends have had syrians and they seem to me, more messy and often more aggressive, but maybe i just got lucky w my gentle dwarf. she is very easy to care for, even as my first hamster ever. All they need is a secure habitat (preferably without wires), a wheel, exercise ball, food, small treats, carefresh bedding, a water bottle, and chew sticks. they are pretty low maintenance and dont smell much if you remember to clean the habitat at least once a week. ive even got a litter box in mine, which my dwarf actually uses! good luck.

    Source(s): petco.? myself.
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  • 1 decade ago

    Well i have a 5 month old dwarf hamster. They tend to be so small that they can fit through the bars of even the smallest cage. I bought a small (fish) tank and that works perfectly. They arent very hard to take care of, just feed them and give them fresh water everyday and put them out in their ball. Once they get used to you they also loved to be held. I dont know what the brand of "fluff" is called but it comes in a light greenish bag. That is perfect for them because its nice to burrow in

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    first the fluff can kill them if they eat it clogs up theyre diggestive system.Use toilet paper mine loves it!!!!

    If you want a cage I suggest to go to walmart there is this cage called hamster playground. I got mine cage for free but im thinking of getting that cage. Dwarves are easy I have one make sure you get a cage that they cant go threw.I've had both syrian and dwarf they are both easy to take care of.

    If you get a plastic cage it might cause breathing problems. I have wire its working out good. If you want 2 hamstersyou need either 2 female dwarves or robos.

    Hope this helps

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes, it's totally true! DO NOT PUT IN FLUFF.

    Unscented toilet paper is great for hamsters. It is fun to watch them go nuts making a nest and ripping up the toilet paper. I give my dwarf hamster toilet paper like every week and it does last.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    well there is some beding that works really well it is made out of recycled newspaper i really recomend it just get a cage that has tubes and and a wheel they can run in my hamsters lov to play in tubes

  • 1 decade ago

    u just need to feed,love,clean,and play 4 it

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