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Sequel to "Jena 6"?,2933,297840,00.html

Police in Norfolk VA are investigating a brutal attack on a 13 year old white student by a group of blacks. Will Al Sharpton march here too?

Blacks are raised in a culture of violence. That is the reason there are more blacks in prison than in grad school. That is the reason the leading cause of death among black men is being murdered by other black men.

If this attack doesn't qualify as a hate crime, then we just ahve to admit that "hate crimes" are merely a way to keep alive the myth that whites actively target blacks. A white person is 10 times more likely to be attacked by a black person, than a black person is to be attacked by a white.

Something must be done about this rap culture of violence.


Mz: NBC news is a liberal mouthpiece, and not a credible source of info. Here are some facts:

An Epidemic of Black-on-Black Murders

Homicide among blacks has reached epidemic proportions. But critics say the problem is not receiving the attention it deserves -- particularly in the black community.

The subject was not even on the agenda at last week's State of the Black World Conference held in Atlanta.

African-Americans are six times more likely to be murdered than whites.

Between 1976 and 1999, some 94 percent of black murder victims were killed by other African-Americans.

Nearly two-thirds of black homicides were drug related.

Homicide is the leading cause of death for African-American men between ages 15 and 24 -- and it accounts for more deaths of black men ages 25 to 44 than does heart disease, cancer or diabetes.

It also is the second leading cause of death among black women ages 25 to 44.

20 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I admit the whole thing seems crazy. If my white child attacked someone in a violent crime and was put in jail there wouldn't be a single person protesting. Not even me. My daughter asked me once if she did something against the law would I turn her in. My response was that I would be the one to call the police. Absolutely! The 17 year old obviously has had previous run ins with the law...what is the problem? I just don't get it.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think crime is wrong weather the perp be white black or polka dotted. The reason Jena 6 was so earth shaking was because 2 almost identical crimes were comitted and it seems that only the black kids are being punished. And al sharpton. . . He is a nobody he may be doing more harm to the black community than good. He only shows up when there is a controvesy like Jena 6. Did you know that he was there on 9-20-07 charging $40 dollars for pictures but i guess that was for the Mychal Bell defense fund.

  • 5 years ago

    There is a double standard in the doling out of punishment, as well as other mitigating factors that are clearly of a racist nature. Several of the Black students, originally charged with attempted murder for a school fight, had been attacked and beaten by white students. The most sever charge brought against a white student was a minor assault charge. Several Black students had a gun pulled on them by a white student. The Black students wrestled the gun away in self-defense, and the Black students were criminally charged with stealing the gun. The white student was not charged. The District Attorney plainly threatened Black students to keep quiet about the racist intimidation they faced from white students. He threatened to use his pen to ruin their lives if they did otherwise. So the charges brought against the Jena 6 were way out of proportion to what thay are accused of. (Several witnesses say Mychal Bell wasn't even part of the group involved in the attack.) The facts surrounding the case all point to disparatre treatment based on race.

  • 1 decade ago

    Actually the leading cause of death among black men is heart disease. Homicide is the 5th cause of death among black men. If you're trying to make a point, be straight with your facts.***Edit*** Actually those stats were from the Centers for Disease Control, and the news site just reposted them. So are you saying that stats from the CDC are inaccurate?

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  • 1 decade ago

    I agree with you,but the only thing that will fix the problem is for Men ,of all races,to stay with one woman and raise their families. Be in the home and love his wife and children. The problem with most Black and Latino families(and an increasing # of Caucasians too) is fathers ABANDONING their responsibilities to their family and going in search of "instant gratification".

  • 1 decade ago

    Look...I've been as (or MORE) critical of the protesters...and the "Reverends" Charlatan and "Hymetown" Jackson as anyone...HELL... I grew up getting beat down by the fathers of some of the boys in that video...but you're just yammering out of the side of your neck ...and that doesn't only perpetuates the problem!!

    Anyone who watches TV...listens to the radio...or goes to the movies in this country is "raised in a culture of violence"... what does that prove/mean??

    We all have violent imagery thrown at us constantly...but that doesn't mean that racism isn't real. That's the REAL problem w/ race-baiting, hate-mongerers like Charlatan and Jackson...they detract from REAL examples of racial inequality by doing exactly what you're doing...making something of out nothing and acting all self-important about it!!

    There are a myriad of socio-economic-cultural issues that impact the numerical stats on incarceration...but where oh where did you get the statistic that says, "A white person is 10 times more likely to be attacked by a black person, than a black person is to be attacked by a white?"

    I challenge you to post a link verifying that statement. What happened in Jena...and what happened to the kid in Norfolk is horrendous enough w/o people like you blowing it out of proportion and making it worse!


    Before you go posting information you've found on the's a good idea to know where it's coming from. The NCPA is NOT a more "reliable" source than NBC news...quite the contrary!! Unlike NBC which only cares about the almighty dollar...the NCPA is focused on advancing a quasi-political agenda...which makes it's motives highly suspect.

    Like the neo-con version of Michael Moore...they cherry-pick facts and presents a lopsided view of an issue. It makes for a compelling...but COMPLETELY DISHONEST argument.

    Question your sources carefully!!

  • Bemo
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    We still have a long way to travel before we treat each other as fellow human beings.

    Most of what I have read here just proves that to me more and more.

    One spoiled piece of fruit in a basket will cause more to spoil.

    I think that is true for apples as well as oranges or even potato's.

    I'm beginning to believe that even if we were all color blind we would find some other reason to sling hate.

    Injustice is wrong -doesn't matter to whom it is directed.

  • 1 decade ago

    you people need to stop generalizing.. I am a black female raised by a black parents surrounded by black family. NO ONE in my family has ever been to jail, neither of us were raised in a culture of violence.

    It unfortunate that these crimes are continuning in this culture, but the unfortuate less advantage blacks that continue to led a life of violence and 'oppression' should not be basis to judge all black people.. Quite frankly I am embarrassed for these people, but I believe that the other blacks such as myseld and family should not be automatically judge by the actions of these people.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Questions like this only fuel more hate & there shouldn't be anymore questions about why black ppl pull the so called "race card".

    I find it funny that you come on here shouting nonsensical BS without any real solutions to the problem. Which goes to show that you are only here to spread hate, and not help.

    Black ppl are growing less & less tolerant of hate mongers like you & that is why racial issues, like the one in Jena LA explode to the point it did!

    You keep poking, keep poking, keep poking & then act surprised when someone turns around & kicks your narrow *** for it!

  • 1 decade ago

    what about the white guys that kidnapped the black girl? no one's screaming about that either. kidnappings that have to do with black children never make the news as much as other ones like Elizabeth Smart or something. i mean the Jena six case made news so much because it's an obvious injustice. it's not an everyday case and it's also a reminder to us black people that nothing has changed in this country as far as racism goes.

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