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A Plague on your houses

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  • Nelson Mandela and AIDS?

    Is anyone else as sick of hearing about the twin towers of liberal activism--Nelson Mandela as "saint", and AIDS as a social cause?

    Nelson Mandela's claim to fame, from what I gather, is he spent decades in prison. Now, he might be a nice guy, but there is no skill or particular merit involved in being a prisoner. You sit there. Enough of the accolades. Charles Manson has been in prison for going on 40 years, I don't hear anyone calling him a saint.

    And AIDS? Please! I'm so tired of the AIDS ribbons and AIDS awareness campaigns. Why not have Syphillis ribbons or Gonnorhea awareness campaigns. AIDS is VD. Keep your dick in your pants and out of other guys' pants, and you'll likely never catch it. I've never met or known anyone with AIDS, but I don't associate with promiscous people of any gender/orientation, and I don't know any IV drug users.

    Let's burst the bubble of liberal radicalism!

    Thoughts, comments, questions?

    3 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • Evils of political correctness... an example?

    Here are the words of Michael Touhey, the ticket agent who boarded Mohammed Atta and another terrorist on 9-11.

    "He had the most hateful look. He had the most angry look on his face, and I had never gotten a feeling like this. I'm looking at him, and I'm saying 'My God. I sense anger.' I said to myself, if this doesn't look like an Arab terrorist, nobody does.

    "I actually gave myself a slap--a little mental slap--saying to myself 'they've got ties and jackets on. They look like a couple of businessmen."

    First, Touhey should be sent to Afghanistan to make up for his complicity in the terrorist attacks which his non-action allowed.

    More importantly, this shows the evil of political correct thinking. It leaves people unable to judge danger and evil appropriately. America will one day fall, with people scratching their heads and saying "I saw the danger, but I gave myself a little mental slap and ignored it."

    12 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • God's revenge: Bird Flu or Volcano?

    I have been thinking that God will bring his vengeance down on America with a bird flu pandemic. While that's still possible, a greater event is brewing in Yellowstone National Park. Scientists say the caldera, or underground volcano, has been filling rapidly for the past 3 years. It's growth has caused a surface deformation of 3 inches per year for the past 3 years--more than double the highest annual rate on record. An explosion of the Yellowstone Volcano would be the greatest cataclysm in human history, leaving the middle of America buried under ash, killing hundreds of thousands of people, and altering the earth's climate for years. To paraphrase Bette Midler, God is watching you--from a distance.

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Musharraf's Gamble, Bush's Mistake?

    I still don't know why Bush thinks democracy is the solution to the problems in the Middle East and Pakistan. Given a free choice, the Palestinians chose a terrorist organization to lead them, and the mess in Iraq is directly tied to the failed experiment in democracy there. Bush's naivete is disturbing, especially when time and again his "faith" in democracy to end war and terrorism is proven false.

    Most middle eastern muslims favor the destruction of israel, and a hostile relationship with the US. Yet Bush believes that they will magically become US allies if given a free vote. Strong monarchies or military rulers are the only thing keeping Saudi Arabia, Yemen and other countries from becoming open enemies of the US. Pakistan's future is on a precipice. Without strong-handed leadership, the radical muslims will turn Northern Pakistan into a training ground for terrorists, and they could easily overthrow the government and take control of the country..

    8 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Racial Insanity?

    I'm not a fan of "the dog." I think his show is a glorification of violence, and should never have been on a network devoted to "Arts and Entertainment." I'm appalled, though, that his show is suspended and threatening to be cancelled because of a private conversation he had with his son--which his son sold to the National Enquirer for $15,000. America is well on the way to the insanity which will destroy her--rampant PC dogma, de-facto criminilization of speech, and a loss of the boundary between public and private.

    While a black rapper is producing an album he defiantly titled "*****", another white man is being condemned without trail for speech which is in everyday (every minute) use among urban blacks. These AnFiRgIgCeArN Americans must be laughing at the enforced weakness of whites. Black music, "art" movies and even commercials regularly focus on the ability of blacks to intimidate whites (watch the AlTell commercial where a black rap star assaults four white "nerds"),

    8 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • 9-11 Conspiracy believers... danger to democracy?

    In the last few weeks, 9-11 conspiracy believers have disrupted speeches and events featuring Bill Maher, Hilary Clinton and Bill Clinton. These people seem to be reaching a fever pitch. Is there a threat that they could become dangerous? Delusional people can build themselves up to any act, including assassination. Is there a threat one or more of these people will find justification to strike out at Bush, Rice or anyone else they believe is responsible for 9-11?

    Also, for people who do believe in a 9-11 conspiracy: Do you consider yourself liberal, moderate, conservative or other? I'm interested to know if you have an political tendency.

    5 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Jesus is coming??

    2000 years ago, after Jesus' execution, his followers waited eagerly for his return. They were told that their generation would still be living when Jesus returned. Early believers sold their belongings and lived together in communal societies, following the teachings of Christ and preparing themselves to be bodily lifted into heaven. During his lifetime, Jesus admonished his followers to give up worldly possessions as well, telling one rich man to sell all he has and give it to the poor, and telling all men to take up their cross and follow him.

    2000 years later, Christians give lip service to a whole prophetic industry built around ideas of the rapture--ideas never spoken by Christ in the bible. Here's my challenge to evanglicals and apocalypse believers. Forget the movies and books. Do what Jesus said, and follow the example of his earlier followers. Sell your possessions and join together in communities to prepare for the 2nd coming.

    Otherwise, you're just playing games.

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Blacks have garage sale. Libs sue.?

    What a mess. The black college Fisk University is broke. They're trying to sell an art collection donated to the school by artist Georgia O'Keefe, and the arts establishment is up in arms. They say that O'Keefe, another liberal friend to blacks, gave the paintings to the black college, but said they must be kept together and not sold to raise money for the college.

    Add to this mess of black vs. lib is the offer of $30 million from the widow of Walmart founder Sam Walston. Libs are crying that art is more important than the education of blacks. Blacks are crying they need to liquidate the artistic heritage of America to educate blacks who can't compete in the regular colleges, and conservatives are saying let the free market rule.

    Why do Blacks side consistently with Liberals again?

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Racism in the US Congress?

    After the staff from his homeland security committee attended a NASCAR event, black democratic Congressman Thompson told them to get shots for tetanus, diptheria, hepatitis and every other communicable disease he could name. While it's treated as comical, the racism behind the comment is ignored--as black racism always is--by the media.

    Can you imagine a white congressman in the same situation? If he had told his staffers to get tested for rabies after visiting a rap concert? If he had told them to get tested for AIDS after visting an NBA game? The usual suspects, Jackson and Sharpton, would be rioting in the street!

    This guy is a racist, and his comments are disgusting. Why won't anyone call him on it?

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Racial Taunting in Cleveland?

    As more details come out regarding the school shooting in Cleveland, it seems clear that the shooter was targeted for ridicule and abuse because he was the lone (or one of few) white students in a black school. It's even being reported now that, minutes before the shooting, he was attacked and "punched in the face" by a black student in the hall.

    In the days prior to the attack, he was also attacked by black "christians" because he said he did not believe in god, and worshipped rocker Marilyn Manson instead. Somehow, after being attacked, he was suspended instead of his attackers.

    This in no way justifies his attack. But if he felt isolated and under seige in school, we need to at least acknowledge and understand the reasons behind his actions.

    1 AnswerOther - Social Science1 decade ago
  • Clinton rounding up "the usual suspects?"?

    Are we ready for another Clinton President? The campaign is barely off the ground, and we're already finding the same patterns of deceit and corruption. In a sad reminder of the questionable and illegal contributions Prez Clinton sought and accepted (where do Buddhist monks get that kind of money anyway?), Hilary has had to return huge contributions from a Dem contributor now under indictment for running a Ponzi scheme and illegally raising money for the Clintons.

    Now we learn that disgraced National Security chief Sandy Berger (disgraced seems to be a common adjective surrounding the Clintons) is a top advisor to Hilary's campaign. Hey Sandy, is that a top secret document you've stuffed in your pants, or are you just glad to see me?

    While Leno and Letterman would love another pass at a Clinton presidency, can America survive another dog and pony show with the dangers we face? I don't think so.

    4 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • God's justice coming?

    The bird flu gene recently mutated to a form which transfers more easily from person to person, and allows it to grow in the human body more readily. Coupling this with the fact that bird flu moved into Africa last year, there could be troubling brewing. Bird flu has killed over 1/2 of the people infected so far. It's been countered in Asia and Europe by drastic measures, culling millions of birds which might be infected to keep the virus from spreading and mutating further.

    Africa does not have the veterinary or medical ability to monitor bird flu's progress, or to limit its spread. This winter might be the breakout period, when bird flu becomes an epidemic in Africa. If that happens, we may see a worldwide pandemic within the next 2 years, potentially killings scores of millions of people.

    The world is balanced on a precipice. As David wrote in Psalms, how long O Lord before you avenge injustice? They think you do not see Lord, but you do. Will the world choose peace?

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Hollywood and Walmart?

    Libs are always shouting about Walmart, and how the low wages paid to Walmart employees bring down wages in the community and allow Walmart execs to get rich.

    Have you ever thought about all the minimum wage people who work in the film industry? In a film that pays Tom Cruise or Jim Carrey 8 million dollars, every scene is packed with extras which are paid minimum wage. These people are not even employees, just day laborers the studio can use for the day and dismiss without worrying about benefits or retirement. There are dozens of other poverty-level positions on every film set. Also, think of all the ticket takers and concession stand workers across the country, earning minimum wage to allow greater profits and million dollar salaries of hwood execs and stars.

    The hypocrisy here is blatant, and rivals the hypocrisy of Al Gore flying private jets while telling poorer Americans they will have to take public transportation to stop global warming.

    What do you think?

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Books for conversion and enlightenment?

    Someone asked a question about The Da Vinci Code earlier, and how it changed their view of Christianity. The Da Vinci Code is just another myth surrounding Christianity, and didn't impact me one way or the other.

    But there have been a few seminal books which helped my philosophical and intellectual growth, and which led me away from Christianity or any other religion as a guiding principle. Wonder if any of you read them. Did these books, or others, help you in your growth?

    The Stranger, Albert Camus

    Demian, Herman Hesse

    The Over Soul, RW Emerson (essay)

    The Hero With A Thousand Faces, Joseph Campbell

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Nationalize the Airlines?

    If you fly often, you know that the airlines are having real problem with keeping prices down, maintaining safety and providing good customer service. Personally, I think a nationalized air line would solve those problems and create more efficiency. Right now, you might have 4 or 5 airlines all with flights from New York to Los Angeles, all leaving with an hour. Each flight is probably half full. The increased number of planes detracts from safety and customer service, and flight delays are common. A single airline, in this case a govt run airline, would make for few flights with more passengers on each flight--so there would be fewer planes in the air, with more passengers on each plane. So, you'd have increased safety and also lower costs.

    State-run monopolies currently exist for fire, police, sewer/water and other essential services. I think the airlines are another industry which would benefit, and whose customers would benefit, from a monopoly--with strict federal guidelines.

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Another campus shooting?

    In the last 10 days, there have been two shootings on US campuses. In both cases the victims were black. These are distinct from the recent rampage killings like VA Tech. While those events are horrible, they are the last acts of men (usually white, though Cho was Asian), who feel isolated and victimized by society and strike back ferociously.

    These last two shooting represent something more dangerous. As the violence from the inner city rap culture moved into the suburbs in the 80s and 90s, we are now seeing it follow black students onto college campuses all over the country.

    The rampage killers like Cho are akin to terrorists in their impact. They create devastation, but actually pull people together in reaction. These new crimes, which (like black urban crime in general) will become more and more common until they are no longer "news". They do not create unity, but division.

    Black urban crime is a cancer, coming to a campus near you.

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Any Freudians out there?

    Any Freudians out there? Most people dismiss Freud's theories, but I think he gets a bad rap. As the "father of psychoanalysis" he set up the foundations for psychology, and I'll admit a few of his ideas are wrong.

    But his basic positions still stand today. People say he was too focused on sex, but take a look at the world today and you'll see it is consumed by sexuality. From advertising to entertainment to art to religion, sexuality is driving the culture.

    Freud's views on the structure of the ego/superego/id are still valid. His views on hysteria seem outdated today, but he was addressing clearly the cultural issues of his day. Today he would be focusing on hypersexuality (girls gone wild, anyone?) in the same way he focused on hysteria in the 1800s and early 1900s.

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Freudians?

    Any Freudians out there? Most people dismiss Freud's theories, but I think he gets a bad rap. As the "father of psychoanalysis" he set up the foundations for psychology, and I'll admit a few of his ideas are wrong.

    But his basic positions still stand today. People say he was too focused on sex, but take a look at the world today and you'll see it is consumed by sexuality. From advertising to entertainment to art to religion, sexuality is driving the culture.

    Freud's views on the structure of the ego/superego/id are still valid. His views on hysteria seem outdated today, but he was addressing clearly the cultural issues of his day. Today he would be focusing on hypersexuality (girls gone wild, anyone?) in the same way he focused on hysteria in the 1800s and early 1900s.

    4 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • Edwards or O'Reilly: Who's the racist?

    Liberals went crazy the other day, when O'Reilly was attending a dinner with Al Sharpton at a largely black restaurant. During his remarks, O'Reilly said that, while the media promotes the image of rappers as the dominant black culture, the event was basically the same as events he attended with white audiences. He was of course making the point that the differences between white and black culture is not, or should not, be as drastic as suggested by rappers and other racists.

    Then John Edwards, pandering shamelessly to the very division between white and black O'Reilly was trying to minimize, said that one day all the young black men in America would be dead or in prison. Apparently, the only way to stop this tragedy is to... elect John Edwards as President.

    What we have seen in the last week is a conservative (independent, he says) trying awkwardly but earnestly to bridge racial divisions, and a radical (Democrat, he says) blatantly manipulating racial tension. Who's racist?

    6 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Sequel to "Jena 6"?,2933,297840,00.html

    Police in Norfolk VA are investigating a brutal attack on a 13 year old white student by a group of blacks. Will Al Sharpton march here too?

    Blacks are raised in a culture of violence. That is the reason there are more blacks in prison than in grad school. That is the reason the leading cause of death among black men is being murdered by other black men.

    If this attack doesn't qualify as a hate crime, then we just ahve to admit that "hate crimes" are merely a way to keep alive the myth that whites actively target blacks. A white person is 10 times more likely to be attacked by a black person, than a black person is to be attacked by a white.

    Something must be done about this rap culture of violence.

    20 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago