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Jesus is coming??

2000 years ago, after Jesus' execution, his followers waited eagerly for his return. They were told that their generation would still be living when Jesus returned. Early believers sold their belongings and lived together in communal societies, following the teachings of Christ and preparing themselves to be bodily lifted into heaven. During his lifetime, Jesus admonished his followers to give up worldly possessions as well, telling one rich man to sell all he has and give it to the poor, and telling all men to take up their cross and follow him.

2000 years later, Christians give lip service to a whole prophetic industry built around ideas of the rapture--ideas never spoken by Christ in the bible. Here's my challenge to evanglicals and apocalypse believers. Forget the movies and books. Do what Jesus said, and follow the example of his earlier followers. Sell your possessions and join together in communities to prepare for the 2nd coming.

Otherwise, you're just playing games.


I was amazed people reading my question could think I was a christian...

I'm not.

A couple other points. christians who doubt the veracity of my comments should read Acts, and see how the earliest christians lived while waiting for jesus to return. They belived jesus' return was imminent, and lived their beliefs. most christians today want to play the odds... let's keep the job, car and the mortgage... just in case we're wrong.

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's amazing that dozens of generations believe THEY are the chosen ones who will see Christ return. I firmly believe this one will be let down as have all the others before them. What a waste of good resources and minds.

  • 1 decade ago

    I must have missed the verse that spoke to selling all your possessions and joining together in communities to prepare for the 2nd coming, while I was busy reading Christ's instructions to "REPENT!" Or maybe I was reading the part where He charged His followers to "go out and preach the gospel to all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit."

    Concerning the prophetical, actually, Christ said we would do these marvelous things (healings, miracles, prophesying,etc.) that He was doing and more. And as for the rich man who was told to sell all he had and give it to the poor, he wanted to know what more there was for him personally to do as he believed he had kept the commandments since his childhood. Jesus knew the man's heart and challenged him to give up worldly possessions that gave him security and social status at the time--knowing that the man treasured his earthly possessions more than he sought to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

    Do you do what you believe Jesus said, or are you just playing games too?

  • hammet
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    All those human beings on YouTube are the two hallucinating or mendacity. Do you suspect surely everyone that tells you that they have got had a imaginative and prescient of a few thing coming? Epic rational questioning fail. Even for a Christian, Malachai above me is right - the Bible itself teaches that no you possibly can no the time whilst Jesus will come, if he even is coming.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Your right about one thing Jesus second coming is taking place soon. During the first Gulf war when Saddam Husein lit the oil wells on fire I was attacked on three separate occasions all at night by a Demon the third time this Demon attacked me it took its tail placed it on top of my hand and stung me with the sting of a scorpion. It sent waves of fire throughout my soul. This was the Fifth Trumpet in Revelations. This was after the fact that a Secret Satanic underworld Government tried to force me into there New World Order. This secret Satanic society is spreading like a cancer throughout society. True story. Get ready for what is about to transpire.

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  • Loosid
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    You should check out this link.

    Basically talks about what Jesus stated, what He meant by generation and what didnt pass during the time of His apostles. Gods peace to you :)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If this Jesus garbage didn't exist in the first place, we wouldn't be set back 500 years in the middle-ages and probably would have found a cure for AIDS, drove flying cars, and lived of cold fusion reactors. Religion is nothing but a cancer of society, and we need to weed out the malignant tumors like you.

  • 1 decade ago

    They will be waiting until the twelfth of never for that day. lol

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i believe that moses will come cause torah in jewish hand jesus also a jewish believe the torah why wait jesus please wait moses

  • God
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    He's dead and he's not coming back.

  • 1 decade ago

    I.... Think... I.... Love you...

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