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has anyone ever killed in the name of atheism?

29 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Not yet, but if I spend much more time on R&S...


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Atheists have certainly killed, but I doubt that anyone has killed in the name of atheism. The reason is that atheism is a negative term which defines what a person does not believe in. It says nothing about what a person does believe in. It is a person's beliefs that drive them to kill rather than their non-beliefs.

    Theists have killed in the name of Christianity, Islam, etc., because of their fanatical beliefs. By contrast atheists have killed in the name of Communism or some other belief system that they have been fanatical about.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    I understand the factor you are trying to make right here, and that i agree that it rather is needed to cut up out Communism from Atheism considering the fact this is a miles wider set of political ideals. yet I additionally think of that insisting that Mao had clergymen killed (or Stalin had many non secular communities decimated) purely for putting faith above the regime, is splitting hairs. an excellent and substantial area of Communist ideology became that there became no G-d and that faith itself became poisonous. while non secular victims are killed because of the fact they are non secular, by way of an entity this is dogmatically atheist in its stated ideology, then this is honest to assert that those specific human beings have been killed interior the call of atheism... Your accepted factor seems to be that non secular human beings kill interior the call of G-d, and atheists do no longer, and you're utilizing as information which you won't have the capacity to locate a quote keeping "i'm killing you interior the call of atheism." besides the shown fact that it rather is ridiculous to simplify the difficulty to that great an quantity - after all, atheism isn't a concept, this is a profound non-concept. no person does something interior the 'call of atheism,' no remember how deep-seated their thought that there is not any G-d, interior an identical way that they do no longer do issues interior the call of 'gravity exists' or 'plate techtonics define geography' - atheism is basically a scientific thought, no longer a piece of writing of religion, and as a result this is familiar as a rational actuality of existence, no longer a gleaming known to rally around. yet that does no longer mean that the folk who have self assurance it to be actual are incapable of utilizing that concept (or loss of concept in case you choose) as a foundation for what they planned to be righteous persecution. No extreme questioning individual considers Communism to be comparable to atheism, or guided totally by way of it. yet on an identical time, no extreme questioning individual can deny that many Comminist regimes killed non secular human beings a minimum of in part to bigger atheism. asserting that they seen faith to be a risk to their government because of the fact a non secular individual does no longer bow right down to the State, is exactly an identical reason non secular communities kill for his or her G-d - because of the fact the different non secular team(s) they damaging does no longer bow to their specific nationwide deity. skill, no longer faith, is on the midsection of the conflict.

  • 1 decade ago

    Surely if we dug deep enough we could find *someone* who said they were killing in the name of atheism. But what *is* clear is that killing in the name of religion is far more common. People have killed in the name of various non-religious causes (fascism, communism, nationalism, racism, etc.), but rarely in the name of atheism itself.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Looked up the history of Burma, can't find anything about killing in the name of Buddhism. I've found plenty of people who are supposedly Buddhist killing, but no killing in the name of Buddha, or to defend Buddha in any way. Big difference. Can you find any examples of people killing expressly to defend the interests of Christianity or any of the other major religions... chances are yes...

    No examples of killing in teh name of atheism either. Again plenty of atheists killing people tho..

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think it's possible that it happened as part of the revolution in France, as someone else suggested.

    The rest of the "yes" answers here are just childish cheerleading for religion, aimed at lying about atheists. In the past, that kind of slander has often led to exactly the kind of mass physical violence cited in the examples.

    The "Dahmer" claim is hilarious. Some people are so desperate they'll believe anything, huh?

  • Terry
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Atheist have only killed to assure the freedom to be Atheists. If It should happen in the future that their freedom is threatened, Pagans will stand beside the Atheists to help assure the freedom of choice of belief.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No. True atheists don't have a reason to kill in the name of atheism. Atheism isn't a club (like religion) it is just a descriptive phrase. Like "Tall" or "Short"

    If they do kill, it is for a different reason.

    They have killed in the name of Fascism, Red Communism, Muslim, Judea, Christianity.

    *Will the morons that keep coming up with Dictators stop using them as example. That had nothing to do with Atheism, and you know it. Those people were power hungry, and the local religions were a threat to that power. So stop your lies!*

  • 1 decade ago

    Not as such.

    However there were people who killed during the French Revolution defending secular values. It was more about separating church and state than about atheism,though. And that in itself was far less important than the overthrowing of the ruling class and establishing democracy.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    aztec's outright lie is amusing, if nothing else.

    At NO time did Dahlmer ever say anything of the sort and if there were evidence of this, aztec would have posted it.

    Of course, it's nothing more than Pious Fraud which christians indulge in all the time.

    Sad, pathetic little cultists that they are...

    Oh and paulo, Hitler was a devout christian till the day he died. There is AMPLE evidence of this including several christian celebrations in the Eagle's Nest at the end of the war. Gee, don't you hate it when reality trumps your mythology and lies?

  • H.u.S
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I don't think so. Of course there are atheist murderers out there, but I doubt atheism has been the cause of their heinous acts.

    Surveys have found that atheists are actually underrepresented in most prisons.

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