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Can a child have 2 First Communions?

My husband and I are going through a divorce and we have shared placement and joint custody right now.

I signed my daughter up for religious ed so she can make her First Communion. I told her dad I was doing this and he was not happy about where I signed her up.

Today I found out through my older daughter that her dad signed them up for religious ed at a different church closer to him.

He told her it was MY fault I signed them up at a different church.

So my question is,can a child have 2 First Communions in one year?

Also,do you think I should back down and just let him take them to religious ed? I have always been the primary caregiver for our children so this is a difficult decision for me.

Thanks in advance.


23 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Looks like your husband is being a bit of an idiot about this. Leave it to the church to decide about the whole 1st and 2nd bit. I think your husband is hoping that you'll take the kids out of the class you signed them up for - can I guess that things didn't work out because he is manipulative and controlling?

    Anyway, go with your guts on the double religious ed situation. Your history with him will give you a strong sense of what is right for you. And remember, the kids are the most important thing here.

  • 1 decade ago

    Take to your church. Taking the ed class in two places is not a problem. I don't think having two first communion should be a problem.

    The only problem you many have is if the first communion or the ed class is at the same time.

  • aa889d
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I think the 2 grown ups (I use that term loosely with regard to you and your soon-to-be ex) need to put the best interest of the child first.

    I find it HIGHLY ironic that you two are acting this way over religious ed classes and first communion. What the hell kind of message is this sending your daughter? One of - be spiritual, and Christ Like, but choose a side (mommy or daddy) because we can't give you a better home life and reach a COMPROMISE on this issue !!!!

    With church folk like the two of you - sign me up with the heathens !!!!

    You need to discuss this w/ your ex and the two of YOU AGREE when and when she will do her classes and first communion. Then you BOTH attend and act civil towards each other for the sake of your daughter......

    If not - I see a LONG life of, what about Confirmation? What about graduation?, what about every sporting event or recital she is in?, What about when she gets married ?

    Grow up - do it now and put your child's needs FIRST. Its only a service on 1 to 1.5 hours. If you can't get along for that period of time, maybe your kids need to DIVORCE both of you !!!

  • 1 decade ago

    I think what affects you is not how many time your child take communion but rather who brought her. Since your daughter is still young and your objective to en roll her is for EDUCATION. Learning and upbringing should be the first priority. Remember, your ex has a roll to perform as a father too. Instead of caring who should bring her, why not discuss on the progress in her learning state for the interest of your daughter? After all, she is the daugther of both of you.

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  • 1 decade ago

    The requirement for a child (or anyone) to take communion is to have accepted Jesus Christ into their hearts as Lord and Savior by confessing with their mouth (Born again), examining yourself/repentance, and to have an understanding of what the communion represents (which the bread represents Jesus's body, and the juice represents His blood) which was sacrificed so that we could have a relationship with God. The consequence of not doing this is bringiong judgement on our bodies, according to scripture.

    Source(s): Read 1 Corinthians Chapter 11
  • 1 decade ago

    It's twice as much work for the child. If he just won't back down I'd back off. The communion is the important thing to all of you, not the power struggle.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If he isn't going to, I think you should back down. You both have the right idea but are being a bit immature, maybe selfish. I think all that matters is that you child has the communion classes, not where they are taken.

  • 1 decade ago

    You need to talk to the priest of both churchs and try to work something out. A child can't have two communions. That's crazy. Try to compromise something I know it's hard when it comes to the EX and communication but maybe if you talk to the priest they can help out some way.

  • 1 decade ago

    I dont think thats possible, or else it would be called communion. but since its called first communion you can only have one.

    about the husband i think you should straighten that out, you are the primary care giver so youll make the necessary choices for your kids. if he doesnt like it ********* slap him, always works. lol. hope this helps.

    you should try asking someone who works at the church see what they tell you.

  • Belen
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    In my opinion, it is ok for a child to have her "first communion" twice especially considering the fact that both you and your ex wanted the kid to have proper religious training. The good intention is there and will do more good than harm to your child.

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