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Can a child have 2 First Communions?

My husband and I are going through a divorce and we have shared placement and joint custody right now.

I signed my daughter up for religious ed so she can make her First Communion. I told her dad I was doing this and he was not happy about where I signed her up.

Today I found out through my older daughter that her dad signed them up for religious ed at a different church closer to him.

He told her it was MY fault I signed them up at a different church.

So my question is,can a child have 2 First Communions in one year?

Also,do you think I should back down and just let him take them to religious ed? I have always been the primary caregiver for our children so this is a difficult decision for me.

Thanks in advance.


15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I am a Roman Catholic and to my knowledge there is only one First Communion.

    Here where i live , the First Communion day is composed of two activities.

    1/ The religious one

    2/ The social one.

    As for the religious ED , the basic must be the same in all the parishes.

    You have told your husband about your choice concerning the place where you have signed your daughter for "ed".

    Apart from being not happy , he did not inform you of his decision to bypass your choice.

    This is wrong.

    As someone answered already , he is deliberately using your children to harm you .

    He is not allowed to use them as a weapon.

    This behaviour can be considered as character assassination.

    You must not back down if you consider that you are in your rights , did things properly and in a civilized way and can assume the religious ed with your children.

    You signed them first and you can assist them along their road to knowledge.

    Share your concerns with your parish priest.( He must have experienced these issues before.)

    As for the Social gathering after the First Communion ceremony there may be some kind of agreement.( 1/2 day at your husband place and 1/2 day at your place.) but i do not know what is the distance between your home and your husband home.( It's only a suggestion.)

    The most important thing , Zoya , is to settle the communication issue you are having.( I am referring here to the last question you asked.)

    "How Can I Get My Soon ..etc etc"

    Good Luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    No, a child can't receive their First Holy Communion twice. It doesn't work that way.

    You and your ex need to work this out. I think the two of you should chat and determine what qualifications will make for a BETTER religious education. Not his church vs. your church, but what you want the KIDS to have in religious ed. Surely you can come to some sort of agreement on that. It can be a short list -- 2 or 3 things or whatever you agree on.

    Then the two of you need to investigate both programs and determine which one does a better job of delivering these qualifications for the KIDS. Kids being the main focus here.

    Keep an open mind -- it is possible that his church has a better program, who knows?

    Hopefully, it will be obvious which one works best. If you can't reach a conclusion, then it would probably be best not to turn your daughter's First Communion into some sort of a holy war between you and your ex and just back off. But I'd still try to reach an agreement together first.

  • 1 decade ago

    This is hard but it's the way of the world, now isn't it? Two firsts are impossible. She can probably go through the ceremonies, but only one has meaning as a first. Both churches will want her for practices/instruction beforehand; she'll be pretty tired and resentful. Either you or your husband need to step back and do what's best for your daughter. This is not worth tearing her heart out over.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You should contact your priest and explain the situation. I'm sure nothing bad will happen to you or your child if she attends Religous Ed. at two different places and happens to go through the "First Communion" ceremony twice.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Wow, you got a lot of nasty and flippant answers. Like they know anything about it.

    I had two "first" communions myself -- one in the Byzantine Catholic church where I actually belonged, and one in the Roman Catholic church where I was going to Catholic school. Both priests were aware of this.

    Just to be clear, both Catholic rites are really Catholic.

    Anyway, in your situation, do what's best for your daughter -- refuse to let her father use her in his tug-of-war with you, and let her participate in both first communions.

    Edit to add: She probably wouldn't have to go through both religious ed programs, either. Talk to your priest about accepting the one at your ex's church.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    that would be a first and SECOND communion.

    Have the communion, he and his family can come.

    Wouldn't a priest be able to talk to him about this?

    And is't a communion a party event? She could have two parties, if he's REALLY irrational.

  • 1 decade ago

    If faith is SO important to the two of you, why aren't you adult enough to be able to either stay married and keep your children in a loving, STABLE home OR sit down and agree on a plan??????

    Not being a very good example for the kids doesn't say much about God to them.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Uh...... I think the second one would be the "Second Communion".

    Good God, don't people THINK anymore?

    Why don't you just make your marriage work !!! You took a VOW. Marriage is hard work, not just mushy romance. Think of your CHILD, and don't be SELFISH !!!

  • 1 decade ago

    No, the Catholic Church would not approve. Let your ex handle it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well the second would not be the first so I don't think so.

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