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Lv 5

Is God's wrath justified?

For example, did the victims of Hurricane Katrina or the recent tsunami DESERVE to haves their homes destroyed, their family killed, and their life otherwise devastated? Or does God punish innocent people? I'm sure many Christians are affected by natural disasters as well.

Don't tell me that "God works in mysterious ways" and we have no right to question him. I am an atheist, I am asking in a hypothetical sense, and am curious as to your interpretation.

If you believe hurricanes, etc., are not created by God' will - or God didn't realize what would happen - please explain.


This is a hypothetical situation. If God is omnipotent, then ever natural disaster is his will, if not his wrath. If every person is evil, then none will get into heaven - but if Christians can get into heaven, then they are good, so why are they killed?

So what if God didn't create the hurricane? He certainly has the power to predict it and stop it. But he didn't. That argument is only valid if you are Deist. Look up the Epicurean paradox.

Update 2:

Swindled - did you actually say the victims of Katrina were acceptable collateral damage for God's attack on voodooism? I certainly hope not.

17 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    God created a law of nature; the earth is part of nature and is evoltuionary. Human beings are evolutionary too. We as a race of beings on this planet are still moving forward as easily seen by looking at the differing paces throughout the world in our societies, cultures, our various levels of moraltiy , religions, and nationalites and so forth. Widening the view to the entire planet is but a narrow view of God and who he is.

    As set forth in motion nature's laws are still not tamed by mankind. All human beings must deal with natural disasters - it is not a question of whether God did that; we know he did not. But human beings like animals might perchance to be in the way of some catastrophic natural even and lose life or limb. This is just a sad predicament of the human race at this juncture in our development. Eventually mankind will discover more and more ways to both "tame" nature and learn how to be out of its way.

    All the creatures, plants and animals alike are subject to the laws of nature and mankind has come a long way with its ability to build stronger buildings, predict the weather better, put into place better warning systems and more. No, natural disasters are not punishments visited on the people by God's wrath. And God loves you so much he gave you a braing to exercise and think with. It is OK to ask or question him. He loves an active mind! :)

    In fact, when such thing occur, you can bet that the angels and all of God's heavenly helpers are there during those times ready catch up the souls who've lost their physical life here.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Wrath is God's quite appropriate response to unconfessed and unrepented sin, but it's virtually impossible for any of us to truly discern the difference between God's actual will, and his permissive will.

    The old testament is the chronicle of life on earth without benefit of God's grace. It reads like the story of a hell on earth ... and it does so for a very good reason.

    In the modern day new covenant world ... Christians have free access to God's grace ... through the church that he set up for us and left behind on earth ... for the purpose of our salvation ... and grace changes everything.

    But the rest of the world remains a pretty dark and evil place ... and it usually does so by choice ... so it's no wonder that God still permits bad things to happen.

    On the plus side, Katrina and other natural disasters are sometimes the only things that turn the attention of some people back to God.

    And should any Christians (or any other authentically good people) be killed or seriously injured by such things, God is more than capable of making any necessary amends ... either in this world ... or the next.

    The rest had better look out ... before it's too late.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    First a brief insert here. While God is not insensitive to the suffering of our flesh bodies it is the welfare of our soul that is most important to him. It was God that caused the hurricane . But it was done to achieve a goal. To slow down or stop some goings on that He could not abide. The fact that some innocent people died is sad . But it was done for the good of everybody. Myself i think there were 2 reasons. One to take a bite out of the Government / oil companies. The other is there is a lot of false religionism in the region. Lots of voodoo, black magic, satanism, witchcraft etc . And the mardi gra is not church social either. It is written that God has the rain fall on the good and the evil. And so it is with his wrath.

  • 1 decade ago

    Boxed ju, God has no need to punish because no one can harm God; Dadof4, we are not born sinners and the system is working perfectly; Neville', we have eyes to see; ears to listen; minds to analyze--it is perfectly OK to ask God questions; Netzizul, God is pure energy and can take any form; Malaki, sure there are unanswered questions, but the implications of love are quite clear; deb H, thank you; M-S, thank you; Sharkbit, you are right on the first and wrong on the second: weather is the result of all the junk we put between us and the Sun; God is in control of God's thoughts and you nor anyone else can anger God enough to have need to punish; agarwaen, sins were made up by men; White Knight, God is the most logical energy you will ever meet; armandst, thank you; Studious, thank you.

    EV, God is not involved in your life the way you have been taught to believe. You are blessed with all of God's energy. The world works perfectly as it should. The one God created the many Gods--you and I and everyone else--and the rest is up to us. Do you know that each of us recreates God in every moment? I'll bet you were never taught that in any school anywhere! You are welcome!

    All of us will do well to open are hearts and our minds. Religion and the old concept of God does not fit anymore.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Only by turning logic on its ear is God's wrath justified. I believe the best term for this kind of phenomena was coined by George Orwell: Doubethink. Wrath is one of the Seven Deadly Sins and Thou Shalt Not Kill, but even though God is loving and merciful, He will supposedly kill thousands.

    One of the greatest indirect teachings Christianity preaches is NOT thinking, because once thinking is introduced, all organized religion falls to pieces.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Don't blame gos for things that go wrong. On the same token don't give him all the credit when something goes right. Those were get this 'Natural' disasters and had nothing to do with the magical skydaddy having a mood swing.

  • 1 decade ago

    Innocent people fall prey to the sins of others. This may not be fair, but God wants us all to realize that we are in the same boat and if we don't help each other clean up our acts, then we aren't living holy lives. Mankind suffered because of Adam and Eve, a whole country suffered because Pharoah didn't let the Israelites go(Exodus). The raid on Ai (Joshua) failed because one of their warriors had disobeyed God's specific commands regarding the treasure of the last raid. Throughout the bible, innocents are hurt because of the inconsiderate sinning of those around them. It still happens today.

  • 1 decade ago

    If you're going to bring up Hurricane Katrina or the tsunami, then you have to bring up every other natural disaster on this planet.

    I believe that God's wrath doesn't have to be justified. And who says it's even a wrath? We are in NO position to question Him. He is omnipotent, He created us, and I believe we need to focus on pleasing him instead of questioning him.

    I'll pray for you tonight!

  • 1 decade ago

    God created the world to sustain itself. Sometimes things get out of whack and storms happen, just like floods, droughts, etc. It's just like he created people with free will to do whatever they choose, and often they choose wrong and very violent behavior. So many people blame God when someone gets murdered. He did not do it, we did. He did not create the hurricane, it just happened. If you are an atheist, how can you blame God? I thought you didn't believe in him!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Weather happens. A hurricane is a normal weather phenomenon, not (usually) an expression of God's wrath.

    In answer to your first question, yes, God's wrath is always justified. He doesn't have bad moods or PMS.

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