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Parents are confusing me!?

Today my mom told me that I wasn't allowed to have a boyfriend until I got into college. Simple, right?

Not when you consider the conversation I had with my dad (he swears that what I said was that I made friends for life - true, I said that because he was voicing concern about me going off the deep end emotionally if and when we break up - but that I never mentioned relationships) and that he told me he talked to mom about it.

It's been a month since that discussion, and now that this has come up, I'm afraid to debate this with them because I'm almost certain that they're going to forbid me to ever see him again. I don't want to hide this relationship, and neither does he, but I don't want to risk a schism between me, my parents, and/or my boyfriend.

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I don't know how close you are to heading off to college (are you 17? 15?) but you have to give parents credit for not wanting you to learn life's lessons from the school of hard knocks. They know you better, perhaps, than you'd care to admit. From their birdseye view, they probably have a good reason for taking the position that they do that we at Yahoo!Answers can only guess at, since we have only this tiny peephole that you've given us to look through to assess what's going on.

    By no means should you be seriously involved with him behind your parents' back. That's just asking for a nightmare to unfold. If you give your parents reason to distrust you now, by going behind their back, you may find they'll have misgivings toward you later in life, which can be a problem if you were counting on their help with something. If you can't negotiate continuing this relationship in plain view of your parents, then I'd say scale this relationship back to one of just being buddies. If your boyfriend can't scale the relationship back, and dumps you for someone else, then he really wasn't willing to make any real sacrifices for you and you're better off without him. Remember that there are millions of guys in this world, so your future is not totally dependent upon what happens with this one guy.

    When you get to college, you will truly see that there are millions of available guys in this world, and perhaps your parents want you to arrive at college with a mind open to the possibilities around you before you make a hard and fast commitment to one person. I don't know, I'm just guessing, because I'm not your parents.

    If there's going to be a schism (there doesn't have to be), let it be between you and your boyfriend, because boyfriends are replaceable. Parents are not replaceable. When you are legally an adult and living under your own roof, your parents are not going to be able to set requirements for you anymore. The trust you've earned from them before that time, by not going behind their back, will reap great rewards in future years. Your time to be the final decision-maker is coming soon enough when you turn 18 and head to college, but for now, I urge you not to wreck the relationship you have with your parents.

  • 1 decade ago

    As long as you are under your parents roof, you must be open and honest with them and obey their rules. Every household has different rules and different reasons for those rules and you are supposed to respect your parents and do what they say. If you are uncertain of a rule, discuss it with them.

    Going behind your parents back only shows your immaturity and reinforces the need for the rules they have in place. Parents always find out and then, if they were considering some leniency with the rules, you blow that out of the water and the rules get tighter.

  • 1 decade ago

    stop this already, clear your mind. You like this boy. Tell your parents you are dating him and that you have a problem with their rules stating that you can't date until college. Deal with whatever they give you and tell them how wrong they are about the whole situation. If they can't compromise, then I guess its best to wait until college , but remain friends with the guy and hit it off when you get to college. You have to you their momentum to your own advantage, and don't sleep on it. Also, bring the guy over to reinforce your views of your relationship. Let the guy explain himself , if he wants to .

  • Shon
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Tell them if they keep sheltering you, that they shouldn't be mad if you go out and do something stupid. Withholding information only hurts the person your keeping sheltered in the end.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Well confinse them u r ready to have a boyfriend and then tell them a while after they r confisted.

  • 1 decade ago

    uh? ur confusing u have a bf..but ur parents said no?? and u feel like u cant lie 2 them? am i correct?? (probably not)

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