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Lv 5
Jon asked in News & EventsOther - News & Events · 1 decade ago

Soon, lighting up in a car in California with minors present may cost you...?

Just wondering what your thoughts are on this new proposal.

I think this should be extended to smoking sections in restaurants. How can you have children and take them into the smoking section.


William C - I agree, it's nice to be able to go out to eat or get a drink with out the worrie of smokers. As those smokers are replaced with non smokers, it will balance out. People still have to eat, so the money they dont spend in restaurants will be spent at grocery stores.

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    We've just gone non-smoking in public places (UK) and it's brilliant!

    I went to Portugal in August, where they smoke freely, and I was so glad to get back to the UK, for this reason only. However you will get the diehards talking about their loss of liberty, etc etc.

    They forget though that it gives us non-smokers the freedom to go where we want to, for the first time..

  • Banker
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    First question: Kids in the car, cigs out. Period. Can't be any other way. Close up those little pink lungs in a car with a lit cigarette? No Way.

    Second: Restaurants are a different thing. Private property rights and all that. If it is clearly marked that this restaurant allows smoking, then a non-smoker has nothing coming. Let's not put the burden on the business owner. If you didn't like country music and a restaurant clearly advertises that's what is played in there, would you go in and complain about the music or - "Just Walk On By"* and not go in?

    If there is liquor served, then smoking should also be allowed. One vice is no better for children than the other. Rather a kid get in the car with an adult who just smoked a cig than one that just threw back a couple drinks.

    Watch people throw fits when you take away their wine and spirits at dinner, just because they have children with them.

    *"Just Walk On By", sung by Leroy VanDyke,

    great country song!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    As of Oct 1 ALL restaurants and ALL bars and ALL public buildings in Minnesota became non-smoking. As a non smoker I think that's great. There are about 30% less people in the restaurants, 50-60% less people in bars and you don't find the "waiting lines" you used to. Of course some of these places will be shutting down but we don't need their payrolls in this state we have lots of extra money for welfare!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    As a farmer, I think smoking should be out lawed al together. Then I can higher prices for tobacco on the black market.

  • 1 decade ago


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