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Islam, peaceful or intolerant?

An office worker at Manchester airport(England) was suspended for 3days after a Muslim colleague complained that he had placed a picture of Jesus in the staff room.

The Muslim worker said that the action of his colleague was `highly provocative`

The suspended worker pleaded that he meant no harm to anyone and apologised for his actions and maintained that if the Muslim worker had informed him of his annoyance he would have removed the image.

Now the interesting fact is that not one Atheist or Protestant worker complained at all to British Airways except a Muslim.


I continue to be amazed at all your comments regarding generalization,the point is that the guy lost three days wages because of a nation gone pc mad and I have to wonder if any of you the ability to live and let live or perhaps you too are simplt too far down the false road of PC decorum to have any moral courage anymore.

Update 2:

I continue to be amazed at all your comments regarding generalization,the point is that the guy lost three days wages because of a nation gone pc mad and I have to wonder if any of you have the ability to live and let live or perhaps you are simply too far down the false road of PC decorum to have any moral courage anymore.

28 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Good question Sentinel! Take a look at the answers:"just because of the actions of a few....",the usual excuses.But when a Danish cartoonist (one of the few) offended them, a Christian (nun) paid with her life.

    We have gone insanely and dishonestly tolerant of this people.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm not a big fan of any religion, but the truth is you can get intolerant jerks in any of them. It's useless to try to compare them and say some religions are worse in some way.

    I think we're hearing about Muslims more these days because a) they're just now becoming more than a tiny minority in Western countries, and b) so much of the current conflict in the world involves Muslim countries.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If the posting of the pic of Jesus wasn't intended as an offence, then I think the LEAST the Muslim man could have done was apologize to the office worker for causing the man to lose 3 days worth of work and wages. Why should the man and his whole family be punished just because of a perceived insult and subsequent tattling?

    When the Muslim wore his little white skullcap during Ramadan, and wash five times a day before prayers, did the office worker TELL on him?


  • 1 decade ago

    As an agnostic, I wouldn't have complained, but I would have been irritated. You can't generalize the actions of one Muslim to all of Islam anyway. Most Muslims honor Jesus, though they do not believe he is the son of God, or God incarnate, etc., so I'm a little surprised that he took offense in the first place.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't think the actions of that man reflected how everyone in Islam would react. I know many tolerant muslims that are very open minded and one of them even came to church with me - we all believe in the same god only the practice it differently. Muslims believe that Jesus Christ was a prophet just like Muhammed, they are a people of the book afterall.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Let's simply admit that Jonnny Towel-Head is barking mad and so let's stop pandering to his idiotic ideas.

    Good riddance to bad rubbish, I say.

    I thought that moderate muslims admire Jesus as a man of virtue and a prophet. But moderation seems unpopular nowadays.

    A picture of a man who suggested the idea of 'love thy neighbour' has now become offensive to 'minorities' or to the authorities?

    God help us all!

  • 1 decade ago

    You can never know what really happened there. Maybe the guy really provoked him. Knowing that investigations in such agencies wouldnt decide to suspend a man upon a complain they are never sure of. Plus remember most of the workers are christians unless it really happened they cant be biased towards a muslim. Remember they love Jesus and they would want his picture up before anyone. There is more to the story than what you said I guess.

    #2 Muslims and Islam is a very organized religion and everything that is teaches is written in text in certified documents on in the Quran in a very clear manner. It is devided into many aspects dealing with the social life, Financial life, Deplomatic life, And basics of worships. Unlike the christianity things are obscure at many points and people keep saying "Think it means this" or "I feel this is the right meaning" or they never read and just listen to what others say without documented evidence.

    #3 Isam is a peaceful religion in its teachings but when violated it has every right to defend it self. If you judge lay men who do not practice islam properly and say that all muslims are like that then you have a very narrow mind.

    Thank you for reading. And please do not right any personal insults to us or our religion because it shows how much you are jealous of islam or it shows how rotten you are in your core and you lack the decency to discuss matters like civilized people. And we will just say peace.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Very intolerant. This same person has probably been given the right to pray during work hours because of his belief. I wonder if they have feet washers for the Muslims? The world is too tolerant of the demands of islam.

    God Bless.

  • 1 decade ago

    I believe Islam is misunderstood and the actions of a few should not speak for the whole. It's easy to jump on the bandwagon. I challenge you to take a step back and look at it as a whole. There are extremists in all religions and groups, it seems like there are more in Islam than others but everyone should not be held accountable for the actions of a few.

    Source(s): Me.
  • smt
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    You can't use one instance to make a sweeping generalization about all Muslims. The Muslims I know are very good people who are peaceful and just want to raise their families and live ordinary lives. People like you who go around trying to fan the flames of hatred only make anti-Muslim sentiment worse. I'll never understand why people would want to add to misunderstanding and ignorance rather than make effort to try to understand them. Why are British people so threatened by anything multicultural? By the way, I'm not for Islamists (extremists who do NOT follow the Qur'an), but I am for Muslims. There IS a difference, but people like you seem to find it easier to think in terms of black and white, us versus them, etc. Too bad for you.

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