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pedrooch asked in SportsBaseball · 1 decade ago

Why do people hate the Yankees and Yankees fans so much. 2?

Continued from Why do people hate the Yankees and Yankees fans so much. 1

Let's face it, except for the Mets, all the expansion teams have been in small markets. The Yankees didn't start free agency, they just have more money than any other team. Why shouldn't the Yankees not go out and get the best players money can buy, that's the system today, they are no only a big market team they are the biggest of the big market teams. Is it the Yankees fault the Tampa Bay Devil Rays can't compete with them. Having said all this, New York loves winners, and we love competion, it would be a discrace for the richest team in the biggest market not to do whatever it can to try to keep the Yankees tradition alive, from back in the early days before free trade. And it's because of their tradition Yankees fans are so passionate, and why we want a winning team every year, and winning in NY means you win the world series and anything less than that is a losing season.

17 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Since the Yankees organization has such a good lineup and we do have a lot of money, people find it unfair that the Yankees are able to pick up almost whoever they want. Then since they don't win a world series EVERY year they say, "Guess your money couldn't buy a World Series this year." And it's easy to hate a team with so many World Series rings.

  • 1 decade ago

    *They buy championships/wild cards/wins with their over-inflated payroll. Their payroll is higher than Arizona, Colorado, and Cleveland combined! This makes it tougher for small-market teams to compete, even though they still do.

    *They have an owner who whines whenever the Yankees don't win a championship. I mean, cmon, threatening to fire Torre? He's a pretty decent manager and a good guy.

    *Their fans are spoiled, period. Anything short of a World Series ring and these fans are disappointed, even though the Yanks had a good run. Also, these fans are everywhere. I'm sick of hearing "Let's Go Yankees" during a rally in my home ballpark. Love NY? Go back!

    *Their GM's last name is Cashman. Coincidence? I think not. :)

    *Jeter. All I gotta say is 2001 ALDS. Guess who my favorite teams is?

    *A-Rod, because he's the best player today. The fact that the Yankees could nab the best player in the game is just unfair. Many of us are glad he choked in the playoffs.

    *The media worships the Yankees, all the time. Did you guys know that there's still more Baseball to play? No, that's because everyone's concerned with A-Rod and Torre, etc.

    While I enjoyed seeing the Yankees lose, I do have to admit that watching them play is fun. They have an all-star line-up that puts on a show, and I always have a team to root for when they play. Oh well.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm a Mets fan. I don't hate the Yankees. I don't hate all Yankee fans. I hate the very large percentage of Yankee fans that I have met that know almost nothing about baseball or the Yankees organization. Anytime I ask them a question, I swear some guy is standing behind me with a giant cue card that reads "26 World Championships" on one side and "Mets Suck" on the other because that is all I can get out of them. It's those ignorant fans that I detest.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think people see the Yankees as evil because they can hire anyone at any price. When you see your favorite player leaving your home team for the Yankees because they can offer more money you become upset. It's a pretty natural reaction.

    Is it the Yankees fault? Not really, supply and demand baby.

    As an Angels fan the Yankees don't bother me at all. You have an owner who (despite being a little bit crazy) is willing to spend to make his team better. I like that.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I can only speak for myself here, but I really do not hate the Yankee fans (Red Sox fans, yes, I hate their stinking guts) providing they are actually from NY. Historically, they are the best team in the history of US professional sports, so they deserve to be arrogant.

    HOWEVER, it is almost like the fans are running the team since 2000. If you'll recall, the Yankees of the '90's were pretty much homegrown with no big free agents on the roster. They were as good of a "team" as I have seen in my lifetime, playing "small-ball" as well as anyone. I had great respect for that team. Now, the Yankees throw money around and expect that to be enough, but it isn't. This season they appear to be moving back to the blueprint of the '90's, but we'll see. I know I am rambling on, so I will end this now.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    because their team has an advantage weather you agree or not with the extra money, and their fans claim they are going to win the world series and that any team they play are crappy like they are better than everyone else and that's annoying, plus they have ESPN riding them all the time, as if they needed more revenue they have the media are mostly stationed in NYC and of course are Yankees fans. They talk trash about everyteam and then people are Yankee haters if they don't like their Yankees like everyone is supposed to like them or something.

    To me Yankees fans are like bragging about winning a race when you get a half mile lead.

    This post from above is why people dislike the yankees and their fans so much.

    by J Z Member since:

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    Quite often people who hate the Yankees are just subliminating their feelings of inferiorty on an organization that has produced great success.

    Instead of elevating themselves, they take the easy way out and use the Yankees as the object of their frustration.

    25 minutes ago

    0 Rating: Good Answer 0 Rating: Bad Answer Report It

    It was a good series and was well fought by both teams that's all I will say.

    Source(s): just my opinion
  • 1 decade ago

    im a huge yankees fan and everybody thinks were cocky, however we are just intelligent and are the greatest fans in the world. think about it, why do u think the yankees have so much money because we go to their games and support them no matter what. they hate the yankees simply because theyre jealous. we have won 26 championships and no one can compete with that

  • 1 decade ago

    Simply put it's the ego. Take away the money and they'd be as good as Tampa Bay. It makes my day each year the money couldn't buy the title.

  • No one has ever, or will ever, attain the level of success the franchise has obtained. I noticed that TBS liked to play up the 2004 world series, and the success of the Boston Red Sox, but lets face it, it is a drop in the bucket compared to the accomplishments of the Yankees. The playing field is not level. Not in the past and not in the future.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Envy. You always hate team that consistantly wins more games than the team the haters cheer for, like the Tigers.

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