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Would you vote for Hilliary, if yes why, if no why not using factors, her personal baggage, Female, read on..?

If you would or would not vote the Hilliary Ticket, based on her personal baggage, her record in the Senate, she is Female, vote party line? The difficulties the first female would have? Any factualy pertinent personal history that would or would not help or hinder her as President.

I am sitting on the fence and would appreciate only serious answers to help me on or off the fence, keep in mind that I am an average middle class gal that once had to chose by which was the cutest because I couldn't find any other info that wasn't hype or slander. Thank s, you may influence 2 votes, mine and yours.....

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I haven't decided yet if she wins the primaries but I am thinking I will. Why? Believe it or not, out of spite. It is annoying the doo doo out of me how the Republicans are trying to claim she is a liberal and a socialist or communist.

    I am a liberal and I am a MARXIST.. that is why I do not want to vote for her... because she is too much in the center and a hardcore capitalist.

  • 1 decade ago

    Every time Bill was in the office,.. they would locate Hillary and she was helpping programs or establishing programs to help those in need. Even participateing in things in other Countries to help the less fortunate there.

    She had some influence over Bill. In the last year people have finally been coming forward that they stole her program plans or that she was responcible for certain things that helpped people but no credit had been given at the time and they had felt bad and wanted people to know. Yes, much of this is because these people suddenly see they need to do this now before she runs for president.

    There is the record breaking Surplus Bill generated with some of this influence from Hillary. So sad we broke the record for deficiet after 9/11 :( That is why so many people DO NOT want to step up and run for President at the moment. Noone thinks they can ever fix the mess this war has cost us.

    Medicaid, Medicare, and assistence for the Disabled was good before 2000. Since then things disappear and reappear randomly. Free Clinics do alot more damage then good when they have Doctors and Dentist that paying patients won't return to, but there is no point in doing anything when you are already so low or lack some ablities.

    I am voteing for Hillary and hopeing she does the impossible like her husband did,... make another record breaking Surplus. I also hope whoever goes in can correct things Bush did to kill people in America (this does not relate to The War,.. he has been cutting things and makeing weird laws, like if you need assistence breathing you have like a month to breath on your own, or the Hospital is required to stop that treatment) and that are a step back ( all of Autism Research, Programs, and Support have been closed, the scentist were kicked out and if you have an Autistic Child past a certain date they cannot get any assistence based on haveing Autism).

  • jube
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Uh, NOT ONLY NO, But Hell NO!!!!. Anybody but the HildaBeast. She's a liar, a phony, never held an honest job in her life, never made a payroll, never employed one worker, bought her position as a senator from a district the six of five square blocks in NYC, she threatens everyone who doesn't agree with her, pimps for BJ, and is believed to have her own girlfriends.

    She has never introduced, or supported any useful legislation, is never in her office and only on the Senate floor to put in appearances.

    She thrives on the Politics Of Personal Destruction. Hires thieves and uses people as much or more than BJ.


    Maybe one of these days I'll tell you what I really believe about Mrs. Clinton.

  • geegee
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I would rather not vote for her, but unless someone on the Republican side comes up with a very compelling reason to vote for them, I will vote for her, if she gets the nomination! My reasons for not wanting to vote for her are that she is bought & paid for by big business & the military industrial complex! Just check out her funding sources for yourself. These are the same people that G.W. Bush is indebted to, so it would be business as usual to have her in the White House! She has changed her stance on different issues during this campaign, seemingly following the polls, whatever the polls say, she is all for it; although she wasn't for it when first on the campaign. When the Senate had the vote to continue the war, she voted for continuation but, now says she thought it was about something else! Since I always vote, I may just have to vote for her, although I would rather not! I feel that there is another I would rather vote for, but it doesn't look like he will get the nomination! Way too much? Sorry, but, you asked!

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Absolutely not! I will write in the name of my dog on my ballot before I vote for her. 1. She is a socialist/communist. 2. She and her husband are corrupt. 3. She is for Big Government, High Taxes, and Amnesty for Illegal Immigrants. Anyone that would vote for Hilary obviously does not know anything about her or her agenda.

  • 1 decade ago

    I would because we something different. A woman has never become president. We need to show that women can have power also. We're not beneath men, we're equal. Another thing about Hillary is she knows what she's doing. She will have America put back together in no time

  • ST
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I'm not voting for her because she is corrupt, poses as a socialist, yet votes like shes a war mongerer and corrupt CEO.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I have nothing against voting for a female candidate, but I wouldn't vote for her.

  • 1 decade ago

    No. She has ties to La Raza, outsourcing, she's the queen of pork spending, she's a socialist, she'll sell this country to special interests, she'll attack Iran for AIPAC. the list goes on and on. I thought we were going to vote for change?

  • 1 decade ago

    she already has my vote because she has made alot of changes throughout her lifetime. as they say when billl clinton was in office " There goes the president & mr. clinton aswell".. she influenced many of bill clintons decisions and i think many will agree that he was a way better president than bush.

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