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Favorite Answers41%

I LUV Yahoo Answers and hope i help Ya'll somedays


    My hubby is ready to finally give me my anniv, B-day, Christmas, N.Y. Gr Hog day and Valentines Day gift.

    We spend a lot of time on the Zynga Facebook games especially Farm and Frontierville. We were at the phone Co yesterday asking about what phones do what and the staff really did not know the answers I need before spending $$$$$$ on a phone. Does ANYONE know for absolute certain any phone/mobile device etc that will allow us to take our games with us when we cycle or hike etc. I need Frontierville total use, to fill my requirements. I know iPhone does Cafe' world and Farmville, does it do Frontierville and Mafia, Poker??????.....all the info you can shoot me will be perused and taken to the store to be verified so don't feel like you can't answer because you are not positive... I just need info, lots of it to shop and make this MAJOR purchase. Thank you for your help.

    1 AnswerPDAs & Handhelds1 decade ago
  • Need advice, choosing new Phone, refurb vs new, have AT&T service, brain scrambled, so many

    Sadly I must bid adieu to my Nokia 6800, taking Y A advice and getting a different phone.

    The Most important things for me are..QWERTY a MUST, Camera with some video be very nice the more zoom and quality pics a plus, Speaker phone, hands free type whatever a must, internet, msg, txt, need to be very simple to figure out and use, the easier the better...the more storage the better, phone size not a priority, Music and special effects not important, walkie talkie NOT needed, The specs all have stuff I have never heard of....I have looked at Palm Treo 680, Palm 750, Pantec Dou, Moto Q Global, Blackjack ll, Blackbery Curve 8310 and several other BB''s, the all are within my price range, some are new some refurb...need some input , I will be using this for my only phone, back up computer, secondary camera, most of the time it will be personal use only , organizing, reminding when to do what and getting pics when Hiking or cycling, keeping in touch while traveling and some reasearch

    4 AnswersPDAs & Handhelds1 decade ago
  • How do you get a phone you own and like refurbished when it starts acting irratic and prolly needs replaced.?

    I have a nokia 6800 with the querty keyboard which I like very much, lately it has been not letting me do certain functions, has been skipping around, refusing to go from screen to screen, in general being a PITA. I see refurbished phones for sale online so I know phones can be refurbished, is there some way I can get my 6800 refurbished for it costly????

    4 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • Tropicana Sugar Free Lemonade, where can I find Product, W TX, E New Mex100/200mi from Odessa,TX, Carlsbad,NM?

    I travel all over the country in our RV, often I find that I can't find a product I am used to having, I have emailed Tropicana, they refered me to Pepsico Distributers, there Store finder only has a 50 mile radius and you need to know zip codes, I have ried until I am frustrated. One of the only answers that helped at all came from Yahoo Answers which Pepsico is using on the info pages with a Best answer picture, So... here I am at Y.A. begging for some one to help me find my favorite drink...West TX and E. New Mexico I can drive to right now, any other spots in america will be appreciated because when I leave here the problem will follow me since PepsiCo states it has limited distrubtion areas and the product is SCARCE.....

    I thought I bought enuf of it to keep the company in Biz forever.... obviously not.... but I would like to know where it is available so I can stock up on it when I find it...any and all answers will be read and appreciated to those I can't give a Best Answer

  • How many of you vote to get the 1 point when they run out of??'s?

    Ok, Honesty please, I just spent all day yesterday voting for best answers, I always scroll after to see who others voted for. I noticed that the #1 answer was WAY proportionately voted as best even when it was just an insult. So how many of you are getting your 1 point with out reading at least the first page of answers.........???? and just hitting #1, #1, #1, #1, #1,

    I understand not wanting to read a filibuster or a rant but how do you justify taking the point and not reading anything. I know this is not rocket science and it is not paying a wage but for the system to last people need to know the voters at least read the questions. Chosen by asker is the only area that I have seen that appears to be a fair choice based on the content. I get about a 10% Best which I think is OK since I am limited in my overall knowledge and many ??'s are out of my league. So this question is NOT why you don't vote for me, it is why #1, they just have the fastest computer. Not B.A.'s

    2 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • Which way do you hang your toilet paper, over the roll or under.?

    For several years I had a thing a ma jig, a stick with a board for a base so I was able to just drop them on, now I have a smaller space and have to use the TP holder. It has brought up the question, is this a preference, or is there an "rule", any reason you do the choice you do????

    I can't find Polls and Surveys...

    15 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Help I need to shrink a jpeg I re'cd in an email, step by step pls?

    I recieved a copy of a song scanned into my sisters computer and sent to me as a jpeg. It is 2000 x2000~ the words are blurred and fuzzy, there may be other answers but to me it looks like if I knew how to shrink it I would be able to clear it up so i can read it. I have an HP w/XP, am not very puter litterate, but can follow simple instructions. IF you need more info from me say so and I will edit in answers if I can......


    4 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Would you vote for Hilliary, if yes why, if no why not using factors, her personal baggage, Female, read on..?

    If you would or would not vote the Hilliary Ticket, based on her personal baggage, her record in the Senate, she is Female, vote party line? The difficulties the first female would have? Any factualy pertinent personal history that would or would not help or hinder her as President.

    I am sitting on the fence and would appreciate only serious answers to help me on or off the fence, keep in mind that I am an average middle class gal that once had to chose by which was the cutest because I couldn't find any other info that wasn't hype or slander. Thank s, you may influence 2 votes, mine and yours.....

    13 AnswersCivic Participation1 decade ago