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Qbass187 asked in SportsBaseball · 1 decade ago

What's with all these bitter Yankees fans?

Your team's season is over, and once again they were eliminated....just like the last 7 years. Why bother trying to bash the RED SOX whlle they're on their way another WS title? Not when they clearly had a better season and a better team?

It really make you look like poor sports.

Plus, shouldn't you all be lobbying for Steinbrenner & Cashman to coax Cal Ripken out of retirment with a 1 year, $47 Million dollar contract to get some pop back in the line up right about now?

At his age & w/ those career numbers he should be at the top of the YANKEES free agent list.

After all, A-ROD is leaving & Ol' Georgie won't stand for all these young guys and no SUPERSTARS to show off...

17 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I am certainly not a yankee fan, but you don't come off as particularily intelligent with this so-called question.

  • 1 decade ago

    First of all, I am NOT a frontrunner or bandwagon fan. I've been a Yankee fan since 1976 (10yrsold), and only wanted the Mets in 86 to beat the Red Sox. I am not bitter. I just hate the fact that all the sudden Red Sox fans pop out and act like they know everything. I hope we keep Joe Torre because if he leaves, so will half of his loyal team. The Yanks have plentty of pop and don't need another overpriced senior.... no disrespect to Cal Ripken intended. I don't know where you're getting your info from, but you should focus on facts. And the next time you people bash Yankee fans as being rude, remember what happened in Colorado the other day!!

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree with you most yankee fans are bitter and bandwagon jumpers.. I dont care about the yankees, I dont even care what they are doing im all about my red sox now, before i was worried and did care because i didnt want to be up against the yankees and i am so glad that is over.

    And Just for ur information, bunky why dont you take a look at our pitching and offense staff before you go and say the red sox might not win, we have better pitching this year than the yankees or the indians. Im not cocky, Im just confident the the red sox are going to win this year.. Cocky and confident are 2 different things. I am very confident the red sox are going to win. Before you go and bash your mouth maybe you should watch the red sox and the indians play before you say anything.

    Well Yankee fans are rude. And if they werent rude they wouldnt be talking up shut about the red sox. If you say you arent rude have the courtesy of not saying It. The RED SOX AND I MEAN THIS THE RED SOX DESERVE TO WIN IT THIS YEAR. I DONT CARE WHAT ANYONE SAYS.. AND IF YOU WERE A TRUE YANKEES FAN YOU WOULDNT TALK UP SHUT ABOUT THE RED SOX.. I AM A TRUE AND HONEST RED SOX FAN I DONT TALK ABOUT ANY OTHER TEAM LIKE THE YANKEES DO BECAUSE THEY ARE RUDE, ARROGANT RICH ******* PEOPLE.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I am a Yankee fan & guess what I am not bitter the least bit. Before you start running your mouth, I think you are a little too cocky considering you, well not you, the Red Sox have to beat the Indians first, & the Red Sox did win last night but remember they have to play the games first before saying your team is going to World Series. How many World Series has Boston won since you have been a fan? I know it's only one because I seriously doubt you are over 90 years old. When & if Red Sox win series, then you can trash talk all you want but until they win it, you are just wasting your breath & questions on yahoo answers.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think that it is a prerequisite to be a Yankee fan. You have to be loud, obnoxious, bitter, and just plain disgruntled. It is the all around personality of a Yankee fan. They have no idea what pride is. The second one of their players doesn't perform or has a bad game, they just turn on them. It is incredible.

    Quite frankly I think that Yankee fans are just completely jealous of the life of a Red Sox fan. We have so much pride and love for our team. I say it all the time that being a Red Sox fan is like being apart of a religion. Its not something that you can put into words. Being a Red Sox fan is being full of pride for your team.

  • 1 decade ago

    Most Yankee fan are bandwagon jumpers, from the championship years in the late 90. These fans continue to be fans cause the Yankees add a big name(s) every year. They believe that having these big names will result in a World Series, so they talk smack all season...til the Yankees choke in the playoffs. After the Yankees choke comes they consider jumping to a new team, but the Yankees sign the Big FREE AGENT so they settle in for another year. It really is a vicious cycle for these so-called fans.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Where do you come off putting people in their places? The present Yankee fans are here to send a message to you nay-sayers: we don't pack it up and hide out in the closet until next spring. I, for one, will watch the rest of the LCS and World Series, I don't care if Boston wins every game by the final of 30-0.

  • 4 years ago

    rather? rather? ought to you be a extra immature doochebag? it rather is suitable the bible is asserting the Yankees are evil. it rather is a interest. Jesus, and it rather is the crimson sox fault this all occurred. in the journey that your stupid proprietor hadn't have bought babe ruth this by no potential would have occurred. Oh yeah and via the way its talked approximately as technologies only because of the fact the Yankees made the clever descion to take a place in lights furnishings does not recommend they're EVIL. And calling us the evil empire? I recommend ought to you be any stupid.

  • 1 decade ago

    What I find amazing is that even when the Yankees se that is all everyone talks about. So they must be the best team there is or everyone would just shut up about how muich they suck or how much they choke all the time. Why don't they just praise their team and leave the Yankees out of it.

  • 1 decade ago

    Stop worrying about the Yanks . Give it a break. The Yankee haters never worry about their own team. Just about what the Yankees are up to and how the fans are all bandwagon jumping fans. Give it a damn rest , already !!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm not a bitter Yankee Fan,I i belive the red sox deserve to be in the playoffs and the world series! Why? Because they played great BB all yr! I'm not jealous or bitter about it! We had our chance and blow it! Good luck! Oh one more thing!


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