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Helps with baby's ear-piercing screams?

We have a 20-mo old who when angry or bored, shouts the loudest, most ear-piercing screams that we've ever heard. Like Mariah Carey singing but louder. We finally got him to stop this at home by doing "time-outs" in a special chair per "the Nanny", but when away from possible punishment, say in restaurant, he screams & shrieks. Today in the subway station my wife waited w/the baby while I walked down 2 flights of stairs and about 200 feet down a hall and I could hear his tortourous sceams loud and clear. It's gotten to the point where we can't take him to restaurants and stores.

I try showing no reaction, but my wife gets very rattled and upset. She'll say "stop" but she doesn't yell back at him. We don't spank him - just time outs. Yelling & spanking would only make the situation worse.

I've been around enough babies to say this isn't normal, and he's far louder than most. we did have his hearing checked and it's OK.

How do we stop this? We're going crazy and deaf.

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    chances are it's a phase that will pass. i have 4 kids and each has had some challenge where you think you must be the only one who deals withthis. but truth is, the more people you mention it to, the more you'll hear about other people who have dealt with that same thing at one time or another. we just do time-outs, too. with us, some things lasted a few weeks and others lasted a long time, but i wouldn't say that there is a "normal" to compare your kid to. the only peoplke that will judge you for your child's behavior are those who just haven't experienced it or those who have forgotten. i knew someone who once was judgemental of people's "screamers" and she always said things about the parents because HER kids would NEVER do that. then, her third child ALWAYS did that. and she did nothing different with him. she says she would never judge again!

    as for the comment above mine- you can't not take your child anywhere! most people are understanding. as for restaurants, i agree that if it gets out of control, a walk outside the place is necessary. we have had to do that before and we've learned that if you have to take a child out of AMC theaters, they will give you a raincheck good for any movie any time.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    NO, do no longer pierce your man or woman daughters ears! enable a professional do it- a diverse professional. in case you do it your self, you have a miles better possibility of it starting to be contaminated... badly. Then poor little Vanny will might desire to stroll on point with purple ears, the different mothers wont like that the two. the suited element to do is bypass to a diverse professional, so they might get it right for confident. even nonetheless the fatty with the troll weren't intense-high quality, im confident somebody will pierce your daughters ears. good luck and that i wish this helps!

  • 1 decade ago

    Let him know that he won't be taken anywhere if he continues to act out like that. And allow the family, and if possible with a babysitter, the whole family to go out and enjoy maybe something he would like to do. Use him not being able to go, as a punishment. And each time, let him know what he is being punished for and what he has done wrong. And when you try to take him out, and he acts out again, then when you get back home, punish him and remind him why he is being punished.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Some babies are just very talented at volume. That's just your kid's way of trying to get attention.

    I also have a very loud niece...and a friend's son has a shriek that would break glass.

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  • 1 decade ago

    when you are in public he knows he is going to get away with it . bring the chair with you so he knows its there if its needed. and if he starts screaming still, then i would just leave. i have seen that work a lot. and i know you don't spank but when my kids started screaming i would tap them on the lips and say now that is enough no one wants to hear that. i don't hurt them just enough to get their attention. and it worked, no more screaming. good luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    Perhaps bring the chair with and have him sit in that in the car. (stay near of course) that way if he is acting out i mean you can retreat to the car for a few moments

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Stop taking him anywhere until its under control.

    No need to make EVERYONE deaf, or ruin THEIR dinner!

    I'd lock him in his room when he does it, and not open the door until he's done. Make sure he KNOWS that's why he was alone!

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