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good quote: "the less knowledge a man has, the more vocal he is about his expertise." another good quote: "Before God we are all equally wise - and equally foolish." Albert Einstein and one more: "Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind." Albert Einstein

  • Attachment image

    What snake is this?

    We found him in a swamp or marsh in northern Georgia. Mostly foliage and water around him. We were thinking brown water snake, lake eerie water snake (even though they arent native) or plain bellied water snake. But the head looks different 

    3 AnswersReptiles1 year ago
  • Attachment image

    My conure bit our other conure's foot. She won't put weight on it yet. ?

     It's a tiny bit pink and maybe swollen, but not bleeding. I know many might say just bring her to the vet, but is anyone out there with experience in this? Is it likely just sore, but she'll be ok? Her brother picks on her a little. They get along and share a cage and sleep in the same bed but sometimes he snaps at her.

    2 AnswersBirds1 year ago
  • Any tips on how to stop nightmares?

    I've never been one to have nightmares and recently I've started. Last night was the third bad one. I'm not talking your average "I'm running from a bad guy" nightmare. I'm talking, take the worst thing you could possibly imagine happening in life and play it out in real time with every thought and feeling as if it was happening. I wake up crying and feeling sick and cry and feel that way for days because it's as if I have lived it. Anyone have ideas how to make them stop? They are so bad, I can't even tell people because the images would be too disturbing. I have no stress or depression related issues. In fact, I'm always calm and optimistic and have had no trauma. I actually have it pretty good.

    5 AnswersPsychology6 years ago
  • How long do you need to have Nationwide Insurance before they'll cover hail damage to your roof?

    We just got Nationwide on our home last month and today we were hit by hail and heavy wind and our roof got damaged, like some shingles were torn completely off. Anyone with Nationwide know if they will cover it or if you have to have the policy longer?

    3 AnswersInsurance6 years ago
  • Hoping to find the best calming herb for a dentist appt?

    My 10 year old son had his last fillings with gas and happy juice due to the severity of his dental work. Unfortunately, he was still aware the whole time, so he is now very nervous about needing two more fillings. He also spent two days throwing up due to the medicines. Is one herb better than another for temporary calming? Iv e looked into lemon balm, passionflower, valerian, doterra oils- I have no idea and it is hard to know what actually works

    edit- to those who misunderstood- yes, they numbed him up last time and yes they will numb him this dentist isn't a masochist. I am just looking for an alternative for strongly calming him since he reacted so bad to the only calming drug they'll give you at every dentist i called.

    3 AnswersAlternative Medicine6 years ago
  • If a scan for cancer comes back clean, does that mean it is gone? or in remission and may someday come back?

    my son's friend has been fighting neuroblastoma. she is 6 now- it is rare for someone as old as her to get this type of cancer and it is not easily beat at her age. babies can often beat it a lot easier. her last scan came back clean though and i do not know her family well enough to ask if this means she is truly cancer free or if she still has it but it is in remission and might come back.

    3 AnswersCancer10 years ago
  • So confused on the Trinity? If you believe Jesus sits on the right hand of God, how are they one person?

    I try to understand but I can't. So many passages says they are separate beings, like Jesus growing in favor with his Father and them having different wills about things, and Jesus still sitting on his throne on the right hand of God.

    I asked my friend and she said as a believer in the Trinity, they are one person, but she still believes God sits next to His Son. I can't for the life of me get it. Can someone help explain it without using an egg or apple analogy please?

    I just read a book about a little boys near death experience. his dad is a pastor and a trinity believer. the boy said he saw God and Jesus in different places and talked of the holy ghost (calling him God the holy spirit) looking different than the other two. but yet, it did not change his dad's belief in the Trinity so I am clearly missing something somewhere. the boy also said something about God caring for his sister than his mom miscarried before he was born and his mom asked if he meant Jesus was caring for his sister and he said, "No mom! Not Jesus, it was His Dad!"

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • how much should i charge for photos being published in a book?

    it is a book about Alzheimer's. the author wrote it as her thesis and her adviser told her to publish it- and now it is being published. she hired me to take pictures for the book- elderly people are modeling various scenarios for people with the disease. i am unsure what to charge though since i have never done photography for a book. it won't be a best seller or anything, but i do not believe it is one of those things where she is paying to publish it herself either.

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors10 years ago
  • mormons- is coffee a "no" due to something in the bean? what if the bean is used for medicinal purposes?

    i don't think anyone knows for sure about the reasons behind coffee, but i suffer from insomnia pretty bad due to racing thoughts and there is a homeopathic remedy using raw coffee beans that is supposed to be super good for calming racing thoughts and allowing you to sleep. i really want to try it, but don't know. is it up to me to pray about it or does anyone know anything about this?

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Need help translating a little Korean?

    i got a necklace with the Korean letter for 'blessing', 축복. The artist made the letter look like someone giving someone else a blessing. there is another letter near it that is smaller that was made to look like a shepherd holding a crook to his right. can you think of a letter that could be made to look like that and if so what might it be? it's hard to describe and since i don't know the word, i am not much help. what are a few words in korean it could be- if you could write them, so i could compare, that would be of great help! words like Jesus, shepherd, etc.

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Could this reaction mean i am allergic to mosquito bites? or is it normal?

    first, i step outside and get 10 bites in 10 minutes.

    The welts i get are always very defined white bumps that turn red. they are often weird shapes, like a light bulb or pulled-in-a-few-directions circle (if that makes sense. anyway, if i don't take benadryl, i will often be miserable for a few days. there is always red blotches around the welt. and half the welts are like 1/2 inch around, not including the surrounding blotchy area.

    i am the only one on my family (of 6) who ever gets bit, so i have no one to compare it to. i am not really concerned, just curious if anyone knows. thanks!

    3 AnswersAllergies1 decade ago
  • What can I use that doesn't stink to make my cats not pee in my closet?

    Two of my cats have been peeing in my closet and I know there is stuff that repels that behavior, but I've heard it stinks and my closet, full of clothes I have to wear, doesn't need to stink any worse than it does now. I plan to shampoo the carpets in there today because spot cleaning isn't enough anymore!

    4 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • i need help removing a stuck bolt from my son's training wheels?

    i can't tell for sure, but it almost looks at though the training wheel got molded into the paint or something. we got one off, but the other is very stuck- we used wd 40- is there any other tricks for loosening a bolt?

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • I am trying to understand the trinity- how do you interpret these verses?

    I know this might look like I am trying to stump the trinity, but I know you have seen these verses before and must therefore have an interpretation of them that is different tham mine. What do they mean to you? I am trying to understand the concept of the trinity, but these verses make it very difficult.

    Luke 2:52 Jesus increases in favor with God

    John 5:30 Jesus seeks his Father's will, not his own

    Mark 13:32 only God, not Jesus knows the end time

    John 10:15, 17-18 Jesus is commanded by his Father

    Acts 8:37 the resurrected Jesus stands on the right hand of God

    there are just so many verses like this, 100's, where Jesus is commanded by God or where they have different opinions, so I just can't grasp the trinity concept. Is it only by faith that you believe this? or am I interpreting these verses differently?

    thanks so much:)

    19 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Do you think I broke my big toe and should I do something about it?

    I bent it back really hard- it throbbed at first- now it's just a dull pain with a slight "cold" feeling. i can't bend it (like i can curl my other one, but this one won't curl- it stays straight when i try) and I don't like putting pressure on it but I CAN do it. do you think maybe i did or could it just need time? it's swollen but not like "oh my gosh!!!" fat. if it is, could it wait until tomorrow? or does time matter on fixing it? does it mend on it's own?

    6 AnswersInjuries1 decade ago
  • Poll: How stupid do you think "Child on board" cards in car windows are, logically speaking?

    If someone is driving recklessly, do you really think a yellow diamond informing them there is a child in the car is going to make them rethink their ways and play it safe? they're called "accidents" for a reason.

    so agree or disagree- am I just missing something?

    25 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Could there be a cause for salivating more than what seems normal?

    I know someone who compains that they have more spit than everyone else and they were wondering why?

    1 AnswerDental1 decade ago
  • which of these hair lightening remedies would work best?


    Spray your hair with hydrogen peroxide. Fill a spray bottle with 2 parts peroxide and 1 part water. Spray the mixture generously through your hair. Use a comb to evenly distribute the peroxide from your roots to the ends of your hair. Leave the peroxide in your hair for 15 to 30 minutes before washing out with shampoo. Spray your hair with peroxide every other day to avoid dry hair.

    #Step 2

    Create a lemon juice lightener. Mix together 1 part lemon juice, 1 parts water and 1 tsp. olive oil. The olive oil acts as a conditioner, replacing the moisture in your hair that the lemon takes away. Apply a generous amount of lemon juice mixture throughout your hair and sit in the sun. The sun will activate the lemon's bleaching power. Rinse your hair after 15 to 20 minutes.

    #Step 3

    Rinse your hair with chamomile. Place ½ cup of chamomile flowers in 6 cups boiling water. Allow the flowers to boil for 30 minutes. After boiling, strain the contents into a large bowl and let the mixture cool to room temperature. Tilt your head over the bathtub or sink, with the bowl of chamomile directly underneath your hair. Use a cup to pour the rinse throughout your hair, allowing the bowl to catch any excess contents. Continue pouring the contents through your hair several times. Allow the chamomile rinse to sit in your hair for 30 minutes before shampooing and conditioning as normal.

    #Step 4

    Sleep with honey in your hair. Mix together ¾ cup honey and ½ cup hair conditioner. Distribute this mixture generously throughout your hair. Fold all of your hair so that it is secured at the top of your head. Use a shower cap to contain the honey. Allow the honey mixture to sit in your hair for up to eight hours. It's easiest to do this before bed so that you can sleep through the night while your hair is being lightened. Wash and condition your hair in the morning.

    #Step 5

    Lighten your hair with rhubarb. Mix ¼ cup freshly chopped rhubarb in 2 cups boiling water. Allow the rhubarb to boil for a few minutes before straining into a bowl. Allow the mixture to cool before using. After shampooing your hair as normal, rinse the rhubarb throughout your hair. Wait a few minutes before conditioning.

    2 AnswersHair1 decade ago