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I took my 3 year old son to the bathroom at the mall the other day?

and he pulled his pants down and went pee. He didnt touch his Penis or the toilet and we were running very late. I flushed the toilet with my foot and helped him pull up his pants. He wanted to wash his hands, but we had to hurry for this other errand so I told him "Honey you didnt even touch your penis so lets just hurry up and go ok?" And this older lady was in the bathroom and she waits until we are out the door and the door was almost closed when she said "WOW!" in a very astonished tone. I wanted to turn around and ask what her problem was but we were cutting time really short. Was it because I said Penis or because he didnt wash his hands? My son knows what a penis and vagina are I dont sugar coat anything. And she sounded downright appaled!!

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hi sweetie,

    I don't exactly understand what the question is, but I don't see anything wrong or "appaling" in your actions or words. I am a mom of three boys and I have VAST experience with "quick toileting". My advice... Let it go. That lady is someone you will probably never encounter again in your lifetime and even if you do she is not privy to the details of your life, your schedule, or your child rearing philosophies!! Not to put to fine a point on it, but "Screw Her!!". You are a wonderful mommy to teach your son that his penis is a natural part of his body and not something to be ashamed of. With even one son, you have enough to deal with without mollycoddling overly stuffy, outdated notions. Keep up the good work. Love and Luck--MissDelanne

  • 1 decade ago

    I think the older woman was offended by the word penis. Their generation didn't talk like that. I find nothing wrong with you saying penis. In fact, I think its good that you son knows the right names for things. However, I generally don't say things like that in front of older people. I feel like its a respect thing.

    I also feel the need to mention that I am a bit bothered that you didn't let your son wash his hands. There are so many germs in a public restroom that it doesn't matter if he touched his penis or not. His hands touch his food, his face, his toys, everything. It's very important that people, especially small children, stay free from germs because they can become sick very easily. Washing his hands would have taken like 30 seconds. Even if you're in a hurry, is getting out of there 30 seconds faster more important then your son's health?

  • 1 decade ago

    I think it was because you choose not to wash his hands. I do find it a bit disturbing also.

    How late can you be if you don't have time to wash up??

    I think it is a good practice, to always wash your hands after every use in the bathroom. That means even if you are in a hurry. When you are in any public place, it is always a good idea to wash your hands frequently there are lots of germs on the handles or doors you just touched. When you have a young child they are learning from you. If you don't make time or effort to do something they will think it is alright to not do it either. Hand washing is a really good idea.

    Source(s): Mother of 4
  • 1 decade ago

    I don't think there is anything wrong with your son hearing the word penis, It's more likely the fact that you didn't let your son wash his hands. Since he mentioned it, I'm sure you've been trying to teach him about good hygiene. Even though you were in a hurry, you should have taken a moment to wash his and your hands. That's probably why the lady said "wow".

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  • 1 decade ago

    You never know, but you didn't let him wash his hands. Some boys have a hard time washing there hands after going to the bathroom, because of the same reason. Because they feel they didn't touch anything. Which is probably why men don't wash there hands after going to the bathroom, because mom said "You Didn't Touch Anything"

  • Tigger
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Just ignore people's rude remarks.

    Something happened to me once when I was shopping. I took a deep sighing breath as I was standing in the aisle and some lady looked at me and said something that made me think she thought I was mad at her for being in front of me.

    But I do that all the time, take a big cleansing breath. Now I find myself apologizing for it so people don't think I am sighing at them for some reason.

    Oh yeah, once I was in a bathroom with my 3 year old daughter and had a tampon in and was going to the bathroom and she said mommy what is that stringy thing hanging there, in her little not so quiet voice. I said I'll tell you about it someday. It almost made me laugh.

  • 5 years ago

    First of all, I don't think their is anything wrong with spanking your children. People spanked or swatted their children for centuries before this whole "ground and take away stuff from your children" thing started. I was whipped when I was young and it did me good, I'm not saying I was spanked for every little thing but when I was I fully deserved it. I would tell them in no uncertain words that screaming and throwing fits rude & is not allowed and is not the way to get what you want. If he continues then spank him & tell him he isn't allowed to go if he keeps this up. Do not let him get away with it and "ignore" it, most of the time it other makes them louder and more obniouxs.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I love that you used the correct words!

    Being an older lady it could have been embarrassment by the word penis. However I would more upset about the lack of hand washing, whether he touched his penis or not. Public bath rooms have lots of germs and bacteria and a lack of hand washing promotes the spread of bacteria and germs.

  • 1 decade ago

    as simply put before - -forget that lady - -as a young mom i am reading all these questions and answers for advice given or taken - it was probably the 'penis" thing - my son is almost 3 and calls it a noodle and his crotch so how bad is that - but i also agree to the wash hands or grab some wipes - always handy no matter how old they get

  • 1 decade ago

    I think she was probably just old fashioned. I would have reopened the door and started yelling penis repeatedly.... just kidding, but it would have been funny.

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