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Does anyone know what the Haliburton holding camps are to be used for that are within the U.S.A. borders?

Bush's goof troop paid over half a billion dollars to Haliburton to build holding camps (similar to the Nazis) throughout the United States. They now sit empty and unused..for the time being..

Does any one really know why they are there and when they will be used..and on whom?

Me thinks that it has to do with the loss of rights to Americans..and it may be leading towards other unwanted events taking place with in the U.S. borders..

Any Intelligent thoughts or comments on this?

8 Answers

  • Enigma
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes I would say they are enlikened to the FEMA concentration camps set-up for some (unknown) purpose. Most speculate they are for dissenters that revolt against the NAU that they are working toward. There are also long closed prisons that are being reopened and staffed with government personnel and nothing going on. No remodeling, no prisoners, no nothing. They just show up and move about guarding the prisons and go back home. All we can do is speculate because they won't even talk about the NAU. The whole thing is top secret and therefore I don't think it can be for good. For more info you can go to my 360 and look for the links to NAU and naftasuperhighway or go here

    Cookies you are right to point out the Clinton connection but there is also a Bush Sr connection and a Reagan connection and so on. Bush Sr started the NAFTA agreement, Clinton just followed it through. They have been planning this for years. I would say it goes all the way back to the birth of the Federal Reserve. Kennedy came along and threatened to screw everything up and I fear Ron Paul will meet the same fate if he is elected.

  • 5 years ago

    There's not anything inside the Geneva Conventions concerning the imprisonment of Terrorists easiest prisoners of conflict (this may also be argued each approaches). The standards of detention can fluctuate depending at the interpretation. The elemental requisites incorporate: -medical concentration (which they are), -foods, -risk-free haven as well because the forces of the detainer (questionable, -that they had been best inside the chain like cages till the permanant quarters had been accomplished, however you isn't going to look that at the information), -No torture (as soon as once more interpretation, ie. Sleep deprivation?) -apparel, books and so on. -oddly enough the detaining vigour have received to provide a per month pay It will must even be popular that prisoners of wrestle are discipline to the Geneva Conventions along side -Salute officials and exhibit correct admire to the detaining vigor (they definitly do not do that) the major challenge with Guantanamo prisoners is that we do not understand what to do with them. At the top of a wrestle or clash or via contract among the governments, POWs have got to be introduced but if will the conflict on Terror be over? We cannot accurately free up them to plot the following 911 assault, and we don't precisely wish to manage them for the enjoyment in their lives. You will must look up the Conventions and notice accurately what they are saying.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sorry, but the KBR (Halliburton Subsidiary) contract was started by Clinton in 1997...

    "...The Army prison camp policy is defined in Army Regulation 210-35, entitled "Installations: Civilian Inmate Labor Camps," signed Feb. 14, 2005, by Sandra R. Riley, then-administrative assistant to the secretary of the Army.

    The regulation revises an earlier civilian inmate labor camp regulation signed Dec. 9, 1997, under the Clinton administration.

    Ned Christensen, spokesman for the U.S. Army Installation Management Command, confirmed to WND the 2005 version of Army Regulation 210-35 is currently valid and fully operative...."

    The regulation specifies "the Army's primary purpose for allowing establishment of prison camps on Army installations is to use the resident nonviolent civilian inmate labor pool to work on the leased portions of the installation."

    The regulations specify Army personnel running the prison camps will prepare an "Inmate Labor Plan" that will comply with 18 U.S.C. 4125(a), governing civilian inmate labor.

    *Yeah, Right.....*

    Then take a look at Sec. 602 (g) of E.O. 12919......

    "Consultants. The head of each department or agency assigned functions under this order is delegated authority under sections 710(b) and (c) of the Act to employ persons of outstanding experience and ability without compensation and to employ experts, consultants, or organizations. "

    What does Labor without Compensation mean????

    See Clinton did for the infrastructure( Really Read 12919, it allows FEMA to take control of everything!! Transportation, energy, food sources, water, labor....everything!!) Then Bush took care of the Logistics with NSPD 51. Which places control of the "Continuation" Gov't soley with the Executive branch.... Wake Up Sheeple!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    those "camps" have been around for decades, during clinton as well. halliburton was given a contract to rehab them.

    i have seen the pics and the barbed wire on the fences is clearly set up to keep people in the camps and not out.

    i'm guessing when a muslim whack job finally sets of the suitcase nukes they have those camps will be necessary.

    i think it's hillarious that folks like you only point to republicants and ignore the happenings of clinton etc...clinton issued just as many dangerous precedent setting executive orders as any other prez.

    it's an oligarchy moron. the "controllers" play the left against the right while the people get screwed. wake the **** up.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Don't know but some guesses are: POWs from an upcoming yet undisclosed war, illegal aliens, deterrence (fear factor only), foreign troops on American soil for some reason, American citizens, or none of the above.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sounds like they are getting ready to round up all the terrorists, or "suspected terrorists", or whoever...I had not heard about this. Where do they have these camps?? Where can I learn more about it?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You answered your own question. Holding camps are used for one thing only.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That's good old corporate welfare for ya! Giving away money to your friends and colleagues,the good ole' boy network!

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