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Your noble views about this..please....?

Is this proper?

This profile hurts the sentiments of Muslims.

Why is not Yahoo closing this account?;_ylt=Ai3Myg8QA...


Well my friends.. what my religion is does not matter..but I have been very polite in asking your views, not getting abused,as many of you have given me many hon' degrees..guess it is the freedom of speech.

I and we all are discussing things here on this forum, not cussing each other, and that goes for those who have used vernacular in otherwise..let us be polite.

This is a discussion not war.

Update 2:

This is for..




Thanks for your advice, but why not taste a little of it your polite..

Update 3:


I am most is my job to take care of it...!

Update 4:

...and thanks boricublanca79..that was so nice.

20 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yeah that is offensive to Muslims, but don't take it to heart.

    Remember only those that are weak of mind and have nothing of value to say or argue with resort to their base animal instincts and attack others with words and force.

    I wouldn’t worry about this individual, (s)he is not hurting your cause but showing themselves up for being no better than an animal. And any others who think the way to argue against another is by name calling or using force is no better.

    Humans of whatever denomination can disagree with one another and argue points but don’t resort to the use of insults and the use of force until they have lost the moral, intellectual, or logical argument.

    You may not like me saying this but please don’t be offended when I say take it as a compliment that this “person” has no argument left against you and therefore is acting like the base animal that they are.

  • 1 decade ago

    It may hurt Muslims, yes. But it would seem to me as though this person is also hurting themselves. It takes a person who does not respect themself to disrespect others. I think this person is trying to make themselves feel better about "their" religion.

    It is hard for some people to learn to accept those of other religions and perhaps this person was harmed by a Muslim and therefore believes that all Muslims are the same, which I know is not true. I am not like all of the other Catholics in this world.

    I did not actually view the profile; I received a message saying that it was set to private. But from reading all of your other messages, I have some idea of what was being said.

    The ability to coexist is one that not every person, regardless of religion is able to do. It is a shame, though. Your religion is very different from mine, but I still cherish you as a friend. It should never be about religion, it should be about the person!

    With Love,


  • 1 decade ago

    It is important for religious people to be noble. However, being noble does not mean for others to respect you, like you are some kind of king. Noble means that you are wise, have calm self-respect and are not demanding. Noble means you have the power of forgiveness.

    Your sulkiness, pride and demands as a Muslim, is an example of what diminishes the regard people have for Muslims. For example, when the Danish newspaper published a cartoon about the prophet Mohammed (PBUH). Do you really believe such an act warrants people to be killed?

    For example, Jesus taught his followers to pray for those who abuse, insult and persecute them. The Lord Buddha taught the same, that one is to endure insults and abuse with patient endurance and loving-kindness, otherwise he does not consider one to be his disciple.

    Now please offer a similar teaching from the Koran! Did the prophet Mohammed (PBUH) ever exhort his followers to compassion and endurance?

    If you cannot, then your religion is incomplete and you will never find the strength and freedom that comes from being able to "surrender". Is not a Muslim "one who surrenders"?

    Find some strength, self-respect and dignity friend. Do not make demands upon the world like a spoilt child. Be wise. Be calm. Find the peace and joy of a forgiving and gentle heart. Surrender and be a true Muslim.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    so many humiliating ans bro!it action is taken if an ans or qn is reported so the best way is to just ignore it.actually u must not read only those stupid comments.instead of wasting ur time over here on such foolish people just log on to some islamic websites.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I admire your forbearance to have allowed some of these replies to remain unreported, as few are really noble.

    I would say we fore go our right to free speech when we accept answer's TOS and agree to the CG's.

    I believe that any Muslim who truly understood those, they could see many of the answers above are disrespectful to another group of people.

    As for Yahoo closing the profile, all it takes is a few people to report this person.

  • 1 decade ago

    Lots of good answers (some lame ones too) but I agree for now just ignore it..... Ignorance is everywhere...... Jesus' name is constantly used in vain or just with plain swearing...... And how does Holy sh** go together could go on and on...... And no matter your religion- at least you seemed to care about something of a moral matter......we do have freedom of speech, but I do believe people can completely cross the line of respect and often do.....

  • 1 decade ago

    just accept it. i'm christian. i see avatars on this site with a cartoon character urinating on a cross, a big fish eating the christian fish, etc, etc. it's offensive, but Christ gave us the command to not BE offended under any circumstances. if one is offended by someone else, it's considered being unforgiving. i'd just ignore it if i were you. let the guy make a fool of himself. i doubt he'll impress anyone with any intelligence.

  • 1 decade ago

    It is not nice, but unfortunately there are many ppl bashing others here. Just don't make too much of it if you can: ignoring someone like that is the best solution since this person is apparently here to provoke only.

  • 1 decade ago

    Please try to understand that Muslim ideas are backward and barbaric, my friend. In the world of civilization, everyone is free to speak his mind. The person who wrote that profile has a right to say whatever he likes, no matter if it offends you or not. Do you think everyone who says things that you don't like should be silenced? No, of course you don't; that would be silly and foolish. Is it right to take away someone's right of speech, or punish him, just because he criticizes Islam? No, of course it isn't; to do that would be oppressive and evil.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Thank you for your question and sorry if something I've said hurt anyone group but I like saying what I want right or wrong.

    Besides you can say anything you want to . Hurt us a little if it will make you feel better .

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