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Imagine a world without the supernatural. How would things be different?

Imagine: No astrology. No pagan earth mysteries. No Thor, no Zeus, no Isis. No "One God", no Jesus, no Allah (pbu...). No heaven, no hell, no purgatory, no limbo. No "salvation" for anyone. No souls, no spirits, no ghosts.

In this thought experiment does anything change? What remains the same? Are people less moral? More moral? Are people less foolish? More foolish? More or less violent? Do YOU have a different life? Are you somehow more "lost?" Do you now have different priorities and responsibilities? Can you imagine yourself being happy (or not)?


Ard drud: Yes, it was a thought experiment. I see your point about China, and it's valid... as far as it goes. But China is not an atheist country exactly. It has a strong Confuscian element, so Heaven is a powerful concept. But your point about people being intolerant and violent with or without religion is valid, I think. It's just that some, but not all, of the insanity that accompanies violence could be removed if religion were removed. That's an idea I've been working with (and towards). I'm not a naive green sapling. But I am optimistic for some small improvements, if we can make them.

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Wow... a world based on logic, reason, common sense, knowledge ... *sigh*

    No more religious wars, no more fighting over whose god is the "right" god. Sounds great.

    On the other hand, men would just find other reasons to hate other men. It's in our nature. Eventually we will mature as a species, but I don't think I'll live to see it.

  • 1 decade ago


    Move to China and find out.

    Hey! Atheists should run for President of the World, then they could teach everybody the "True Reality" of being"happy" in a World WITHOUT Imagination-just the black and white of.............what?

    "Happy" is a personal choice-but we might get "choice" removed, if Communist China continues taking over the World-(they are doing a "thought experiment" that does exactly what you are proposing)-

    Of course, if any of the Religious Fanatic groups take over, it would be similar, perhaps worse. Much worse.

    So, are you a Communist, Atheist, or just trying to make a point?




    "I believe that people can raise themselves from barbaric supernatural believers into truly civilized creatures that are willing to look at life and our world as it is, without the impediment of any religious nonsense getting in the way. "

    Ever read 1984?

    Your "perfect World" has one flaw-you believe that Humans will play nice, if they don`t use Religion as a motive to control others? Buddy, you are SO wrong in that! But right in your Historical take on some of the major events that have shaped our World. Many Religions do NOT Destroy, just the ones headed by people. hehehe-Look at Tibet- Don`t move to China, move to North Korea to find YOUR Utopia!

    And, hey! It`s a sticky situation being human, where we see the problem, but when we try to fix it, it gets worse! Good Luck with trying to fix the World, and, as a Celtic Druid, we DO see the problem-"The Truth, Against The World".

  • 1 decade ago

    WOW. I never thought about that. It's sad too b/c I think there would actually be peace on earth. How ironic is that?

    You'd have to pursuade people to do things by appealing to logic or emotion. Accountability would go up about 200%. No longer could people do heinous things and seek assylum through a common denominator.

    I could see some bad points though... some people are just scum and get better b/c they believe something greater than themselves will hold them accountable. I think capital punishment would really be taken to a whole different level. Good mind trip though. Thanks!

  • 1 decade ago

    Interesting. I suppose we'd all feel differently had we been brought up without all these things. We wouldn't know any better. But taking these things away would cause chaos, in the world and in me.

    If they were never there to begin with, we'd have to find something else to war about. Land. Physical appearance. Gender. People would probably look towards eachother and society for answers to why things are going wrong. I guess it boils down to whether people, as a species, are inherently good or bad. If everyone knew there was no one to answer to, we'd definitely find out......

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  • 1 decade ago

    Without ghosts and other paranormal things, I think I would be bored to death. Right now, I'm watching Most Haunted Live from Winchester House. But without god/gods, people would find something else to fight about.

  • eiere
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I live in that world, no supernatural. It's fine. People are what they are...sometimes really great to one another, sometimes completely jerky.

    People use religion to explain what they would do anyway. It's an alibi, not a cause.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    IQs would be higher, people would be more self sufficient instead of waiting around for someone to save them, people would realize there is no judge for their actions and have to do it on their own *GASP* responsible for their own actions!, there would be less war, one less lie for politicians to tell, one less subject for people to fight over, one less crutch for the weak to use, one less thing to delude themselves with, no false hopes, no hocus pocus, etc etc etc. I have never nor will ever believe in anything supernatural (ghosts, god, etc) and am doing just fine for myself, and am very happy.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There is nothing supernatural now. Mythology would be just that myths. I think it would be great if everyone was living in the real world 99% of the time.

  • 1 decade ago

    If there is no God controlling earth ?

    Means no peace at all.

    Then is back to Dinosaurs Age, whereby , everyday is killing.

    Agree ?

  • 1 decade ago

    I can' means there would have been no X-Files...that is just too horrific to imagine...I need a hug now.

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