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What if church attendance were a law ?

This thought came to me as I answered another question concerning home school. If each state had a law that children must attend church, would you send them? If each state had their government controlled churches with government paid staff, would you find an alternate way to worship?

I know this is stretching the imagination, but had it had not been for the religious freedom that the founding fathers incorporated into the foundations of US government, then it would be the same situation as what we have with the public schools. Why do the anti-homeschool people not accept our freedom to educate but accept so willingly, our freedom to worship without government interference?


Amanda, finish the answer please. Why do anti-homeschool people not accept our freedom of choice? Many answers on YahooAnswers are from people who think that government schools are the only source of education.

Update 2:

Streezal, what about credible public schooling? Do we measure with the same guage? Which students do we measure for our success ratio?

Update 3:

Thanks Terri. Like you said about 'going over the heads' of some folk. It makes me sad to realize that so many people cannot think logically.

12 Answers

  • Terri
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Excellent point. Too bad it goes over the head of most. If that situation were reality, so many people, many from the anti homeschooling group would say HOW DARE YOU tell me how and when and where I am going to worship? HOW DARE YOU tell me your religion is the only way. HOW DARE YOU tell me that I have to go to church a certain amount of days. HOW DARE YOU tell me the government is the supreme authority when it comes to religion. HOW DARE YOU insist I must conform to be right? DON'T YOU THINK I can worship my God my way and still be right?

    But yet bring up homeschooling and all you hear is "there is one way to learn, the government knows best, if it is good enough for everyone else, why isn't it good enough for your children, blah blah blah."

    thanks for the incredibly insightful question.

  • 1 decade ago

    This would be a violation of our rights for sure. Of course, whether I attended or not would depend on what kind of church it would be. I would ask myself, "Does it follow the Bible?", "Do I agree with the teaching?", "Does the style of worship fit my style?", etc. If it was run like the Public School system, I am afraid I would become a law breaker.

    As far as the other part of your question, I don't know why people don't accept our freedom to educate, not all of them agree with our freedom to worship either. There is a move to make it illegal to teach certain portions of the Bible. Some people seem to think it is "Hate Speech" if you simply believe that there are moral absolutes taught in the Bible.

  • 1 decade ago

    Isn't that why the pilgrims first went to Holland, and subsequently left to establish the United States (New World) to begin with; how soon they forget.

    The same restrictions, or requirements are still being imposed by government, or those who think they know what is best for us all; these restrictions are just applied in other area's of our lives, and that is why we cannot stress enough that parental rights, and parental choice should be protected at all levels of our society if we want the best for our children, and future generations.

    Home schooling is legal in all 50 states as of now, but every legislative session there are those who think they need to force their views on us, and try to restrict freedom of education , freedom of choice, and speech.

    Don't think for a moment that you can take today's freedoms for granted, if you still want them to be there tomorrow.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think we would have had another Revolution. I don't know why anyone would be anti homeschooling. You only have to look at what schools actually teach to see you shouldn't send your children there. They learn to follow orders, that learning ends and begins when the bell rings, and that what they are good at or interested in is not as important as doing what you're told. The idea that children aren't socialized properly if they don't go to public school is bunk.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'd go one better and say all kids must attend church regardless of whether or not they are from Christian families. Let's round up all the Jewish and Moslem and Hindu and Buddhist and Sikh and tribal kids and force them to attend a Christian church. To me, that is more akin to people wanting to compel all kids to attend school!

    It wouldn't change my situation though: we get a half hour church service broadcast over the radio on a sunday and a "flying priest" who comes to town once or twice a year and who refers to God as "the boss", lol!

  • 1 decade ago

    I totally agree with Terri.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Atheists would fight it, verbally if they had to.

    You ready to have Church Services interrupted by an Atheist every 2 seconds.

    You ready to have a REALLY disgrunted person pull a gun and hold the congregation hostage.

    This is what you are ASKING FOR with MANDITORY anything.

    Tell me, would you go to CHURCH if it were MANDITORY you do it NAKED like ADAM AND EVE in the GARDEN.

    WOULD you and others get NAKED for CHURCH SERVICES if it were REQUIRED.

    See, most people don't like MANDITORY

    What if the CHURCH SERVICE was Seventh Day ADVENTIST or CATHOLIC.

    Would you like that.

    In about 50 years the CATHOLICS will be a majority in AMERICA


    Will that make you happy

    12 Million CATHOLIC immigrants are trying to become LEGAL. If they do, it will make the CATHOLIC RELGION a majority in AMERICA.

    Ready to BOW to the majority, literally as the CATHOLICS KNEEL

    Think about it.

    The BAPTISTS are a PLUARTITY but the are splintered.

    Ready to GIVE UP child baptism.


    Ready to surrender to one of those groups!

    Ready to make it MANDITORY

    The MAJORITY RULES and if they make it LAW then YOU must FOLLOW or face jail or punishment for being different.

    Ready for that one!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I have no problem with credible home schooling, if your child comes out to be a well rounded, objective thinking citizen, with out going to public school, then more power to them.

  • 1 decade ago

    But you do have the freedom to homeschool....or to send your kids to a private school.

  • 1 decade ago

    Home Schooling is not limited to church affiliated groups.

    You have the right to home school your children including faith based or not, so what's the question?

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