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Lv 57,749 points

Janis B

Favorite Answers15%
  • I am looking for a story about a man who became friends with neighbor.?

    This story was on Focus on the Family several years ago. The title is the name of the neighbor but I can't think of his name. This guy wore big glasses, was dirty, lived in old run down house across the street from the guy who tells the story. The writer tells of talking to the man, inviting him to dinner, cleaning his house, cleaning him up, buying him a new suit, taking him to church, and eventually including the man into his family for family events. The subject of the story was apparently somewhat autistic. He repeats much of what the neighbor says before they really start having real conversaitons. Hope y'all can help me find this story.

    2 AnswersFriends10 years ago
  • How does the recession change the need for teachers?

    Our neighboring county is talking about giving teachers pink slips due to the recession. This is confusing to me. Since parents do not pay tuition outright , it is done by taxing everyone and not just the people with children in public school, why would the recession have any connection to the amount of teachers in a school district?

    There is also a hiring freeze for classified employees in the public school in another county. Does it take less cleaning, less bus drivers and less cafeteria workers when there is a recession?

    6 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Do homeschool programs offered by the public school count in the public schools success results?

    I know that many public schools are offering tax paid education plans to be done at home. Do the results count in their 'grade' as a school for successfully educating children?

    Is the success rate for school done at home the same as home education?

    I know that there is a reason why schools are jumping on the bandwagon of 'homeschool', but just not sure of their motive.

    If a child does not do well in a class room situation, how can just changing the location and not the program create a different result?

    4 AnswersHome Schooling1 decade ago
  • Pros and cons of family integrated worship?

    Our church has programs for kids. It is a small church, less than 75 in regular attendance and about 20 of those are under the age of 18. We have Sunday School that is age segregated. We have a Wednesday night program for kids that is age segregated and we have Sunday morning Children's church that is at the same time as adult church and it is for kids under age 8.

    We are exploring family integrated worship where the families are responsible for training their children and the church trains the family. This takes the responsibility from the church teachers/volunteers .

    What is your experience with this type of program? It is the old way of doing things but many are finding that the new way is not effective with many children leaving the faith after they reach young adulthood or before.

    Thanks for your input.

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Are Standardized tests an effective way of measuring learning?

    I want to ask this question because I am going through the once a year required testing in our state.

    I stress about this every year even though I tell myself that this is just a requirement and means nothing more than his EOG that he took while in school.

    Reassure me.

    Yea, I know... I'll get the tired repeated balogna from the anti-homeschoolers but I know it will be worth it to get some words of wisdom from the homeschool parents and students here on Y!A.

    20 AnswersHome Schooling1 decade ago
  • Home School or Public School done at home?

    I am asking this question due to my frustration at seeing so many repeat questions asked in the home school section concerning public school done at home or distance learning. I hope the answers to this question will help educate and inform those who are confused about these terms.

    I know that each state has their own laws so this may be part of my confusion and frustration. In our state, home school is totally separate from public school. Our public school has programs that their students can take online and have tutors who take work to home bound students.

    Can anyone explain why these two different types of schooling are viewed by the general public as the same type of education?

    9 AnswersHome Schooling1 decade ago
  • Explain this statement concerning homeschool?


    Why can people who are homeschooled not learn how to communicate? Isn't that like saying that people who practice running by themselves would not be able to run in a marathon?

    13 AnswersHome Schooling1 decade ago
  • What kind of schools base grade level by year only?

    I always get my questions from other questions. The answer to the student who wanted to enter public school and his birthdate was Januaru 93 received answers with just the in 2002, 2001, etc.

    Our school system begins at end of summer and the birthday cut-off dates are in October or November. So, for instance, a kid who was born in September 1992 would have began school just before turning 5. That would mean that he would have a 1992 birthday but be in the 10th grade.

    I realize that this is homeschool section and grade levels are not so much an issue with our freedom with education process, but the answers really confused me. Is it a UK thing?

    2 AnswersHome Schooling1 decade ago
  • What if church attendance were a law ?

    This thought came to me as I answered another question concerning home school. If each state had a law that children must attend church, would you send them? If each state had their government controlled churches with government paid staff, would you find an alternate way to worship?

    I know this is stretching the imagination, but had it had not been for the religious freedom that the founding fathers incorporated into the foundations of US government, then it would be the same situation as what we have with the public schools. Why do the anti-homeschool people not accept our freedom to educate but accept so willingly, our freedom to worship without government interference?

    12 AnswersHome Schooling1 decade ago
  • Do we need to know parts of speech?

    We have been homeschooling for over 2 years. We are starting our 3rd year and son is 15 years old. We are relaxed eclectic but I stress math, reading, grammar and writing. Am I archaic by requiring that my son know the classification for each word in a sentence? Is this still required knowledge? It is one of the things that just came to me one day when I thought it sure seems like a waste of time to know if a pronoun is personal, reflexive, intensive, demonstrative, interrogative, relative or indefinite. Do SAT, ACT, or community colleges placement tests contain these type questions? We may take a shortcut if one of you veteran teachers tell me to forget it and teach something more meaningful. We will continue to plow on through if you tell me that it is something that he needs to know.

    8 AnswersHome Schooling1 decade ago
  • What do you do with all the 'cakes' that the public school has messed up?

    This question came to mind after reading an answer to another question about homeschool. The writer said that homeschool parents need to 'get real'. She compared messing up a cake to messing up a child by homeschooling. My mind goes to all the public school kids who are 'messed up'. A few public schools are 'getting real' and realizing that there are things they can do improve. Many keep repeating the same procedures and hoping for better results. What will the government do with all the 'messed up cakes' who graduate without an education from public school?

    10 AnswersHome Schooling1 decade ago
  • Is it important that I only have friends my own age?

    An answer in recent question said that it was important for children to have friends in their peer group. Is it important that I, as adult, have friends in my peer group? Should I enroll in a school with only 54 year olds in the class so that I will be socially accepted and not nerdy?

    I now have only one friend who is 54 and she will soon be 55.

    11 AnswersHome Schooling1 decade ago
  • How crowded is Oak Island NC during week of 4th July?

    We are planning a trip for week of July 4th , 2008. I went to North Myrtle Beach several years ago during the week of 4th and swore I would stay home if week of 4th was the only week I could go to beach. Things have changed and my hubby has job that closes only for that week during summer.

    Should we stay home or are the North Carolina beaches not as crazy crowded as South Carolina beaches?

    1 AnswerOther - United States1 decade ago
  • Another question about a dog's memory and concept of time?

    I searched and saw several questions answered about dogs remembering. This one is a little more complex. Our old dog, 13 years old , has been with our 15 year old son all of her life. My son had a close friend who practically lived here from the time he was 4 until he was 12. One day this past summer, 2 neighbor boys were in our yard. They are 8 years old. Our old dog was puzzled. It was if she thought they were my son and his friend.. as if it were a flashback to 7 years ago. Do you think she realized that these were not the same 2 boys?

    2 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Are you ready for the school year?

    Some of you school year round. Some of you follow the traditional schedule of public schools to begin new school year in the fall. Are you ready for the year? Are you excited about new subjects and new ideas for this year?

    Express yourself. I am interested.

    12 AnswersHome Schooling1 decade ago
  • Explain this statement?

    Quoted from previous question concernig home school

    "Some (or most) countries don't recognize / acknowledge homeschooling and therefore cannot merit credits equivalent to the nation's "academic standards" --"

    How do colleges and universities in the U.S. evaluate education from other countries if this statement is true?

    3 AnswersHome Schooling1 decade ago
  • Please explain to the anti-homeschool people why we give thumbs down.?

    As always, I get my questions from other answers. Someone suggested it is because we are insecure and cannot accept anything opposed to our schooling choice for our children. Please explain why you give thumbs down so that they will understand.

    11 AnswersHome Schooling1 decade ago
  • Is it true that most states have home school programs for students?

    I think I quoted that correctly. I see that answer many times on Yahoo!Answers. Our state is home school friendly but they do not supply home school programs unless student is homebound due to illness or pregnancy. It would be interesting to know which states are home school friendly to the point of supplying books and teachers.

    7 AnswersHome Schooling1 decade ago
  • Unschooling with curriculum?

    Are unschoolers bothered when people say "We unschool and use XXX's grammar and literature and XXX's history"? I see that often in answers and just wondered. To those answering with that type answer, do you just use that if your child wants to learn about grammar or history?

    Note: We are relaxed eclectic but I am not opposed to unschooling. I am confused by the term when it is used with curriculum terms.

    10 AnswersHome Schooling1 decade ago
  • What if the parents are not smart?

    This was part of the answer to current question in homeschool section. It made me think. What if the parent is not 'smart'? Would this keep a student who learns at home from being a successful adult?

    How do we measure "smart"? How smart do we have to be to teach our children?

    18 AnswersHome Schooling1 decade ago