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Are you ready for the school year?

Some of you school year round. Some of you follow the traditional schedule of public schools to begin new school year in the fall. Are you ready for the year? Are you excited about new subjects and new ideas for this year?

Express yourself. I am interested.


Thank you for your answers. We are excited about our 3rd year of schooling out of the public school. I still work for the public high school. We had hoped that I would work only 4 hours outside of the home, but that did not work out for us this year. We did find a solution with my husband's employer making arrangements for our son to have a home school workstation there at the the workplace. I will work with our son in mornings, leaving assignments for him to do at his cubby at the shop. There will be less distraction there without the tv, xbox and internet and he will have supervision. He will proably be distracted by people, but that 'ain't all bad'.

His core subjects are planned and ready to go. We will choose electives after we are settled with our routine.

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes! We are excited. We started this past week. We are relaxed followers of Raymond Moore and Charlotte Mason. Something new we're doing this year (which we haven't started yet) is Nature Study and keeping a nature journal... we'll be doing this every other week at first, and then play it by ear. We're also going to Germany next month, so we'll be talking a lot about castles and cathedrals and German culture and cooking beforehand, and of course, we'll be living it while we we're there! We hosted an exchange student last year from Germany, and we'll be staying with our student and her family. That was a big part of our homeschooling last year. I love this time of year!!

  • glurpy
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Yes, I'm ready! Some final details to take care of but other than that, I'm ready to go. I think my kids are, too, as they asked me to purchase these math workbooks we saw at the store the other day and have already gotten started. lol. I'd start officially except my dh is a teacher and not back to work yet and I find it hard to really 'do school' when he's around--throws off the routine--plus my nephew and niece have been over a lot and we're having a full day play date next week... Too much stuff going on to get into a routine. We'll start on the 4th.

    New subjects? Yes, Spanish. Yikes. Dd doesn't really want a formal program, just learn things here and there. New ideas? Yes, too many. lol. A little more structured this year than last, I hope.

  • 1 decade ago

    We are actually just winding down. We love September weather around here (NJ) and the beaches and museums empty out so nicely once 98% of schoolaged kids are back in school! We do have our curriculum for next year all picked out and (almost) ready to go, so I can take a month or so off with good conscience. Looking forward to next school year? You bet! We are learning Eastern Hemisphere History, and I've never done anything like that before. Should be a blast!

    Source(s): Homeschooling 9 years
  • 1 decade ago

    Actually, we have already started and it looks like it will be a good year with some great learning, fun with microscopes, creative writing and great literature!... We don't really follow the PS schedule.. but set our own.. very few breaks during the year, then taking much of December off, and we are usually done by April (just before my son's Spring baseball season!). We have American History, America Literature and Bible (Notgrass), Biology (Apologia), English (Warriner's Grammar and Compostion), Logic, and Life Skills (money matters, cooking, etc. ) Of course, we have to mention the outside programs; swimming, a writing course, Boy Scouts and guitar lessons.) We have a busy year ahead of us!

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, and I am eager to begin! Well I am not sure if "begin" is the right word, we have continued Art, Science and PE all summer anyway. But still I am eager to start our full schedule!

    For some strange reason my kids don't share my enthusiasm. They just give me the "I have a weird mom" look when I talk about how much fun the year is going to be. LOL I think they would prefer that we keep doing just Science, Art, and PE.

    I have all my plans carefully laid out and ready to be disregarded whenever something more interesting comes along!

    We "start" September 4th.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am very excited for the school year. I will be going into 10th grade. I am taking English H, Algebra 2, Physics 1H, World History, Art, and Spanish 4 AP. So you think that is a qualified schedule for a UC school?

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I definite do recall going browsing for university. Usually a exceptional plaid get dressed for the primary day. We positioned the whole lot on lay-a-approach so it might be paid for earlier than university began. With five children and no longer so much cash, that was once the one strategy to do it. We did not get very many garments, however sufficient to get us via. I do not ever recall shopping provides even though. Our university offered the pills, pencils, erasers and crayons. I additionally recall getting a steel lunchbox and bookbag. What fond reminiscences!!

  • 1 decade ago

    Since we do go year round, I cannot say we are ready; each day brings new opportunities, as well as ups and downs.

    Our way of schooling (relaxed, or unschooling) is more a constant continuation of life, and learning than a preparation of specific subject area's.

    There are always new idea's on how to go about learning, since the children's learning automatically adjusts to their maturity level, and abilities, henceforth we go with the flow.

  • 1 decade ago

    school is great homeschooling is the best we do regular sedule just like public schools works great we love it in eighth grade now lots of teachers fun

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i am a mom who can not wait dor my 7 and 10 year old to start school

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