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  • Has anyone used TRISMs for history unit study?

    and if so, what do you think of it? We are considering it for next year in place of Sonlight, and I'm curious to hear from actual users. Thanks.

    1 AnswerHome Schooling1 decade ago
  • Opinions needed on RK's comments?

    RK Said "they miss out on the diversity of people and opinions that will make them able to adapt to the greater society at large. Most homeschoolers' social life is confined to the same racial and socioeconomic group as their own, and the same religion."

    I personally find this laughable. If my child were to attend public school here, who do you think she would be going to school with? The same kids, from the same socioeconomic layer we live in. Schools like to think of themselves as a big melting pot but they are just a reflection of the little area they draw children from.

    Real life is interacting with people of all AGES and backgrounds, not just those from your town within the same 1-2 years of age.

    What do other YA readers think?

    9 AnswersHome Schooling1 decade ago
  • "How could you possibly have an opinion about PS or know the difference if youve never done it."?

    Taking this quote from a response to an earlier question about whether to homeschool a gifted child.

    Curious as to how many homeschooling parents were homeschooled themselves or did most of you go to public school?

    That is where my opinion about the PS comes from - personal experience both as a student and as a teacher.

    Everyone else?

    20 AnswersHome Schooling1 decade ago
  • Are your homeschooled kids missing out?

    One of the answer posts had this to say:

    "I'm sure there are problems in public/private educations, but homeschooled kids miss out on:

    The first day of school

    The LAST day of school

    "Graduating" to the next grade

    A schedule

    Lunch Hour


    Christmas break, spring break, summer break and the first day back from these breaks

    First crush, first kiss

    Coming home from school

    Passing notes

    Making the honor roll

    Going to dentention

    Going to school with the same kids & building friendships EVERY DAY

    Learning to become a part of something that isn't your church/family/homeschool group.

    Struggling long division who are also struggling with long division

    Feeling embarassment

    Being away from your mom/siblings for more than 1 or 2 hours.

    I'm not sure about this, so I'll post a question -- but learning about 'STUFF -- Christopher Columbus, Martin Luther King, Halloween, Valentine's Day, Art, Music, Sports. "

    Would anyone like to respond to this?

    I'll post my answer soon!

    26 AnswersHome Schooling1 decade ago
  • NJ Estate law question?

    A distant relative died almost two years ago. The estate is still not settled and the executor will not return phone calls. He is extremely old (80+) and not very mobile. The assets were supposed to have been considerable, both stocks and property. He has spent a tremendous amount of money fixing up the house (which has not sold). What are our options to push this estate to closure??

    I am not in line for anything, this is for my husband's grandparents, who live in Texas and are trying to deal with this NJ issue from there.


    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Grammar curriculum recommendations for elementary age?

    Although I've been at this a long time, I still have not found a grammar curriculum that suits our family. We are currently using one I picked up at a homeschool curriculum fair last spring. It is called Junior Analytical Grammar. I think if I had more personal knowledge about grammar rules, I would be fine with it (I'm a science and math type). However, it doesn't have enough to guide me (the teacher). Perhaps I just was never taught that during my own education, perhaps I have forgotten. My children read, write and speak very well, but I feel they would benefit from some "book learning" on this topic.

    I've heard great things about Winston and Shurley Grammar. Do any of you homeschoolers have any feedback on those or other programs?


    7 AnswersHome Schooling1 decade ago
  • Do you believe your child will surpass your knowledge?

    I noticed this response from a poster

    "Did you ever think about the fact that you'll never know more than your dad (or parents) if you do this? Really, you'll never get to learn anything more than they can teach you. At least at school you have several teachers, different perspectives, and lots of opportunities to make friends."

    And I was rather dumbfounded by it. Would any of you brilliant homeschoolers write a response to this?

    All I can say is how many times a day I am amazed at the things my children know that I never taught them!

    30 AnswersHome Schooling1 decade ago
  • How much more sleep does a homeschooler get?

    I am thinking about sleep this morning. My daughter has been fighting a cold, and today I am letting her sleep as long as she needs to. We will do our schoolwork in the afternoon, if need be. I know on a daily basis she gets about an hour more sleep than her public school neighborhood friends who have to be up early to catch the bus. I often wonder if this accounts for my children's happy dispositions? It is well known that adequate sleep promotes good health. How much sleep do your kids get?

    15 AnswersHome Schooling1 decade ago
  • Did you know the Heisman Trophy winner was homeschooled?

    "Homeschooled by missionary parents who run an orphanage in the Philippines, Tebow took advantage of a Florida state law to play for Nease, about 90 miles from the University of Florida campus.

    The legend of Tebow started at Nease High School in Ponte Vedra Beach, Fla., where he once finished a game playing on a broken leg.

    Tebow has worked and preached at his parents' orphanage since he was 15. He regularly speaks at schools and delivered his message of faith at a prison in Florida earlier this year."

    And they describe him in the article as having a "magnetic personality" and go on to say "Tebow had both his parents and all four siblings with him in New York. Mom and Dad got hugs after his name was called."

    Sounds like he is permanently scarred from all the poor socialization :)

    5 AnswersHome Schooling1 decade ago
  • How can I make text Vertical in Word 2003?

    I thought there was a way to do it through format, but cannot find it. I want to print out a label for a binder and have the words be vertical like on a book's spine.


    3 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Does cookie dough?

    grow bacteria? I had some and then I felt a little sick.

    Please help!

    5 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Good site for copy-work paragraphs?

    Can anyone suggest a good site (or sites) that would offer some ideas for inspiration, informative, funny or clever paragraphs for my children to practice handwriting through copywork? I am not looking for religious words, more like the Declaration of Indpendence type things.

    I know Queen Homeschool has copybooks, but when I saw them I thought paying $10 for a photocopied booklet was a bit steep.

    Thanks for the help!

    4 AnswersHome Schooling1 decade ago
  • DId you like the Simpsons' Movie?

    Rate from one to ten and describe the best part and the worst.

    8 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Do most of you have a great homeschool group?

    We are so lucky to have built an amazing group of homeschool parents and kids over the last 5 years. We started with just a few families and now have over 50 kids in the group. Today we held our last get together of the "year" and had a Field Day. The kids and the parents all had so much fun. Our kids range in age from infant to 15 years old, and they all interact with one another wonderfully.

    Tell me about the activities and fun events your homeschool group hosts!

    6 AnswersHome Schooling1 decade ago
  • Some girly things for my 8 yr old?

    What do you suggest? She hates bratz; anything else would be ok.

    12 AnswersToys1 decade ago
  • I'm going to camp. What should I bring?

    I have a general idea but I want to know the specifics.

    9 AnswersPacking & Preparation1 decade ago
  • 90% of Elementary School Kids Are Bullied -?

    So is this the great "socialization" that homeschoolers are missing out on??

    35 AnswersHome Schooling1 decade ago
  • 2% of Princeton's Freshman class are homeschoolers?

    Of the accepted students, 59 percent are from public schools, 30 percent private, nine percent religiously based and two percent were home-schooled.

    So public schoolers are actually under-represented. Guess they just couldn't make the grade with Princeton's admission standards! Any commenters?

    7 AnswersHome Schooling1 decade ago