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I'm going to camp. What should I bring?

I have a general idea but I want to know the specifics.


I'm having a outdoor sleepover with my girlfriends.

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    These are my check lists, i hope you can make use of it...

    Gear Checklist: Mountaineering



    waterproof/breathable jacket

    waterproof/breathable pants

    insulated parka

    fleece jacket or wool sweater

    fleece pants

    waterproof gaiters

    synthetic hiking pants

    synthetic shorts

    Base Layer

    midweight long john top

    midweight long john bottoms

    long sleeve T-shirt

    synthetic briefs

    synthetic sports bra

    synthetic T-shirt


    wool or fleece hat


    midweight wool or fleece gloves

    synthetic liner gloves

    waterproof overmitts


    waterproof hiking boots

    camp footwear

    wool or synthetic socks (3)

    liner socks (2)


    sun hat


    single long whistle: stop

    two whistles: resume hiking

    three whistles: emergency


    trekking poles

    white gas stove and fuel bottles

    lighter and waterproof matches


    eating utensils, bowl, and insulated mug

    headlamp w/extra batteries and bulb

    32 oz. water bottles (2)

    water bottle parkas (2)

    water treatment (filter, tablets, or drops)

    pocket knife or multitool



    first-aid kit with personal medications

    chemical heat packs

    stuff sacks

    assorted zipper-lock bags

    bear-bagging rope (or canister)

    insect repellent

    mesh head net or suit

    sunscreen (SPF 15+)

    lip balm (SPF 15+)

    toilet paper and trowel

    pee bottle

    Hiking-Mountaineering-Camping Checklist

    Target Weight for fully-loaded pack ("every ounce counts!"):

    <20 pounds: summer up to 3 overnights

    <30 pounds: winter up to 3 overnights


    hiking boots

    socks (2 pair; wool/synthetic, not cotton)

    sock liners (personal preference)

    long pants

    shorts (or zip-off pants)

    t-shirt (2; synthetic, not cotton)

    underwear (2; synthetic, not cotton)

    long sleeve shirt

    camp shoes (e.g. sandals)

    hat (wool for winter)


    Hiking Gear


    webbing/straps for attaching gear to backpack

    trekking or ski poles


    Dog Gear

    water bottle


    towel/blanket for sleeping



    Camping Gear/shared

    tent or tarp/ground cover

    camp stove

    fuel for camp stove (incl backup)

    matches (waterproof)

    cooking utensils (pot/pan)

    water filter

    Iodine tablets

    watch with altimeter and/or GPS

    clothes line

    duct tape

    multi-tool (e.g. Fisherman's)


    cell phone

    2-way radios (only if expecting to split groups)

    bear spray


    dinner (freeze-dried, e.g. pasta, sauce)

    breakfast (e.g. oatmeal)

    coffee (instant) & creamer

    Personal Items


    medicines (cold, aspirin, etc)

    sleeping aid (e.g. Xanax)

    First aid (bandaids, polysporin, needle)

    toiletries (tooth brush/paste)


    knife/scissors (e.g. small Swiss Army)

    towel (small, quick-dry)

    ear plugs/eye shield

    sunscreen (SPS 15+)

    Lip balm (SPS 15+)

    bug repellant

    toilet paper (with extra zip-lock bag)





    flashlight/headlamp w/ extra batteries

    mirror (for signaling)

    Camping Gear/individual

    sleeping bag (down; light/compressible)

    sleeping pad

    eating utensils (bowl, mug, spoon)

    garbage bag

    emergency space blanket

    camp chair

    pillow case (use filled with clothes)


    water bottles/bladder (bladder not when below freezing)

    electrolyte replacement (Cytomax, Gatorade)

    trail mix or power bars

    beef jerky or dried steak nuggets

    Lunch (e.g. sandwich)


    medical gloves

    SAM splint

    Benedryl (for allergic reactions)

    Sawyer Extractor (for bites/stings)

    Tincture of benzoin (skin disinfectant)

    Bloodstopper (to control bleeding)

    Roll tape

    triangular bandages (cravats)

    4"x4" sterile dressing

    CPR shield

    single long whistle: stop

    two whistles: resume hiking

    three whistles: emergency

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    it depends on how much you want to cook. Here is a list of things to give you ideas if you have ice chest. Hot dogs or chile cheese dogs Steak Tacos chicken hamburgers canned vegetables like green beans or corn tomatos or my favorite I like to pan fry zuccini along with onion and bell pepper and cut up pieces of steak or chicken cereal milk eggs bacon bread lunch meat tuna fish bread lettuce just a few ideas to get you started.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago




    -rain jacket

    -sweat shirts

    -sleeping bag

    -sheet (to put on top of your bumk matress)


    -small book bag with things to do (cards, braclets, ect.)

    -iPod (if they let you have electronics)

    -Stationary (i would make the envolopes already adressed so you only have to write the letter)

    -Tums, Advil. allergy pills (hide them in your backpack, dont give them to the nurse)

    -thats it!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    boy? girl?

    Summer camp?= natural ,tents? cabins?

    Beauty camp? = indoors? dorm? cottages?

    Horse camp? = ten days? month?

    boot camp = joining the army?

    Source(s): Summer camp six days = food ,clothes , shelter; FOOD= , more often they supply [snacks u bring? trail mix,nutritious bars, sunflower ,sesame, mix. water flask a camping knife. fishing articles= appropriate per AREA LOTIons =SUN lotions,hair creme, ANTibIotIc Cream.MOSquito spray toothpaste, brush soaps=hand hair soap[i'd bring a bar covering all HAIR PRODUCTs = UMPTEEN chooseings Clothing =hat,cple t=shirts,jacket,pants ,sox pair perday, runners, Bedding if CamPING=Sleeping bag CAMERA FlashLIGHT. A FlashiNG light COMPASS! PEN , Paper A ROBUST SPIRIT O ya, KNickers= underpants , pair per day BanDaids Towel........ Toilet PAPER.... Matches ......................... ..YOUR BIBLE Some of the others Ideas more thoroughly thought , mines from memory, Theirs from Experiece. .ENJOY.
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  • 1 decade ago

    Depends on what kind of camp, and how old you are. If you're 21 or over, you really only need a bottle of whiskey.

  • 1 decade ago

    Bug repellent, Sunscreen, swimsuit, towels, porno mags, etc.

  • leesa
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I disagree. No socks required.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    loads of socks

  • 1 decade ago

    if your a guy some lotion and deoderant.

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