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Filler Middle Names?

Does it bother anyone else when someone posts asking for middle name ideas and they get two dozen replies listing basically the same filler middle names over and over? LOL I'm not saying there's anything inherently wrong with them ... just that I'd assume if they wanted a common filler they'd have simply picked one already. ;) Perhaps it would be helpful to list them all in one place, so if someone truly wants "Marie" or "Grace" they can simply peruse the list, rather than wasting their time waiting for the same predictable responses. :)

Offhand, I can think of ...












May/Mae (or recently Mai, though that's not technically said May LOL)










Obviously many are classic (Elizabeth) and others more modern (Starr) -- I'm not debating that LOL -- but all are quite common middle name choices.

Anyone have any to add?


Good call on the additions, Meg! And I knew I missed a rhyming "May/Mae" (Ray/Rae LOL).

And I totally agree, Jemma. There are plenty of these I quite like -- who doesn't like the classic Elizabeth, Rose, etc.? ;) -- and I don't find Jane "plain" either. I actually debated adding it, but it's honestly not that common a choice as of late. Unusual enough to be refreshing, popular filler as it once was. :)

Update 2:

Ramble away, Reese. ;) I totally know what you're saying -- in fact, one of our daughters has a middle name generally considered a filler (a family name for us, similar to your situation). Also, her first name is very uncommon, so I didn't mind the fact that the second is more popular. It's a fine balance. ;)

Also, I don't think a few fillers thrown into the mix are inherently a bad thing. If the individual doesn't specify, it's fair to assume they may be as comfortable with Anne as they are with Ophelia. ;) I was only referring to the lists that consist ONLY of the above examples, and basically mimic a dozen posts before theirs. ;) It just seems if the parents were only interested in the most common choices, there'd be little need for suggestions (all of them being so well-known). But it doesn't hurt to sprinkle a few in with some more original options either, assuming they really seem to work with the name rather than being random fillers. There's definitely a difference. ;)

Update 3:

Sorry the above was so lengthy, by the way. I would have sent it privately but Reese's email function is turned off. :)

I just wanted to clarify, because not all of the above are always used as fillers (if they have significance, that's a different story), and I don't think it's bad to suggest them if they do seem a good fit.

Update 4:

You're right, draven. I thought about including boy exampels as well, but short of James, Michael, Matthew, Alexander and perhaps Christopher, there simply aren't that many that seem used often enough to be out-and-out "fillers." Plenty that enjoy frequent usage -- even the more currently trendy options (Riley, Jadon/"Jayden," Braden/"Brayden," etc. ... ok, any rhyming Aidan LOL) -- but I wasn't sure HOW frequent would warrant being called a masculine filler. The above four certainly seem the old standbys, however. ;)

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    For the most part I agree with you. Whenever I read a question about middle names, before I even view any of the responses, it's easy to predict which names will be listed.

    So yes, it does get annoying seeing the same names over and over on a daily basis. I must confess that I've also been an offender. I can't help it...I adore the name Claire (always have). That name is my guilty little pleasure. LOL.

    On most days (after a cup of coffee) I try to make an attempt to provide insightful names rather than the "predictable" ones. There are those days though when it seems so much easier for me to throw an occasional Claire, Rose, or Anne into the mix. I know, bad Reese.

    Now here's my (very personal) problem with the "filler" name thing. Our daughter's middle name is Grace. A lot of people simply assume that because our daughter's middle name is also a common filler, we didn't bother to thoughtfully provide her with a more meaningful name. We did, Grace IS a family name (that we also happen to love). Sometimes I get a little sensitive regarding certain comments about "filler" names. I don't want to be lumped in the same category as parents who simply chose the name because they couldn't think of anything else.

    I do have a plan for our next one (if a girl). Somewhere in our family tree the names Agnes and Parthenia are up for grabs. Common filler names...I think not. ;-) LOL.


    I seemed to have rambled a bit. I apologize.

    Did I even answer your questions?

    Yes, it bothers me.

    No, I don't have any names to add.


  • 1 decade ago

    I posted a question once to get middle name suggestions, and indeed I did get some of the same responses over and over...the most obvious ones. It seems that people here REALLY love giving suggestions, however, so in between the same-olds there were quite a few jems that stood out - the question received a lot of feedback. I guess I'm not very creative when it comes to name selection - I tend to be a traditionalist, wanting meaning behind the name, whether it comes from family or something I love - so it was refreshing to get some new ideas. With some of the repetitive responses I got, it was like everyone was reading the same baby name book or something.

    I think, for a girl, Marie is possibly the most over-used middle name ever. I don't even know how many extra fingers I'd need to count how many people I know who have that for their middle name. Whoever said some of the choices that you already listed are dated is so right! Names are a sign of the this day and age, some of these oldies don't fit anymore. We grew up with them, and now it's time to give our kids a fresh start. 20 years from now it'll be interesting to see what the most popular names are.....

    Source(s): 23-1/2 weeks with #1.
  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    I see what you mean... however, I think that they sometimes sound the nicest. My sister's name is Elin Grace (Elin being the Welsh name from which Ellen and Eleanor stem). Grace is completely different to Nia Caitlin (Celtic names again), or Tomos Corin (more Celtic), and so is definitely there as a filler. But I adore the way it sounds... I also love Marie as a middle name.

    I don't actually know many people with filler names. My best friend is middle named Orian, which isn't exactly common, and I also have a friend with 'Morganna'. Two of my friends have the middle name 'May', though none have 'Marie'. I have a friend called Amber Grace.

    I do try and give lots of different suggestions on these posts, but when someone wants to call their child Feliciana, you have to hate yourself for suggesting 'Tamsin', 'Ophelia' or 'Cheryl', when you know the only hope for that name is 'Marie'.

  • >jem<
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I totally hate that too! Though I do like some of the fillers better than others - Elizabeth, Rose, Clare, Lee, etc. (Those are just timeless.) I absolutely hate Michelle, Joy, Lynn, Marie, and Renee... those just seem way too dated for me. Some other names I think are pretty popular as middle names are Louise (which I sometimes like), Elle/Ella, and... well I can't think of anything right now but they definitely exist.

    Why can't people pick out more unique middle names? A trend I've seen in these questions is giving a child a very 'out there' first name, but then a plain Jane (though I like the name Jane lol) middle name. What?! Middle names are a much better place to express creativity - your kid will never have to tell people unless they like it (or they like it better and use that instead... nothing wrong with that).

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  • 1 decade ago

    I both fully agree and am fully guilty of this one. I plan on using a few of these, like Grace, maybe Jade, and Jane (which should be on the list, BTW). I also shamelessly recommend Danielle, Helen, Elena, Estelle, Patrice, Genevieve, and Charlotte. Some of those names I suggest just because they sound nice, and others might have been ideas the OP gave.

    Also, I totally agree that not all of these are bad to use. My own middle name is Elizabeth, and my sister's is Margaret (which I would also consider a filler name.) I might use one of these names because of the family connection.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I agree Completely. Though my two daughters have the middle names Ann and Lynn. Ann because it is my mother in law and sister in laws middle name. Lynn because it is my middle name and many other women in my family.

    I tend to prefer more unusual first names with more traditional middle names, but I don't want unusual that nears bizarre.

    I have a friend that named her daughter Angelina snow. I never thought of using snow as a middle name, but I do find that pretty.

    I also grew up with a Misty Dawn.

    If we put together a list like this of common middle names for boys.. I am curious what they would include.

    Allen- Alan









    wow, didn't take long to run out of ideas there.....

  • 1 decade ago

    I know about 4 people with the middle name Lorraine.

    The names Michelle, Marie, Noelle, Nicole, and Renee which are all accented on the second syllable, sound good after pretty much any name. So do one syllable names. That's why Marie and Renee are so popular as middle names.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    I TOTALLY AGREE WITH YOU. ALMOST ALL of the ones you've said I've known more than one perso w/ . . . totally fillers.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Sue (ex. Betty Sue)

    Dawn (this one is mine and my daughters middle name)

    Jo (ex. Betty Jo)

    Jane (ex. Mary Jane)




  • Meg
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Jeanne, Denise, Rae, & Christine are used pretty often, too.

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