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I mean, just in general.

26 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think it is usually a bad idea. I have met many home schooled kids who are almost completely incapable of interacting with others. There are also kids like this in public school, but it is much less common because they have been forced to interact with teachers and peers their whole life. On the other hand, home schooled kids interact only with their parents and siblings (if they have any). There are exceptions, of course. Tim Tebow, quarterback for the University of Florida, was home schooled and seems to be completely normal. However, this could be attributed to his playing football for local teams and his town's public high school team (I think that it is great that he was given that opportunity despite the fact that he did not attend the school). So, in conclusion, I believe that home schooling does not necessarily have to be a bad thing, but it usually is since the parents of home schooled kids are often very protective and do not encourage their children to be socially active.

    Source(s): Personal experience
  • 1 decade ago

    I have never been to a school because my parents recognized how bad schools could be, and they homeschooled me. I'm not saying that schools are completely bad - but in general stuff like peer pressure, the possibilities of bullying, and the swearing. When I started college this fall I got concerned because I didn't think that I would fit in - but actually I'm really glad my mom taught me at home. I fit in just fine. I am a lot more mature than my other classmates which is to my advantage. The only bad thing I found about homeschooling was that I had to be at home with my brother and dad (who also works from home) who I do not get along with at all. Thankfully now I have some freedom at last! So homeschooling definitely = good. The curriculum I worked through had me thinking for myself and working on my own a lot as well and now I'm surprised how relatively easy I find the college homework in comparison.

  • 1 decade ago

    If your committed enough its great, I homeschooled my daughter for 6 months, while I was fighting with her school about bullying.

    If you can find a group that homeschools near you, your child will get the interaction that they need, this is what people have never thought about.

    Read as much as possible on the subject and talk to people who are already homeschooling and ask them what the up sides and down sides to doing this would be.

    Goodl luck

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think it's a great Idea then your kids are more your kids. Ideally the person doing the homeschooling should be reasonably able to teach their kids and the kids do need a chance to socialize with other kids. The idea that they might end up a bit odd is ridiculous, everyone is a bit odd its because we are unique individuals instead of mindless drones. of course public schools teach you that if you don't answer the questions in the right way or if you aren't like other people then you aren't fit for society. and they also keep the "failures" around beating it into their heads that they have and will continue to fail. The teachers don't do this on purpose usually it's just a byproduct of treating kids like an assembly line product. and all the extra help the struggling kids get can seem a lot like they are just tryin to fix a broken part instead of teach them. I must accentuate that I really think most teachers themselves are doing the best they can with what they are given to work with.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I was homeschooled as a kid, and in general it's good, but it might not work for every family. About lack of socialization, that has nothing to do with homeschooling itself, that has to do with the family, even though homeschooled kids may be with their family during the school day, there's still plenty of opportunities for homeschooled kids to socialize in after school activities with other kids, such as sports leagues

  • 1 decade ago

    I think it's better that kids go to school because it's a great place for them to develop social skills. Also, some parents get frustrated with homeschooling their kids when they find out the kid doesn't want to listen. A kid knows he can take advantage of his parents, whereas at school he is almost forced to listen.

    I know some people are going to tell you that homeschooling is good because it "protects" them from some bad things...but kids are going to have to face that eventually. They need to learn how to deal with the world in order to grow to be strong, independent people.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think it's a good idea. If you home school your child, they get done with it much more school they take so long just to teach one thing, give you way too much homework that isn't even needed, and teach some pointless things, wasting the children's time<I'm a highschooler, so I should know. The only downside is that it will be difficult for you (the teacher), and a little difficult for the kid to socialize as much as it would be for kids that go to school. But over all, I think it's a good idea. Good luck ; )

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    both good and bad. i mean, you dont have to have some dorky teacher that thinks you dont know anything and you dont have to go to school. but if you didnt go to school, you wouldnt really have a lot of friends. they should make online elementry school and online high school, and you could meet other ppl that use that site and send video messages. that would be awsome. but if your homeschooled, then youd grow up being anti-social, then live a sad life. so dont be home schooled. thats the big down part of it. it might be fun not having to learn as much and stay in the house and all, but youll have no friends and end up going down the wrong path in life you know. so its a really bad idea.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think its a great Idea

    Parents think school is just " go learn" but there so many things kids have to go though in general like worrying about how they look, their body, clothes, hair, whatever. And most of the time they dont learn anything because teachers thing everyone has the same brain. damn idiots. Home schooling is great because then they WILL learn something and not feel insecure about everything else. I wish I was getting homeschooled >.>

  • Its def better to go to school. I was homeschooled twice for a breif time and nothing can compare to the actual ''classroom experience''. (I did attend high school and Im in college now) But anyway, no matter what level of education you're working on, its almost always more beneficial to have that physical interaction between you and your teachers and fellow students.

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