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In Genesis 6:2ff, who are the sons of God?

Genesis 6:2 That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.


First_pagan_wiccan_church: Did you even try to read the passage in context?

Update 2:

Elizabeth J: Who are you talking about?

Update 3:

jesussaves: "the sons of God mentioned here are the satanic beings that fell with satan." When did these beings fall?

Update 4:

lgabbard01: nice sentiment, but have you read the Bible?

Update 5:

Illuminati: Please read Isaiah 14:4ff and follow the pronoun references.

Update 6:

Conehead: Ok. Who are the sons of God in Job 38:7 "When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?" where they are paralleled with the morning stars.

And who are the sons of God in Job 1:6 "Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan came also among them."

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Angels that forsook their proper dwelling place in the heavens to engage in sexual intimacy - something that was not theirs to enjoy.

    Some feel that they were simply men. It is not reasonable, however, to believe that special mention was made of "men" getting married and having children. That had been going on since Adam and Eve. Moreover, 1 Peter 3:19 and 2 Peter 2:4-5 make it clear that these disobedient ones were not humans but angels.

    Hannah J Paul

  • 1 decade ago

    Tthe Angels mentioned as 'Sons of God' are the fallen angels. And if you look into the real reason why they had sex it just shows how consistent the bible is.

    As you know satan new when Adam sinned and when God cursed satan saying 'It shall bruise thy head' in Gen 3:15 that Jesus would come to earth to overcome satan.

    But satan wanted that not to happen and so he sent his servants or his fallen angels to have sex with women and in doing so stop god from sending his son by mixing the blood line and through it stop salvation for the people of the earth.

    And no one survived of that blood line because they were destroyed by the great flood of Noah.

    So you should clearly understand that the angels mentioned here are the fallen ones who are now in captivity. And really one who understands the bible clearly would see how consistent the bible is.

    to know about the fall of satan read

    Isaiah 14:12

    added today 24/10

    You should understand that the bible refers to the satan in the names of countries as Tyre, Babylon, Syria.

    Now if you read Ezekial chapter 23 it tells about 2 sisters sins but really it refers to samariah and should understand these words which have a hidden meaning.

    Now the bible promises the jews about a king who will come to save them it goes on ...but finally does jesus come as a king to them????

    if you look at the bible in the books of Daniel, Revelation also Isaiah and Jeramiah you will see that the points aren't given directly but it refers to a present thing hapening but those are the prophesies.

    You will have to read the book called 'The doctrines of Christian Theology' where you get a good view about satan and much more theological views.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The sons of God that married the daughters of

    men were these of the righteous line coming out

    of Seth. Abel was killed by Cain. God gave to Eve

    another boy called Seth and from Seth came a

    righteous line and from Cain an unrighteous line.

    These sons of God coming from Seth got to flirting

    with the daughters coming from Cain and they

    looked good to them and they married

    whomsoever they would and corrupted the world

  • 1 decade ago

    The general Christian consensus is that these were 'fallen' angels. But, unlike most angels who 'fell' from (the third) heaven when they joined 'Lucifer's rebellion' against the Creator 'God', these angels 'fell' while they were 'on mission' from 'God' on the Earth. Since angels are spirit-soul beings who can have human bodies (only) when the Creator 'God' [YHVH elohim] creates them out-of-nothingness [ex nihilo] in perfect (handsome, tall, intelligent, and male-only) human form, they were 'handsome-hulks' with strong appeal! Since they also would have had 'free-will' as do all other angels (and humans) they also were 'free' to sin by lusting after human women (who would have been 'knock-outs' themselves!). The natural result would have been offspring who would have been "giants in the land" (both physically and mentally). As far as the sinning ('fallen') angels themselves, they would have had to remain in their human bodies (until natural death) without any hope of future salvation (going back to heaven), because salvation was only purchased for humans when (later) Y'shua HaMashiach ['Jesus' the 'Christ'] died at 'Calvary', resurrected 3 days later, and about 40 days still later ascended to (the third) heaven. His task of obtaining salvation for (potentially) all of mankind had been finished on the stake ('cross')!

    Source(s): Genesis 6 context, other Bible scriptures mentioning angels ('fallen' as well as 'unfallen'), other writings (ancient as well as modern) about human encounters with angels, plus my own experiences: as an experimental paraphysicist before my "Damascus Road" conversion experience, as well as prayer experiences since then as a 'born-anew' believer in YHVH elohim through Y'shua...
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  • Genesis? Mmm, one of the books written by Moses. How so? Moses was not even going to be born for thousands of years in the future! Nah! tell it like it is! Adam (a word meaning Mankind amongs other things) & Eve. (A word meaning mankind amongst other things) got together (no marriage) all offspring therefore illigitimate) Their Sons (mmm) produces offspring, (hold it right there, there are no females except Eve) so incest. Mmm, it gets more interesting as you go along.

  • 1 decade ago

    this will open a can of worms

    the sons of God mentioned here are the satanic beings that fell with satan.

    Sons of God refers to someone perfect the day they were created

    Adam was perfect before he fell

    Satan was perfect before he fell

    Modern Christians are perfected upon salvation. (yes we still sin but it is covered)

    i have heard preached that it was the unsaved line of Cain mixing with the saved line of Seth. and giants were born

    i know unsaved men married to saved women. their kids are not giants.

    study your scriptures and divide it rightly.

    for more evidence go to

  • 1 decade ago


  • Jaye16
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Hannah is correct.

  • 1 decade ago

    Dumb and Dumberer.

  • i believe it is written call no one father but he is everyonesx father

    Source(s): me
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