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rance42 asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Is the Health Care issue bashing bush or taking care of children?

Currently in America we have in place a health care system it is called SCHIPs, been in place for sometime and still one third of parents who are eligible for it or Medicare have not enrolled. Before we add a higher level of income to an existing program we need to insure that the current (poorest of the poor) children are covered. Are you interested in children or interested in bashing bush? I am for the children of this country and strongly believe that the House should play the most important part (both parities). They have districts, if they could go door to door to get votes and drive the poorest to the voting booths then by god they can do the same for the children in health care. They and their staff have plenty of time away from Washington to do just that, four weeks off for labor day would have been a perfect time.


I have no interest in why there was a veto, but I do have a genuine concern for children who need the care.

12 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Kudos DC!

    I read that 5.5 million children eligible for SCHIP are not signed up. I believe this should be a more important issue than raising the income and age of eligible children.

    Many people have let their hatred for one elected official cloud their critical thinking ability.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Wild is right on the money. This country is broke we can not continue giving everyone everything they can't afford.

    If on can't afford having or supporting children they shouldn't have them.

    Today we have over 300 millionpeople in this country but we can't afford to fix any problem just accommdate the problems.

    This country was built; infrastructure roads bridges, hospitals, water ways, railroad system, airports on less then 160 million people.

    Wildg is right our representatives everyday say the same thing we don't have the funds to fix it.

    Today we can't do anything but we are doing a great job bankrupt this country in proverty.

    We better stop dealing with the symptoms of issue and start dealing with the problems. Health care is a symptom not the problem. If we don't we are going to have a major revolution in this country and it isn't going to be pretty.

    We all know a car needs gas to run so if one can't afford gas they should be buying a car.

    Tax payers are getting fed up with all the money going to support other lazy a s s people and parents in our society. If one can't afford something don't have it. We need be start becoming a responsible society.

  • 5 years ago

    If it were, there certainly wouldn't be any facts to back up any allegations. ---- wayne (below) Your facts are not facts. They are baseless allegations. 1. He 'ignored warnings'? What exactly was the warning? have you read the report, show me a link that shows this warning that you are talking about. What about Clinton? He was offered Bin laden, then denied he was, then said, "I pleaded with Saudi Arabia to take him". That doesnt make sence. If he wasn't offered Osama, then why or how could he plead for saudi to take him? 2.Could you kindly show me when he did this, and where his 'own admission' is? Your lying. 3. What do you mean by tax breaks? Are you saying that if you make more money, you should have to pay a higher percent of your income toward taxes? 4. You just thought up a bunch of fake statistics didnt you? Show me something comparing your stats to the clinton administration. (I doubt you will or can) 5. "his closest friends"? Nice spin. What about whitewater with clinton? He was directly involved. Did you complain then, or are you a hypocrit? 6. How long has Halliburton been around? Did you know they got all the same type of contracts when Clinton was in office? Was clinton giving them to his good buddy Dick Cheney? There are not a lot of companies who can compete with them. So once again, another liberal spewing b.s. and calling them facts without anything to back them up. Show me something concrete if you can, or quit your Bush bashing.

  • 1 decade ago

    Be wise schips was to be funded by an increase in the cigarette tax. So with trying to get ride of all people from smoking cigarettes how would it be funded then? But this is another emotional issue raised to avoid the real issues . Like a country that's sold out all its production resources.

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  • Mutt
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    It's Bush-bashing. Bush did agree to an increase, just not as much as what the Dems wanted. He vetoed the bill because they wanted to add an ton of money to try to created a beginning to a national health care system.

    Bush even said he was willing to compromise and go higher than what he wanted. What did the Dems do? They bashed him more and tried to override his veto instead of trying to compromise.

  • 1 decade ago

    Current American women have become BREEDERS. They want to have children then they want the government to support them totally because they can't or think someone else should.

    Nobody gave my parents or us a dime to support use or our children and they now support themselves or do without.

    But, we have gone from volunteer benefits the employers give us to entice employee and HELP OUT to benefits after we retire to the government subsiding us with the rest. When will it stop? Somehow in your dreamworld you think the government prints money and we're rolling in it even though nothing works in this country anymore.

    Our infrastructure from bridges, roads, school, hospitals etc are falling apart and the last word out of our representatives mouths is "we don't have the funds to fix it" We are running out of water, heating cost going up and electric cost going up.

    But, be got billions to pay health care all children rich, poor illegals and children in other countries.

    If we can afford that lets go for it all. The governmnt should be paying rent/ mortgages, car payment and gas/diesel going up sure need that paid for. They should pay for our computers, phones ipod all the services we need to function everyday.

    For us that have already raised our children we have other things that need care for vet bills for dogs cats, birds horses.

    We own a ranch my vet bill other costs would stagger your imagination. Being we contribute to this society of yours I want all my cost paid for by the government. that fair isn't it?

    Don't forget vacations we need not just time off with pay were given by our employers we need plane tickets hotels, meals,car rental, forget that, I want a driver if the government is going to pay with MY TAX DOLLARS.

    If the government run short I'll give them your address being your such a generous person with MAY TAX DOLLARS. You should be honored to give up all you money, possessions everything you have with a big smile, right?

    That is a win win for both of us and everyone else don't you think? Or do you even have the ability to think?

    Oh!!! let me not forget being you are so generous with MY TAX DOLLARS with full health care for CHILDREN don't forget the adults who are the total supporters of your dreamworld society they for sure should get full complete FREE healthcare also don't you think?

    Now sit down, buckle up and lets see if we can get this GD dreamtrip of yours on the road.

  • 1 decade ago

    Bashing Bush! If democrats cared about children then abortion would not be legal.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No Schip just got vetoed and unless a compromise is reached it's not funded there bucko

  • 1 decade ago


    Why would the health care issue bash Bush.

    Now issues are Bush bashers.

    Man, some of you guys have a real poor me complex.

  • Brian
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    You fail to realize that the Democrats DO NOT care about the poor or children. They will use anyone to advance their political power..........

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